I waited patiently until the doctor returned. I was going to inform her about my decision.
I tried to think of ways to get away from Paul without him noticing. I tried different ways in my head, but everything ended with me in the hospital with broken bones. I gave up and decided to take a nap.
I was woken up by a gentle tap on my hand. I opened my eyes, and greeted with a pair of big brown eyes.
I sat up abruptly due to the shock and I winced in pain. Pain sliced through me like a sword.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." The owner of the eyes said. She was a woman, probably in her late thirties. She had short hair that was dyed blue.
"How can I help you?" I asked defensively.
"I'm Clarissa's younger sister, Clara." She introduced herself and stretched out her hands for a handshake.
I studied her warily, looking between her eyes and hands.
"Who is Charissa?"
She was about to answer but was cut off by the sound of the door. The doctor walked in with a smile on her face.
"I see that you two have met," she said with a smile.
"We have, and I don't think she knows who you are." Clara said it good naturedly.
"She said she's Clarissa's younger sister; who is Clarissa? The name doesn't ring a bell." I asked
"I'm Clarissa." The doctor replied with a smile.
"She is the one I was telling you about, from Alabama. She needs an extra pair of hands." She continued.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know. Sorry for being rude. I quickly apologized.
"It's fine; I would have done the same. I'm the one at fault. Acting like a creep and all." Clara laughed.
"Have you made up your mind?" Clarissa asked, and I nodded in response.
"That's great, so what's your decision?"
"I'll leave him." I replied
"Oh, Jane. That is great news. You made the right choice, both for yourself and for your baby." Clarissa held my hands and smiled.
"I'm sorry but I already told Clara everything. The whole story, that's why she's here now. She wants to meet another survivor." Clarissa explained.
"It's fine, how did she get here from Alabama so fast?" I asked, confused.
"Oh, she was already here. She came here for a visit, that's how I found out about the job offer." Clarissa replied
"So, what do you say? Will you take the offer?" Clara asked.
"It's very generous of you to offer but I can't impose on you like that." I started
"You're not imposing or anything. You're not going to be a burden. I need the help and you also need the job. It's a win-win, you get what you need and I also gain from it." Clara encouraged
"But I...."
"But nothing, think about your baby." Clarissa cut in.
"How far gone am I?" I asked
"From the test we did, you're six weeks pregnant." She replied.
That's strange, because I had my period last month. I brushed off the thought and focused on what she said.
A tiny human has been growing inside me for six weeks, enduring all the pain and trauma I experienced.
"I'll take it." I said and placed a hand on my belly.
"Alright, I'll write a few prescription for you and you're good to go." Clarissa said with a smile, as she squeezed my hands and walked out.
"Do you have any clothes with you? We're leaving soon." Clara asked
"I don't have any... We're leaving soon? I don't understand."
"Yes, we'll leave when Clarissa comes back with the drugs."
"Oh, um, can I at least say goodbye to my family first?" I asked
"Sure, it's not like I'm kidnapping you." Clara laughed.
I thought about how to explain my escape to my family, but I didn't come up with anything good. My mother would call me crazy and ask me to go back to my husband.
The only person who would understand is Emily, my best friend. She had always hated Paul; she cut off ties with me because I refused to leave him. I don't know where she is now or how to contact her.
Clarissa came back with a paper bag; she handed it to me and sat at the edge of the bed.
"There are some drugs for you; their prescriptions are inside too. Don't worry about the hospital bill; I'll settle that. Just take care of yourself and your baby." Clarissa said
"I can't accept it; that's too much. Why are you so good to me?"
"Because you deserve it." She replied simply.
"I'll pay you back one day, I promise." I said it tearfully. No one has been that nice to me.
"Don't worry about it; just be good. We women need to stick together."
"Okay, okay. Don't get all teary on me right now. Pack your stuff; we should go."
Clara and Clarissa helped me up, and we walked out of the hospital together. They help me get into Clara's car.
"Bye, stay safe. I'm calling you later to check on you." Clarissa said to me:.
"Thank you everything." I replied and hugged her.
"My pleasure"
"Keep her off her feet till she feels better." Clarissa said to Clara and broke off the hug.
"Trust me," Clara said and waved at her.
"Ready?" She asked me.
"Yeah," I replied.
Clara nodded and drove off, I looked behind and saw Clarissa waving at the car.
"Ever been to Alabama?" Clara asked.
"I've never been out of New Orleans." I replied bashfully.
"Shut up! Tell me you're joking." Clara joked.
"I'm serious; I've always wanted to travel, but I didn't have the opportunity. I thought I would go on shows with Paul when he makes it big, but that never happened." I said, looking out the window.
With that, Clara went silent, leaving me alone with my thoughts. We drove for a while, then finally got to a sign post.
It said, "Welcome to Alabama."