As Nova kept running, she could feel herself drift into the abyss. Frivolously, she shook her head and staggered as she ran.
No stopping! Not today! Not now! She affirmed.
Finally, she saw a glimmer of light coming ahead from a cave. The cave was supposed to be what was marked on the map.
"She's got away!" one of the hunters slurred still far behind her.
“The cave!!!” one yelled, “She’s heading to the cave!”
She could hear the hunters shout behind her with their footsteps getting louder with every move.
Just when she thought she was going to collapse from exhaustion, that glimpse of light from the cave gave her hope. She followed the light.
Suddenly, She approached the cave and leaped into it. There were different pathways. She quickly chose the right path. It was like a maze.
Going deeper, her eyes scanned for any sign of what she was looking for. The hunters' voices echoed as they chose the left path. And then, she saw it. What she was looking for! It was a bag. Inside it were the clothes she would use to disguise as Ryker claimed.
Soon after, she heard some voices coming closer. It belonged to the hunters!
“ I don't think she went down there !” One said.
“Let's just be sure” replied another, as they got closer
Not a moment to spare, Nova quickly transformed into human form and grabbed the white flowy gown and veil, slipping them on. Then, she pretended to have dropped her bag as the hunters suddenly came into view. She had turned into a woman.
Seeing them with their arrows ready to shoot. She immediately screamed.
“Didn't mean to startle you, miss,” one apologized as he tried to hide the bow and arrow.
“ What are you doing out here? Miss” the other spoke gently.
“I came because I thought I'd be alone,” she replied, then frowning. “A lady needs her privacy, doesn't she?”
Immediately, Their faces twisted with embarrassment. "Miss, sorry, but you have to be careful around these parts," one of the hunters said, looking at her with concern. "There's a wild wolf on the loose."
“A wolf?” She exclaimed, “I'd best be on my way, then.” She arranged her bag.
“Be careful, miss” they chorused.
Knowing fully well that she was the wolf! The very danger these men spoke about. She blushed and nodded, trying to look as innocent and harmless as possible."Thank you, kind sirs," she said. "I'll be careful."
The hunters looked at each other as Nova walked past them. She had done it! She was leaving unscathed! And then “miss!” She heard them call out.
She froze!
Had they recognized her? Panic began to set in as she prepared her mind in case of an attack. Later, She heard one say "Would you like a ride into town? Or wherever it is you're headed?" one of them asked. "It's not safe for a young beautiful woman such as yourself to be walking alone in the forest."
Nova's eyes widened in surprise, then she blushed. With all this commotion, she couldn't remember the last time anyone called her miss or, let alone beautiful. It felt nice to be treated with such respect and kindness. She felt flattered "Thank you, that's very kind of you, sirs" she said while trying to sound grateful and innocent.
Nearly collapsing as she took another step
"Easy there ma’am, let me help you," one of the hunters said, offering Nova his hand.
Nova took it trying not to laugh at the absurdity of the situation. She had never been offered a hand before, not from the opposite gender. “Thank you,” she said with gratitude.
They walked together towards the entrance of the cave and stopped once they were out.
“Thank you, I'll be out of your hair now,” she said, letting go of the man's hand.
“Miss, we have a wagon just up ahead,” said the man, pointing in a direction.
Nova could feel her heartbeat rise because when they were chasing her, she didn't see anything for miles, just trees, no wagon in sight. She began to be skeptical.
Maybe the men had finally recognized her and wanted to lure her back into the cage.
“Miss?” the man said, looking at her and waiting for a reply.
“Don't bother, kind sir” she replied, walking away
“I wasn't asking!” The man said his voice was deep and harsh.“I insist!”
She abruptly stopped.
Immediately, Her world came crashing down. They've recognized me! They are going to kill me? She panicked, unable to process her thoughts, she collapsed.
It was over! She thought, and then her eyes were finally closed.
Suddenly, her eyes opened as she felt a gallop. She sat up, examining her surroundings. “ Where am I?” she thought aloud.
“You're on our wagon, missus,” a voice she hadn't heard before replied. She was startled.
“What happened?” she asked.
“You fainted, miss” she heard the familiar voice that had helped her out of the cave “You were lucky miss, that we had been there the Moment it happened”
She was on the hunters wagon, and they weren't attacking her. Instead, they were helping her. She still couldn't stop thinking about how strange the circumstances felt.
Earlier today, she was running for dear life, and the next, she was accepting a ride from the very people who had been chasing her. The hunters!
"Where are you headed, miss?" the hunter asked her.
Quickly, she thought about her sister.
"To Lockwood, I'm on my way to see my sister," Nova replied, trying to sound innocent. “ You can drop me when we enter town”
“Okay, missus,” said one of them as he handed Nova a blanket to keep her warm.
Nova smiled and said, “Thanks,” still trying to play the part of the innocent maiden.
As they rode there was silence apart from the sound of the wagon and their horses galloping.
"What's your sister's name? Missus," the other broke the silence.
"Her name is... um... Lila," Nova replied, quickly trying to come up with a name.
"Lila, oh that's a pretty name," the hunter said. "Then, What's your name, missus?"
"My name is... Ophelia," Nova replied, trying to sound confident and innocent.
"Well, missus Ophelia, it's nice to meet you," the hunter said. "I'm Jack, and this is my old pal, Jerry."
Jerry spoke “Nice to meet you miss”
Nova smiled, "It's nice to meet you, Jack and Jerry." She replied
They rode through the forest in silence.
After a while, Jack broke the silence as he spoke up. "We're getting close to town, missus. Where would you like us to drop you off?"
Immediately, Nova thought about trying not to arouse their suspicions, but she also didn't want to go into town. "Um... I think I'll just get off here if that's okay," she asked.
Jack and Jerry exchanged glances. “ Miss, I thought you were going to visit your sister!” Jerry reminded her
She forced out a smile as they looked at her funny.
Maybe they had finally recognized her as the wolf! They were going to string her up! She's been compromised! She began to panic.