"Come with me!" An angry Mel grabbed Glenn's wrist and dashed out of the cafe.
"Don't create a scene, Mel!" Glenn spoke in a warning tone.
"If I were you, I would have kept quiet and do as told." Mel spoke in a dangerously low yet firm
tone that caught Glenn off guard.
Glenn tried to stop walking and Mel immediately turned to face him and moved his face forward.
Mel's lips were close to Glenn's ears and he slowly whispered.
"You want me to punish you here, in front of everyone? I don't think you would want it, so keep
quiet and walk." Mel said.
On seeing Glenn turn red and more reluctance from him, Mel dragged him into the Janitor's
Mel got into the room and pushed Glenn in. Glenn's back hit the metallic cupboard and he
slightly winced.
"What do you think you were doing?" Mel asked.
"I didn't do anything!" Glenn huffed.
"Don't use that tone with me, Glenn! Why were you flirting with the girl?" Mel shouted.
"I am not obliged to be yours! I can flirt with anyone I want." Glenn shouted back.
"Glenn, I am warning you to be respectful towards me or I will seriously not be able to control
myself." Mel warned him.
"I don't care about you! Let me go." Glenn was about to walk past Mel before Mel pressed him
onto the cupboard.
"I will teach you to be mine!"
Mel pressed his lips onto Glenn's plumb ones. The kiss was rough and punishing.
Mel bruised his lips and Glenn tried to push against the heavy body but Mel was much stronger.
All Glenn could do as whimper silently into the kiss.
Glenn kissed back after a while and shut his eyes. It was as if his body had a mind of its own.
Glenn felt the need of oxygen and had to breathe through his nose because Mel wouldn't let him
go but that seemed to not work for a long time.
Glenn hit Mel's chest lightly due to lack of oxygen and energy. Mel held both his hands and
pinned them to his sides.
A minute after, Glenn felt his head going in turns and he fell unconscious. This suddenly woke
Mel from his trance.
Mel overpowered Dew and cursed himself for being so mindless.
"Sorry, Glenn!" Mel quickly carried him bridal style to the infirmary.
Mel helped the doctors to settle Glenn on the bed and covered him with a blanket.
"He fainted out of fatigue, I think." The doctor said and prescribed a few vitamins to get him
back to health.
Mel went out to get him some food for Glenn to eat once he wakes up.
On returning to the room, the nurse asked Mel to wake Glenn up so that she could give him an
Mel slowly blew into his ears. Glenn squeezed his eyes tighter. With another blow, Glenn shook
his head a bit. With the last blow, Glenn's eyes fluttered open and stared at Mel's.
"Glenn, you have an injection to take." The nurse said.
Glenn didn't say anything but he tensed up when the nurse came near him.
"Calm down, Glenn! Or else I won't be able to do this." The nurse said.
Mel could feel Glenn's fear.
"Ms. Amy, can I give it to him? I am a third year student in Faculty of Medicine." Mel said.
The nurse nodded with a smile and walked away after handing the injection to Mel.
"Do you know how to do that?" Glenn asked meekly.
"Yes, I have passed my test for applying injection and pricking for blood test." Mel said.
"I am really sorry, Glenn!" Mel said.
"Dew overpowered me and he was very angry at the way you treated us."
"He is very keen on respect and discipline."
"Wh- ah!" Glenn slightly Winced when Mel gave him the injection and it was done in a second.
"You tricked me!" Glenn sulked.
"At least it was done without much pain and reluctance." Mel said before pressing a light kiss
onto his forehead.
"Glennie, are you fine?" Zeke and Bryce rushed into the room followed by Shane and Winter.
The set of twins had worry etched on their face.
"I am fine!" Glenn said.
After narrating the incidents excluding what happened in the Janitor's Room, the 4 boys other
than Mel and Glenn were shocked.
"You managed to give him an injection?" Bryce and Zeke asked.
"Bro, that's one of the most difficult things in the world!" Winter said and Shane nodded.
"I managed to do it!" Mel said proudly.
"I want to go home!" Glenn said tired of all the talks.
"Sure! The doctor said you can go but he doubts that you will have enough energy to walk for a
long time. He said that you may feel dizzy again." Mel said.
"Nah, I can walk." Glenn got down from the bed and started walking with Mel and the others
following close behind.
A few steps outside the infirmary, Glenn felt his head spinning and he leaned back onto Mel's
chest without knowing.
Everyone seemed to understand and Mel gently carried him bridal style.
Glenn didn't object and rested his head in the crook of Mel's neck due to the heaviness he felt. He
felt much better after inhaling Mel's scent.
'A mate thing!' He thought.