"Say your last prayer because now's your only chance." Henry chuckled and I shut my eyes, letting out a sharp exhale.
I heard him pull the slide back in the silentness of the night, the only other thing I could hear were my uneven breaths.
I heard the gun cock and the next thing I know is that I'm on the ground.
My head smashed against the brick wall causing me to grunt in pain and clutch my head. I opened my eyes, my arm that I fell on feeling numb. I was confused why my body wasn't raging with pain.
I pushed myself up so I was sitting, only to see a tall figure push Henry.
Derrick was about to charge at the new person but then stopped when the guy pulled out a gun of his own. He pointed his gun at Derrick while at the same time, he slowly bent down and grabbed Henry's gun that had fallen onto the ground.
I squinted my eyes trying to see who this person was but couldn't make it out as everything started to go blurry.
I couldn't see what happened next because I blacked out.
I opened my eyes, my head pounding in pain. I slowly sat up, trying to figure out where I was because my surroundings were not familiar at all.
I was in a room. A room that was not my motel room or any that I had seen before.
Just as I was about to get up and walk the hell out of this place, a figure walked in with a small towel in hand, drying their head.
"What the hell? Dean." I groaned, placing my head down in my hands. Of all people, it had to be him. He was the one who had saved my life.
I looked up to see Dean smile, his blue eyes lighting up with amusement as he ran the towel through his hair once more, water droplets flying around. I assumed he had just taken a shower so thank God he was wearing clothes.
"I should fix that, hold on a sec!" Dean jogged off from where he came from, I'm assuming the bathroom. I sat in confusion until he returned a minute later holding a first aid kit.
"That is a very bad scrape, let me help." He sat down at the edge of the bed beside me while I looked at him with the uttermost lost look. I honestly did not know what was going on right now or how I ended up here.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?" I screeched, flinching back from him (though it wasn't very useful because he was sitting right beside me on the bed) when he reached up and touched my face with a damp cloth.
"I'm playing doctor, what do you think I'm doing?" He rolled his eyes and lightly shoved my hand away, going back to dabbing the side of my forehead. I gave him an irritated look but was too confused and sore to argue so I let him bandage me up.
"What happened? And how am I here? Where did you even come from?!" Flustered and bewildered, I started bombarding him with multiple question.
He looked at me with a straight face, "Shut up for five minutes, will you?" He gave me a curt look with his eyebrows raised before going back to cleaning up the scrape I apparently had.
I clenched my jaw but decided to listen for once and shut up.
I watched his blue eyes trail over my forehead when I realized how God forsaken close our faces were which made me want to punch him but instead, I looked down at my lap and tried to ignore our proximity.
Dean licked his lips when he was finished as if he just painted a portrait, and then pulled back. "There we go," he said, looking over my now bandaged injury.
"Okay," I leaned back a bit, putting more space between us. "Will you tell me what happened now?"
"First of all, I don't even know your name." He smirked. I guess this is his way of taking advantage of the situation. "And shouldn't you be telling me what happened because I have a lot of questions, sunshine."
I narrowed my eyes at him, "Don't call me sunshine. And actually, I'd like you to fill me in because I am very fucking curious as to why I don't have a bullet through my head right now!" I nearly screamed the last part of my statement to him because I wanted to explode. Like, right now.
I know he was helping me and he had no reason to but I was annoyed, I was tired, I was confused and I was conflicted about what the hell happened and where Derrick and his boys were.
His eyes widened and he put his hands up in defence. He was surprised by my outburst since I was usually very monotone and dull. "Relax, okay."
"Don't tell me to relax, you-"
"Okay!" He exclaimed, shaking his head. "Question for question, deal?"
I sighed but nodded my head, wanting him to shut up with the nonsense and tell me what I needed to know. "What the hell happened?" I asked right away.
"I was coming back home from making a deal when I heard voices in the alley you were in. I stayed, eavesdropped a bit because I recognized your voice. I knew I would never get anything out of you yourself, willingly. Then, I jumped in and saved your life just when that douche was going to manslaughter you." He explained very nonchalantly.
