'He's checking me out' I shouted in my head. I had just opened my eyes after some time, to casually see who had occupied the seat beside me. That's when I saw someone, a man, eyeing my clothes very strangely. I had almost shouted then and there, but looking at the man properly he looked oddly familiar, and that's when he finally raised his head and then I saw his eyes. It was the same watery blue eyes that I had just thinking about as I listened to my songs, the same eyes I saw for the first time this morning, and as I came back to my self, I remembered whose eyes they were, they were the eyes of Mr. Marcus, our new manager. I suddenly blushed and smiled at him, because I really didn't know what other expression to make at this point, especially having surprisingly realized that I had no bad feelings on discovering that he was the one checking me out.
I could see that he was a bit embarrassed at being caught looking and than made me smile even more.
"Good Evening, sir, what a surprise seeing you here" I said.
Smiling in a somewhat embarrassed manner he replied,
"err, miss Monica Good evening too, I just left the office not too long ago, and I needed to get home, so I caught the bus"
"ohh" I said
"well, I went to the nearby park for some minutes, I find that it helps me relax after a stressful work day", I then asked him;
"do you live around the area?"
"No" he said
"just somewhere around Queens"
I could see that he was being intentionally vague about where he lived, so I just dropped the topic.
Adjusting himself slightly in his seat, he tilted towards me slightly again and asked, "Do you by any chance have a sister?"
"what??" I said,
while wondering what sort of pick up line this was.
Maybe he understood the look I was beginning to give him or he really didn't want to be misunderstood at all, he added;
"I once knew a lady that looked just like you, sorry for asking, its just that you both look too similar"
"no, I have no sister, only a brother" I said, while giving him an odd look.
He nodded, responding with a low "Okay"
then he sank into his seat, saying nothing further.
Thanks or no thanks to him, I could no longer concentrate on listening to music, so I just looked out the window.
I got off the bus before him, and saying good bye to him for the second time that day, I began walking home.
'Great' , I thought, while frowning a bit
'just great Marcus, now she probably thinks you're some pervert, with the way you were ogling her just then'
Miss Monica had just left the bus not too long ago after we exchanged our good byes, we had both been silent for a while and the silence was very heavy, at least for me, but I didn't know anything else to say, so I just didn't say anything at all.
"Who's getting off at Queens!" shouted the driver, I quickly stood up and made my way to the door, smiling apologetically to the him, because I knew the shout was especially for me, for I had informed him prior to finding a seat when I had entered the bus earlier, I stepped off the bus.
I hadn't lied to the woman, I did live at Queens, at the Great view hotel, at least until I could find better lodgings. It was almost six pm and the evening air was a bit humid, I looked up at the sign post standing at the junction and then followed the one that read 'Great View Hotel' on it, it pointed left.
On getting to the hotel, I entered and cued up to meet the fiery looking receptionist at the front counter. The place was bustling for there were still two people before me that had yet to meet the woman, so I had to wait. While waiting, I looked around a bit. The lobby had dark marble for its floor, a sitting area nearby, and most eye catching of all, a massive flat screen TV, which I could see was detailing on the news of the hour. The lady receptionist thankfully worked quickly, and it was my turn not too long later.
"Good Evening sir, how my I help you?" she asked,
Smiling a bit I replied,
" Evening, I had someone book a room for me earlier today, but the key was left here because I was not nearby".
"What's your name sir?"
"Marcus Uche" I answered.
Nodding she began working on her computer, I assume she was searching for my details. A few seconds later she she called out my name and gave me a good look, I knew that she was probably confirming my identity, she then passed me the keyboard, on which I typed in the password that was used to protect the key.
A minute later, I was looking up at my room number that read 272,
"what a day" I exclaimed,
shaking my head a bit, I put it down, opened the door and went inside.
"What my impression of him is?, hmmmm.. well I would say, he thinks very highly of himself, he is a bit rude and manageably handsome"
"oooohh!" Meagan exclaimed
"This is a first, how good does he look, to be rated manageable huhh?"
I was seated on my bed, partially reclining on my two fluffed up, blue covered pillows. It was a few minutes after nine, and I was just about done with my house chores, feeling a bit bored I decided to call Meagan, and as it turned out she had been waiting for my call all day, I was the one that usually called her, we had decided on this a while back, because if the decision was left for her to make, my phone might never rest at all, especially now that she was heavily pregnant and couldn't move around as much anymore.
She had from God knows where, found out what happened at the company today, probably fron Eva, I thought, they both were core gossips. And so as soon as she picked up the phone, she didn't evem bother asking me about my day, it was, 'how tall was he? how was his skin? Was he handsome?.
I had asked her if her husband wasn't handsome enough for her, to which she answered proudly that;
' one didn't stop admiring other colours because he or she only liked one of them' so, speechless as I was, I began answering her questions.
"You didn't here the rude part or the high opinion part, did you" I replied in an exasperated tone.
She laughed and said;
"Nope, I heard handsome and I like handsome, especially the kind that you actually recognise."
I Smiled wryly,
"okay then, leave that , what do you think about what Mr. Harris has done? do you know any thing that I don't?"
"Again, nope, I'm still as clueless as you are on all this, the Local 6 o'clock evening News covered it, calling it an 'Administrator eloping from his duties' , according to them, he was spotted leaving the state border in a car bound for the North, probably going towards Canada. Any way who cares, every one has a right to make their decisions, even if it is a bit odd at times".
I yawned and then replied
"yea, I guess, so how was your day?"
Scoffing she answered
"not as eventful as yours I suppose, but very tiring, I don't understand why he can't understand that his mom's stomach isn't a ball"
I broke out laughing,
"we are talking about the unborn baby right?"
"of course" she said, absolutely proud of that she was berating an unborn baby
"did you tell Matt?"
"so he can do what? He will just start bothering me again" she countered
"OK, if you say so" i said
"Don't worry, if any thing serious happens, It will be all on him in a jiffy, he is being a great husband though "
"alright Meagan, it's your choice, I have to get some sleep now, I don't think tomorrow's work will be any better than today's, bye"
"Okay, good night dear, a handsome dream awaits you~"
"what are you..." I stopped because I realised that she had already cut the call.
'This hooligan' I thought
Turning on an alarm for the next morning, I Placed the phone on the bedside table, stretching my right arm, I turned off the lights, I had to get some sleep, my gut feeling was that tomorrow would be a hectic one.
I sighed and closed my eyes and again I saw those very same blue eyes,
'yes' I thought
'tomorrow was going to be a hell of a day'.