Katie POV.
Three hundred years later, it's been over three hundred years, I'm a big and badass vampire now, well most days I'm one but on others, I'm feeling very small and I'm mommy's little baby, I'm still a student still. The only reason why I still attend the school is the small dream and hope of getting a daddy of my own, I help the teachers, and I help the new humans and new littles fall into their headspace, it's a daycare for me.
"I don't wanna go," I whined again, I didn't want to go to school, not this morning, I'm not feeling very well.
"Why not Kitkat? We talked about this, you can't stay back, Mommy is really busy this week, and she can't take days off, but I promise, when all of this is done, we're going on a vacation," Evelyn, my mommy says promising me a vacation, we're travelling the whole world around, just one country at a time, we have time and we're enjoying it.
"I have a bad tummy ache," I lied, I don't get tummy aches, maybe when I was younger but now I don't, I'm much bigger now, and I don't get hurt or feel the pain as often as I used to, I can break a bone and it'll heal in days.
"Do you have a fever too? Do I need to check?" she asks me with a smirk, that was a threat, I'm a little meaning I get treated like a baby, my temperature is taken via my bottom instead of my mouth and that's very icky and I hate it, especially when I'm really sick.
"I can go to aunty Wolf," I offer mommy, aunty Wolf...she's just aunty Wolf, she got three littles, I mean three brats that she adores, but she doesn't mind working as babysitter whenever it's needed.
"You can go to class with me," she offers me, going to class with her would be much easier than going to mine.
"Fine, but me no happy," I warn her and she laughs at me.
"Noted baby, you're not too happy about going to class," Mommy says helping me get dressed for the day, when we're at school I wear my uniform, but I have a ton of other outdoor clothes that I get to change into on weekends and vacations.
Since I whined and cried this morning, we didn't have enough time to eat breakfast in our apartment before joining the rest of the school, instead, we had to run downstairs and eat breakfast with everyone else, I saw some new students and some old ones, some vampires have been here as long as me.
The new ones are very easy to spot, they have this worried and scared look, looking at everyone as if they're about to eat them, while the old students are looking at them like if they're a snack they want to eat, so maybe the fear had it's place.
We got our breakfast and took a seat at the teacher's table, maybe that's why the new students don't like me much, they think I'm a teacher's pet, or maybe a snitch, most of them avoid me, and since they are mean, I avoid them as well.
"Did you hear the news?" Blair asks looking at mommy with a smile, Blair is everyone's friend, she's a littles teacher and she acts like one often making the other teacher feel the urge to keep her safe and protected although she's a mommy dom, a very soft one.
"Which one of those?" Mommy asks while I paid attention, I loved hearing the rumours and news, some come true and others were just entertaining.
"William is coming over to the school," Blair says making some kind of dreamy eyes, I'm still terrified of William, but I'm listening.
"What for? The school is under Logan's authority," mommy answers her with a shrug.
"He's having another campaign for the school, he's coming over to take pictures," Sir Nicholas says and we laughed, William wasn't very democratic, he's the one in charge, he's been one since the day they took over.
"I heard they're going to start the rule of forcing people to come," I say, I hear rumours from the students as well, and some of them are interesting.
"He doesn't want to do that, hence the campaign, are you okay with him coming Eve?" Sir Nicholas asks my mommy and I turned to her with confusion, why won't she be okay? Is she afraid of William as well, I don't mind hiding if she's in.
"I have promised my baby to take her on a vacation," Mommy answers.
"Would that vacation be on the days he's coming?" Blair says laughing.
"If the rumours are true, you know that's what's going to happen," Mommy says, so she too hates William, yay!
"Come on, we need to get going," Blair says getting up and walking toward her students reminding them to put their trays away and showing them which way is their class.
"Come on baby, let's go," Mommy says holding my hand and walking me toward her class, she teaches doms, new doms mostly and not just daddies and mommies.
"What class are you teaching today?" I ask her, taking a seat in her place, she never sits while teaching, she's mostly standing or walking between her students, which leaves me her chair to sit on through the whole class.
"Code green," she answers me, those are nice codes, they like calling me kitten, and they pet my head and give me treats. I think they believe that I'm a cat, but that's fine, as long as I get my treats and sweets.
"Oh yay! Can I sit between your students?" I ask her now, I don't want to be away, I can't get treats this far away.
"They are first-year students, you're staying away from them," she says, first years aren't very good with any kind of submissives, they are too eager, and they would hurt us without knowing.
"Okay," I say with a sigh, although I didn't like it, but first-year don't have treats for me usually.
"Come in class, take a seat," she says ordering everyone to sit down, but some of the doms walking in stopped and looked at me with big wide eyes.
"Oh my god, she's adorable, can I touch her?" a guy says and I roll my eyes at him, that's why I don't like first-year students, they don't even look at me as a cat, they think I'm a toy that they can touch.
"To your seat, quickly," mommy scolded him in her firmest voice, she usually shows them who's the boss on the first day, but after that, she's much nicer and easier to deal with.
"Why is a blue sitting in a green class, I thought we were not the same thing," another student asks and mommy gives him the side look, the shut up look.
"The next person that would talk without my permission I will spank them," she warns and I giggled, I loved that warning, it gets the students every time, the look on their faces, we should take a picture and show it to them on the day they graduate.
A girl raised her hand, looking visibly pale, she wasn't a fan of the spanking idea, I hoped mommy did spank her, that would be very funny to see, good thing I didn't skip today, newcomers are always fun.
"Yes?" Mommy says, there goes the chance of me seeing her spanking someone, anyone but me.
"I'm sorry miss, but you're not serious right?" the girl asks.
"I'm very serious, every dom in this school tries a spanking at least once, you should know what the punishment you're dishing tastes like," she says, wow, was she spanked before? She never told me so, now that she got everyone to shut up, and pay her attention she started her class.
"My name is Miss Evelyn, I'm a mommy dom, and before you all start, I know you're all green, you're all masters, and I respect that, but I'm here to teach you the fundament of being a dom, this is my little one, her name is Katie, you'll see her often, she likes to sit with us during our classes, ignore her, and don't you dare give her any kind of candy," mommy warns.
"Hey!" I object, I loved the green classes because of the candy.
"Now eyes on me, let's start our class, is everyone here a vampire?" she asks them, some come as vampires, and others are humans until the teachers decide it's time to shift them, unless they refuse and want to live a short human life, we're not that bad. Most of the class was vampires, the ones who are born as vampires mostly end up as dominant, but that's not always the rule.
"Every dom should know, feel and experience everything they put their submissive into," she starts explaining.
"If you don't like it, then you shouldn't expect them to like it either," she says.
"Is that why you threatened to spank us?" a student asks.
"No, I threatened because I can't wait to do it, let's just pray that she won't be here when that day comes," she says pointing to me with a smile.
"I nu mind watching," I assure her that she can do it with me around.
"Miss, does that mean you've been spanked before?" another student asks with a smirk thinking they offended mommy.
"Oh honey, I have more kinks than I'm willing to tell," she answers with a wink.
"Wow," the same student says.
"Miss, how can I be like you?" a girl asks, but they can't she's too awesome.
"It takes ages to become me, but for now, let's work on making you the best version of a dom you can be," she says with a big smile on her face, and just like that she won the entire class, every word she said was met with nods and a lot of concentration, the whole class wanted to learn from Miss Evelyn, because she's the coolest mommy dom ever.