"My turn." He cut me off. "Who were those guys?" He narrowed his eyes at me, now seeming serious and curious instead of simply amused.
"Old friends." I shrugged, avoiding eye contact. "I used to run with them, work with them here and there until they started taking things too far. They started their own little pack. What did you do to them when I blacked out?"
"They're dicks who I've run into a few times now so I would've shot them but I didn't. I didn't have time because I didn't know if you were dead or not." He smiled cheekily. "Threatened them, a couple of punches but that's it. Why are you in town?"
"Because it's what I do." I responded blandly. "Now, why did-"
"Nah-uh." He cut me off again, shaking his head. "I need a real answer."
I rolled my eyes. "It is what I do," I repeated, speaking with my eyes narrowed at him . "I never stay in one place because eventually the cops will catch up. It's called being on the run. Now, why'd you help me?"
"I don't have a reason, I just did and I'm not sure why either." He told me with a straight face making it obvious he meant what he was saying. "Why are you on the run?"
"Have been since as long as I could remember. It's a long story that you won't be hearing tonight." I said bluntly and wasn't planning on changing my answer because I meant it. i had no reason to go on and tell him my whole life story, I didn't know him. I knew he saved my life but that doesn't mean I trust him. "Where am I?"
"My house. How long are you staying here?" He tilted his head. Boy was cute, I had to admit.
I licked my lips that were starting to feel dry, "I don't know..." I shrugged. "I usually stay until I get bored. Usually I need to meet people, if not, I simply lay low. It depends what my reasons to be here are."
He nodded in response.
"Are you in some gang or is it just you?" I inquired. I wouldn't have expected him to be in any sort of gang when I first met him but the circumstances had changed. He had a gun, he saved my life, he wasn't afraid of facing Derrick and his crew, he could fight.
"No gangs around here specifically, just some groups of people who run together for small deals sometimes. It's just me, sometimes with some buddies if I need the extra backup. Nothing super big or intense." He explained easily, not seeming very affected by this conversation. I guess he wasn't just a normal guy. "What exactly do you do?" Now he narrowed his eyes at me.
I shrugged nonchalantly, "Deal, grand theft auto, theft, vandalism, credit card fraud, forgery, weapon possession, identity theft and occasional fights."
Dean looked at me wide with eyes and opened his mouth to speak but I beat him to it, "Do you have any pain killers because I feel like my limbs are about to explode." I gave him an innocent smile.
He simply shut his mouth and nodded before standing up and leaving with the first kit. He then returned with water and pills.
"Please tell me this is Morphine or Oxy." I looked at him, a soft look on my face. He knew a bit about me, I knew a bit about him so I wasn't afraid to conceal certain aspects of myself from him.
He chuckled lightly, "Percocet, don't worry." I nodded and took the water and pill from him and then watched as he awkwardly stepped here and there, not knowing what to do.
Then I realized what a bloody idiot I was.
"Uh... thanks." I slowly started getting out of his bed causing him to look at me in confusion. "You saved my life, I owe you one. I should go now." I started putting my shoes on when he stopped me.
"It's almost 5am," He gave me an 'are-you-dumb' look. "I have this whole place to myself. I gave you painkillers earlier too when I brought you here so the drowsiness will hit you soon enough. Just leave in the morning." He spoke bluntly, not any sign of a single emotion in his voice.
I looked down at the ground and debated for a second before looking back at Dean and nodding, "Only because I don't want to walk in the streets when I'm in the middle of nowhere."
It was true, I didn't know where I was. Considering the fact that Derrick and his crew were still alive, they would definitely be looking for me. Also, Dean was right about the painkillers making me drowsy.
I didn't trust Dean but I also didn't think he'd kill me. At least not tonight.
Dean smirked in satisfaction, "Well, goodnight." He started walking to the door and was about to leave when I spoke again.
He turned around and gave me a dumbfounded look, furrowing his eyebrows together.
"Hi, I'm Elettra."
A smile grew and grew on his face until you could see his pearly white teeth peeking out.
"Elettra," He spoke, as if he were seeing how it would sound rolling off his tongue. He nodded, looked down, smiled, looked back to me and then turned and left the room.