« Keep up the good work. » He smiled as he patted me on my back. He smirked as he saw me flinch when he touched me. « What a loser. »
I glared at his back as he walked away. Oh, how I just wanted to take this bowl and throw it at his gigantic head. His ego made it a pretty big target. You couldn’t miss it even if you tried. One day Athena. One day you can take something and throw it at him. Maybe it’ll even be a knife ?
« Hi, baby ! »
I cringed as I heard Megan’s high pitched voice ring through the pack house.
« Hey. » He smiled as he pulled her into a hug.
I think I’m going to throw up.
« Are you ready to go ? » He asked as he rested his hands on her butt.
Umm ew !
« Yeah. I need to do something real quick. » She winked at him before she started walking my way.
I gulped as I saw the look in her eye.
« I need you to clean this cup. » She smiled innocently, but that look went away as she peered inside. « Oh my. There’s still some milk left in here. »
I gasped and jumped back as she spilled the rest of her milk on my head.
Alpha Rick was holding onto the island so he wouldn’t fall over from laughing so hard.
Megan laughed and dropped the cup on the ground. « Oops. My bad. »
It took everything in me to not cry right there.
« Oh my gosh, babe ! » Alpha Rick laughed as he wiped a tear. « That was great. »
Megan winked at me before turning around and skipping over to him. « Now we can go. »
« Did you see her face ? » Alpha Rick asked as he put his arm around her.
« Yes ! » She yelled laughing as they walked off. « It looked like she was about to cry ! That’s what I was going for. »
I waited until they walked out the front door before I let the tears fall. I felt myself drop to my knees and put my head in my hands. Then the tears really came. And they came hard.
‘Athena. I-‘ Artemis started to speak but I cut her off.
‘Don’t. Just, please. Don’t.’ I hiccupped as I cried harder.
I knew she wanted to say more, but I was glad that she respected my wishes when I felt her return to the back of my mind.
I just wanted to be alone right now.
« Of fucking course. » I mumbled to myself as Janus, my royal Third, handed me the new report.
My borders keep getting breached by these stupid rogues and I don’t know how. You would think that since I’m the Alpha King, I would have a strong defense along my borders. But apparently not.
I felt a small growl go through my body as I took my glasses off and ran a hand through my short, black hair.
« Don’t get too worked up about it. » Janus said quickly.
« These rogues are interfering with everything. » I growled as I slammed my fists down on my desk.
« Ares, you need to relax. » Apollo, my royal Beta, sighed as he rubbed his forehead.
« Don’t tell me to calm down. »
« I didn’t. I said to relax. » He laughed.
I rolled my eyes. « That’s basically the same thing. »
« I swear you two are secretly brothers. » Janus laughed.
« That’s because we are. » Apollo smiled as he threw his arm around my shoulders. « Well not by blood. But you know what I mean. »
« You’re touching me. » I said blankly at him.
« So ? » Apollo said confused.
« I don’t like being touched. » I mumbled as I picked up his finger and took his arm off of me.
« Your name should have been Oscar. » Apollo said as he crossed his arms over his chest.
« Why ? » I asked as I walked to my window and looked across the garden.
« Because you’re always grouchy. »
As I turned around, I saw Janus trying to keep a straight face. But he failing miserably at it.
I let out a small chuckle. « I know, I’m sorry. It’s just the rogues keep pushing these days back. I need to go check on the neighboring packs. »
« Oh please. » Janus laughed. « You only like doing that because you hope to find your mate. »
« Can you blame me ? » I asked with a sigh as I looked back out into the garden. I smiled as I saw one of the helpers watering the rose bushes. White roses are my favorite. « I’m 23 years old. I’ve been looking for her ever since my 17th birthday. I know she’s out there. Zeus can feel her. She’s close. »
« And you will find her. » Apollo smiled as he rested his hand on my shoulder. « Just give it time. Your mother would yell at you for stressing about it so much. »
I laughed. « You’re right. She would be lecturing me right now. I never thought I would miss that so much. »
« I know man. But her and your father are smiling down at you right now. Probably shaking their heads at you because you’re stressing about it. »
« So with that being said. » Janus started as he walked over to us. « Let’s go deal with these rogues so we can get back to traveling to the neighboring packs. »
« Sounds like a plan to me. » Apollo smiled.
« Thank you guys. Truly. Thank you. » I smiled gratefully.
Janus waved me off. « Don’t worry about it. That’s what brothers are for. »
I nodded as I followed them both out of my office. I’m so glad that I have these two. I don’t know what I would do without them. Who cares if we aren’t blood related ? We are brothers by heart and that’s all that matters.
I growled as my alarm clock went off. It was the same damn routine every day and I was growing tired of it.
‘Maybe today will be different ?’ I thought to myself as I started to get dressed.
‘Happy birthday !’ Artemis howled.
‘Thank you !’ I smiled. I’m so thankful for Artemis, she’s the only one who wishes me a happy birthday. Well, the other members do too, but it’s usually after they punch me in the face. It’s always a fun way to start off the day if you can’t tell.
‘Hurry up Athena ! We have to look cute today !’
I chuckled at her enthusiasm. ‘Aren’t you the one who told me not to get too excited because finding your mate on the day of your birthday was very rare ?’