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Chapter 6: New Boss and Donna

Finally caught up!


18 years old:


Donna and Sally stood by the door, both of them looking extremely amused as I had a mental breakdown in the dressing room.

They had woken me up at 6:00Am and basically kidnapped me, to take me to the hall that had been booked for today.

It was a 4 hour ride in the car, filled with excitement from the Donna, silence from Sally and confusion from me. I had ignored the atmosphere and given in to the urge to get some shut eye. Once we had arrived, I was practically dragged me into the hall, not even being given anytime to take in my surroundings.

Several women and guards had launched themselves at me. The women leading me to the dressing room, all while gushing to themselves in shrill voices. The guards on the other hand, had formed a circle around us and led us to the room.

It was after I was pulled inside and forced into the washroom that I realized what was happening. But I didn't have much time to think about anything again, as Donna and Sally started ordering people around from the outside.

"We're coming in."

Donna had stated before she along with Sally and a few other girls had stepped inside, luckily I was clothed but to them that was an unfortunate event and I was soon told to strip.

"W-What, why?"

Sally had sighed in an aggravated manner while Donna had beamed.

"You need to get a massage of course."

I had glanced around me in confusion before turning back to her excited little self. Yes, I had finally grown and inch taller than her.

"In the washroom?"

I had fired my question in confusion, which had led to Sally pulling apart a curtain on the very other end of the washroom to reveal a hidden door.

"You'll get a massage in there, and then you will take a bath with all the chosen products that have been placed in the order that you will use them in. Then you will slip into your dress and we will proceed to do your makeup and hair."

I nodded numbly and let them lead me to the spa room.

"Relax honey, you're so tensed."

Donna gave my shoulders a squeeze and passed me a gentle smile.

"If it makes you feel better, then me and Sally will also be getting ready with you."

Sally had stiffened and turned towards Donna with a frown.


Donna had grinned and nodded in response.

"Why yes, of course. Don't you want to be ready for the wedding?"

My brain chose that moment to freeze as I released a shaky breath.

"She needs it more than me."

Sally countered as her eyes swept over me. Donna turned towards me and sighed.

"You're not helping by just observing, no one in their right mind would enjoy someone watching them strip."

Sally groaned but followed nonetheless, knowing that the Donna's orders were final. After I had slipped out of my clothes and only remained in my undergarments, I was laid down onto the table.

The girl's hands had dug into my skin and massaged places I didn't even know could be stiff. I relaxed into a dozy state and enjoyed every moment of it. Groaning every so often in approval. From the sounds of it, Donna and Sally seemed to be enjoying themselves as well.

All good things must come to an end, and sadly it was sooner rather than later. I was sent off to take a relaxing bath with the several products that were laid out and labeled carefully for me. The time for appliance and the amount needed to be applied were all carefully mentioned.

A soft baby pink robe hung at the back, it looked just my size and Donna did mention something about having it custom made. The hall's name as I had come to know was, 'Crystalia' and from what the women were gossiping about. It seemed to be the most luxurious and expensive wedding hall around.

Stepping out of my clothes I stepped into the automated shower, warm water had rained down on me from the ceiling. When I had stood under the shower long enough to have my blonde hair dripping waterfalls, I began applying the products.

True to Donna's words, it took quite a while and after I had applied the last one. I slipped into the bath and sat soaking in the water for a good twenty minutes. When the sleepiness began crawling back to me, I stepped out carefully and pulled on the robe.

I had been specially instructed to not start drying my hair inside and was just told to put on my undergarments. I followed the orders and stepped out with the robe tied around me. I was led to a chair by on of the frantic ladies.

"We have exactly two hours, get to work."

Sally ordered from somewhere in the room and was quickly led to a chair as well. Much to her dismay. Donna was also seated wrapped up in a robe and the lady with her, was setting up all of her makeup tools onto the desk before her.

