She was indeed gold in the midst of clay and that was why his tale had to end this way. Nothing beautiful can ever exis...
Welcome to bullied series, part 2. Thanks for tapping on this book.
With much hope and anticipation, I'm here to say it has officially begun ?
I wanted to use blues music for this entire book but unfortunately the past was filled with more love than hate ?? so the book goes on music-less but if you feel you have any song that suits the chapter please endeavor to comment.
I know I said I'll wait till I have at least nineteen chapters up but I swear I tried!! I was just too impatient... ?
It's finally completed and if you're reading this, then this book is undergoing editing or has already been edited. Please don't hesitate to point out errors and indicate suggestions.
Usual words. Please don't steal my work, blah blah blah.... I love you all for reading.
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