To an immortal, time is but a number. As such, highly ranked demons have no little to no interest in lowly-ranked members of their kind whose lifespan is over in the blink of an eye. Since years of exposure to tragedy gradually desensitizes a mere human, a demon whose base instinct is evil and has experienced unimaginable tragedy cannot be expected to fare any better. To them, emotions are dispensable because they have a time limit.
This knowledge makes Klade ecstatic, because his encounter with Pride will catapult him into the next level. When he was chosen for this mission, his family made arrangements for his funeral, as a demon of Pride’s calibre would only ever actively seek out a subordinate for two reasons- death or promotion. Getting promoted seemed to be the last thing that could happen to him, as the mission was a highly difficult one.
A portal opens. Pride’s voice is heard on the other side. “Step forward Klade Gregor, of the House of Gregor.”
As Klade steps forward, his other team members look on in envy. This could have been their time to shine, but they prioritized their survival over the mission and missed out on its rewards. The portal closes immediately he enters, but the other demons remain as they are, afraid of incurring their ancestor’s wrath.
When Klade opens his eyes, he is in a magnificent hall, with all sorts of accessories hanging around. Awed by the resplendence of the hall, he is tempted to move closer and touch a nearby candelabra. Before he takes a step forward, however, he comes back to his senses. “What if this is a test? What sensible guest would go around touching things indiscriminately, just because he is alone? This is my ancestor’s house- I must be more respectful.”
After five minutes, the environment changes and he finds himself in a courtyard where Pride and a young demon are seated. Only then does he realise that the former scenery was an illusion.
“A true demon of pride is not swayed by anything. Had you as much as taken a step forward, your soul would have been reduced to fine dust. Even the water of the Eternal River of Reincarnation would be unable to successfully heal the injury to your True Soul. You’d be eternally reborn with a scarred True Soul and mediocre potential.”
Klade remains calm at his ancestor’s words, but the horror in his eyes is barely concealed. The blessing of a high-ranked demon is a double-edged sword, as the definition of a reward depends on the mood of the demon. He can only blame himself for being obvious enough to catch their attention.
“Step forward, warrior. Step forward to receive your blessing.”
Klade moves forward with heavy steps, trying his best to not let fear get the better of him. Defying his ancestor’s orders would result in inevitable doom- he is certain that he won’t even understand when or how he died. He adopts a half-kneeling posture, as tradition demands.
“On this day, with the essence that forms the very core of my being, I bestow my blessing upon you. I grant you a qualitative increase in rank, status and power. You will always be unequalled amongst many others. Rise, my warrior and heed my will. For my will is law.”
Klade stands on his feet, eyes gleaming with a new light. He immediately responds to Pride. “My life is yours, my lord. I seek to please my ancestor alone.”
“I have just one mission for you. One mission and no more.” Prides clears his throat loudly before continuing. “I would ordinarily not be bothered to explain the details to you, but I doubt that anyone else would be able to properly convey what I have in mind other than myself.”
“This mission is one that requires extreme concentration and determination. If the assignment is compromised in any way, you’d better extinguish your True Soul immediately, because it will be child’s play compared to the ‘reward’ that awaits you.
Generals have killed and are still killing to be given this mission. Marquis demons have repeatedly offered me their True Soul. Even Andromeda and Belial[ Andromeda and Belial are fallen angels, a powerful class of demons.] agreed to eternally remain in my debt if I gave them this task. I am not saying this to frighten you, but to help you realize how special you are.”
Pride pauses his speech to let his words sink in. The lower-ranked demon, on the other hand, remains silent, but only for a while. “I accept the assignment, my lord.”
“This mission is the epitome of grave danger. There can be no hesitation in the discharge of your duties at all. Accepting this assignment will cause you to step on many toes- you’d probably be hated by almost everyone. Many demons will be closely watching from the shadows, waiting for an opportune moment to strike. And they will not show mercy. They will not hesitate to kick you when you are down. Knowing all this, do you still accept the mission?”
“My lord, my mentor used to say something, like a song on repeat. The greatest dangers lurk within immense success. You would not have chosen me if you did not consider me worthy. It is left for me to prove my worth to anyone who thinks otherwise.”
Pride nods his head at the lesser demon’s words, clearly impressed.
“The way of pride is a crooked one, and only those who remain true to themselves walk it to the very end. Who is this mentor of yours?”
“Oliver Denarius, my lord. Permit me to mention that he is deceased.”
“Wise demons die too soon, leaving only featherbrained retards who think themselves to be wise. They are indeed the biggest fools. Turn around, boy. Let him see your face.”
The young demon turns around to reveal stunning features, leaving Klade dumbstruck. But the next words that come out of Pride’s mouth are even more shocking.
“Meet Travis, my son, and your new assignment.”