My desk was already set up and with a lot more products than the ones on the others. Two ladies stepped up to me one of them busying herself into the wet nest called my hair and the other one plugging in the hair dryer. She also took out pins and set them up along with combs and brushes of all sizes. Some colored bands and decorated pins also took up the space before me as the woman standing behind me, dried my hair.

As soon as it was dry, she let me go put on my dress. As I slipped into the white Full sleeved dress, I flashed back to the time my mother had wanted to help me dress up as the bride and give me pointers and how father had wanted to walk me down the aisle.

I pushed back the urge to cry and sat on a near by chair for a while. Luckily no one interrupted me and I got enough time to catch my bearings and stepped back into the dressing room. There were awes and gasps filled with glee that resonated around the room as all the women turned to look at me and admire the piece of clothing that hugged my waist perfectly.

When they were done with ogling and complimenting me, the makeup began. She started off light and slowly but surely got more and more focused into her work, to a point at which conversation was scarce. My hair dresser did her work well and I felt a bunch of pins brush against my scalp in a way that had me tensing up each time.

As they both were done with me, I was told to stand up and give all of the 6 to 8 women present in the room, a twirl. All of them were focused on me with massive grins on their faces, grins that could've scared me half to death if I was to wake up to them.

As I gave them their twirl, all of them squealed and appreciated their work. I thanked the two who helped me the most and they bowed their heads in respect before leaving. I looked into the mirror and managed a smile, I did look pretty. Giving myself a twirl, my smile grew as the gown fluttered elegantly around me.

"Great, its almost time. Edward will be here soon."

I paused in between my second spin and the action caught both Donna and Sally's attention. Making both of them raise their eyebrows in question.

"Edward is coming here?"

I questioned in a low voice and they nodded in unison.

"Who else is going to walk you down the Aisle? believe it or not he suggested it on his own!"

My breathing halted as I stared at both of their confused expressions. Of course he was coming, he was the brother! But why was he the one walking me down the Aisle?

Would you want that man to do it?

My inner voice questioned and I shuddered, nope, Edward was better. But this set everything differently, I would have to be alone with Edward and that scared me. I wasn't sure if he actually liked me or not but I could bet on the latter one being the case.

This led to me walking back and forth in the room muttering 'OhMyGod' countless times and Donna along with Sally giving me amused looks.

But everything was interrupted by a knock that sounded on the other side, I halted and stared at Donna, who looked at the door with utter fondness. Of course she did, that was her son out their. Her son that she rarely saw anymore. She had complained to me about how both of them were ripped away from her at an early age to 'prepare' and warned me, not to let that happen with my children. I blushed as I thought back to it.

And for the first time since yesterday, my mind flashed to Severus. I had been trying to stop thinking about him because every time I thought about him I also thought about the kiss and everything would come flooding back. including the embarrassment of saying it and the sensation of his lips against mine.

My hands reached up to touch my lips as I thought about the gentle way his lips moved against mine, relaxing me against him and making me succumb to his soft and much appreciated demand. I remembered the way his hand had moved to my head and kept it in place and how his tongue had tasted and caressed the inside of my mouth.

I thought about how his breath had become ragged and how I had breathed his name. My cheeks flushed as I remembered how many times the guard had knocked from the outside but neither of us had heard him, too lost in our own actions and the pleasure those actions brought.

His hand had wrapped around my waist with one holding onto the back of my head, both our breaths mingling as our chests rose and fell together and we muttered each others name in such a sensual way.

Ever since his father had heard about Severus visiting me on my demand, he had kept him away. And I had come to know of this information by eavesdropping on the guards outside my door.

I zoned back in and found Edward being ambushed and loved by his mother in a way that was almost brutal. He was whining in annoyance and even went as far as to puff his cheeks out, I nearly laughed at the sight. The Donna sighed and was dragged out to 'get seated' by Sally. All my laughter died down as Edward and I were left alone once again.

He didn't meet my gaze immediately just like the last time we encountered each other alone, instead he stepped up to a mirror and began fixing his hair as best as he could. I could tell that it had been perfectly styled before the Donna shuffled it. His eyes met mine in the mirror and we both scanned each other from head to toe.

When our eyes met again, he grinned a Cheshire cat grin. A sneaky, cheeky, mischievous grin. That had alarms blaring in my head.

"Glad you didn't run away?"

I froze yet again, out of all the times he could've mentioned it, it had to be now. When no one was around and when there was no chance of Severus calming me down. But before I could go into full panic mode, he continued.

"Lets get this straight, You hate me, I hate you. End of story, everyone's happy."

I frowned as his words register.

"I don't exactly hate you... I just don't like you."

He paused and frowned at the mirror.

"Hard work gone down the drain then, I suppose."

He mumbled to himself in an exasperated manner.

"What hard work?"

He snorted at my question and settled for glaring at himself again.

"What hard work?"

I repeated and he shrugged in response before sighing and glancing at the clock. I watched his shoulders stiffen as he noted the time.

"Shit, let's go."

With that he grabbed my hand, but I yanked it out of his grasp.


He questioned with furrowed eyebrows when I gave him my most confused expression.

"Have you never seen or done this before?"

His reply was instant.

"If you're asking whether my brother has ever married before, then the answer's no and if you're asking whether I have another brother, the answer is also no... at least I think I don't have another brother."

My jaw nearly dropped, I had never seen anyone misinterpret a simple sentence that badly.

"I'm asking if you've ever led a girl, anywhere?"

His response was almost immediate as he glared heatedly at me, almost as if I had embarrassed him.

"My love life is none of your concern!"

Once again, my jaw fell, this time nearly to the ground.

"...You aren't supposed to hold my hand while leading me down the aisle."

He blinked silently before rubbing the back of his neck and giving me an awkward chuckle.

"Oh...How am I supposed to do it then?"

He questioned in a low voice, as if he was afraid that someone could hear us.

"We need to link arms."

"Oh great, increase body contact and piss off your possessive hubby."

I looked at him unsure because I didn't quite catch what he had said, instead for answering me, he just grumbled some more.

We arrived in front of a door shortly, and right before it opened, Edward gave me quite the pep talk.

"Don't think it's going to be easier from now on. If anything, it will be worse and even more dangerous, but don't even try to run away, not until Severus has full control at least, otherwise what could've happened before can happen now."

The door opened and the soft sound of whispering from inside stopped completely as a tense silence settled among the parties present.

Several armed men stood around the carpet, protecting me from sight of the other guests. I noticed that Edward had stepped away from me when I tried to hold onto his arm.

"I was your escort, you're on your own now."

With that, he walked away. I gulped as my eyes met that of everyone in the rooms, all of them prompting me to go on. Clutching the bouquet to my chest, I met the familiar pair of silver eyes. Call it instinct but at that moment I began moving, because I knew that I would be the safest once I was beside him.

His face was blank as his eyes followed me, I knew from that fact that this was a dangerous event. We were nearly to the end of the territory and even when heavily guarded, there were chances of us being attacked.

There wasn't even a priest that stood beside Severus, instead it was his own father. As soon as I had reached Severus, the man decided to speak up.

"Welcome your new Boss and Donna!"

Several shouts echoed around the room along with loud chants of 'long live the boss and Donna'.

Severus raised his hand and the people silenced themselves immediately. I felt his arm coil around my waist and pull me closer.

"Those who have already pledged, are the only ones permitted to enter the estate. Any objection to this new rule will be dealt with harshly."

Whispers started passing between the guests once again as the new announcement passed between them. I felt Severus's hold tighten around my waist and glanced up at him instinctively.

We made eye contact for no longer than a minute before he nodded to someone and pressed a quick kiss to my lips.

The crowd became silent as Severus's father stepped closer to us.

"We might have to discuss that rule, son."

He spoke through gritted teeth, tempting Severus to pull me a little behind himself.

"There's nothing to be discussed father as the new boss, that is the first change I have introduced."

The men surrounding the carpet stepped forward as I was led down the carpet by my now husband. The tense atmosphere following us all the way back to the estate...My new residence.

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