Zed was outside the castle, was surrounded by destruction and chaos, there were bodies thrown everywhere, they were women, children, the elderly, adult men, there was no mercy with anyone, they were pools of blood everywhere ...
Zed: I'm here again ... What does all this mean? It is very strange all this
Suddenly a scream is heard ... it was the same as the last time, so Zed decides to approach the place where it came from, but he already knew what would happen ...
Eliot: Please ... spare my life, I know it was wrong to betray you ... I put everyone against you and that was not good at all, but please ... I beg for mercy ...
That Zed is coming ... the one who had a look full of hatred and anger
Zed: You destroyed my life Eliot, I became a monster because of you ... NOW YOU WILL HAVE TO PAY- Saying that it goes through a sword in Eliot's throat, killing him instantly ...
Again, Amir Gaul appears next to the White-haired who had the vision ... staring at the boy next to him ... He takes out one of his wings and prepares to launch the attack, but Zed takes him by the arm making him stop ...
Zed: Please, Amir Gaul, tell me what this is all about ... are you who shows me this? This place ... this vision ... is it really going to happen?
Amir Gaul extends his arm and puts his hand on Zed's head. Continuing to this, the boy closes his eyes and hears a voice that says:
"If you don't do what you should do, this will be your end"
Suddenly Zed wakes up ... it is the same room as before, the sun enters through the window, it is a dim light, therefore it seems to be morning ... his internal clock told him that it was at least 9 AM, he gets up and walks towards the window ... a very calm Templar can be seen, there are people walking through the streets of the center, open shops ... children playing happily ... Suddenly a voice is heard calling him by name, it was a familiar voice, he turns around and for his surprise was his friend from childhood... Noah, who was at the entrance of the room with his crutches
Noah: Zed, I see you woke up already ...
Zed: Noah, it's you ...
Noah: How are you feeling? You didn't wake up all night, we've been very worried about you, you had a crisis Zed, I didn't see you that way for a long time, is there something wrong?
Zed: Nothing happens - turn to look in another direction-
Noah: I know you Zed; your gaze ... is not the same as before, you look dull, lifeless and your behavior yesterday was strange, you were out of your mind, you said something about telling your about a truth ...
Zed: It doesn't matter Noah, it was just a moment of nervousness, nothing more
Noah: Are you sure Zed?
Zed: Yeah ... I told you I'm fine ...
Noah: In the same way Zed- Show a container with some pills- A doctor checked you yesterday while you were sleeping, and indicated that you should take this medicine, it is a relaxant and you should take it every 12 hours ...
Zed: It won't be necessary to take them Noah… I must get out of here and look for a friend who was brought along with me
Noah: You mean the boy named Eliot? He is with Damián, who is a high ranking Shard Caster here in Templar.
Zed: I don't trust him ... -He turns to see his friend- Noah ... why do you use crutches? If I can know it…
Noah: Oh ... this ... I had a relapse with my disease, I was unable to move for a long time and now I have just regained my mobility, but I need my crutches to walk
Zed: Really? -He approaches his friend- it had to be terrible
Noah: Not really ... I feel it was my punishment
Zed: Punishment? ... What do you mean by that?
Noah: I wanted to go further ... I was wrong on my way and the mistakes I made were fatal, I hurt many people ... including you, and partly with it I feel that I can atone for my sin
Zed: Don't say that Noah ...
Noah: Don't worry about it ... Better come with me, you must eat something to take these pills -Smile-
Zed: I told you I wouldn't take them - He makes a disgusted face-
Noah: Forget that idea ... You will take them and you will do it in front of me - he turns and leaves the room-
Zed: No! - Follows you-
We move Jimoto from position ...
Zadock was in his study reading some reports from the kingdom he oversaw when a Task messenger entered:
Taskan: Lord Zadock ... it is an honor to be in your presence today
Zadock: Could we just cut to the chase?
Taskan: Lord Hiromi requires your presence immediately ... it is a situation of extreme importance
Zadock: Lord Hiromi? I will go immediately
Taskan: I'll be waiting for you in the Shifting room, we'll be leaving in 10 minutes
Zadock: okay -Respond this with a displeased tone- I'll see you there
The messenger leaves the room, while Zadock turns to a window behind him, so he says to himself:
"What does Hiromi want now ... it is very rare that he calls me right now. What exactly is he planning? Normally I have not run into him, since Xeem died, I have only seen him a couple of times … But with that it has been enough to know what is not the kind of man that I can trust, I must be alert"
We see Noah giving a pill to the white-haired man who accompanied him ... Zed looked at it with Displeasure ...
Zed: Is it necessary? I feel so much better now
Noah: Wash it down, don't be silly
Zed: But ...
Noah: No buts -Put a serious face- do it, or I'll make you take it by force
Zed takes the pill and the glass of water Noah offered him, and he immediately takes it ...
Noah: Now let's get out of here, you can't be locked up all day
Zed: I must find Eliot first
Noah: Easy, I know where he is, just follow me
Noah and Zed leave the room, The black-haired man looked very smiling, because he did not see his friend whom he considered as a brother, instead the white-haired man looked worried, this due to the dream he has had on two occasions ...
We see Zadock walking through one of the corridors of the new Taskan castle, since the first was destroyed by Tasker at the time of his resurrection, in this one felt a very gloomy vibe, finally he reaches a room in which no sunlight entered, instead, it had torches that gave a dim light to the room. There were 7 statues placed at the back of the room, the one in the middle-represented Tasker himself, to his left were the statues of Amir Gaul, Pronimo and Jumamis, to his right Shadin, Monabi and Zashura.
In front of the Tasker statue was a throne which was decorated with fossilized Shards ... The King of Jimoto was stunned by such a construction
Zadock: Wow, it's something too extravagant ... worthy of ...
Suddenly we see a robust man standing behind Zadock, he did not seem to be more than 30 years old, blonde hair and Blue eyes ... he was wearing clothes with very fine fabrics, he was the new ruler of Task ...
Hiromi: Of the ruler of this world, the one chosen by our god ...
Zadock: - he turns around surprised- Lord Hiromi ...
Hiromi: We built this place for our Lord, the one that Tasker gave us to end this world full of suffering
Zadock: Are you talking about Zed?
Hiromi: Who else would I talk about?
Zadock: But wasn't that boy the same one who destroyed Tasker? Task should not worship that
Hiromi: Yes, he disintegrated Tasker's physical form, but the soul of our god is still in him ... The boy is only confused by the Templars' teachings, but once our god fully awakens nothing can stop him - A smile is drawn on his face- The boy will not be able to resist his nature for long ...
We see Noah and Zed enter Mikki's bakery, Noah went with a smile advancing to the kitchen area, Zed stood in the entrance for a few seconds ... this place brought him so many memories ...
Zed: Hey Noah ... Aren't you taking me to where Eliot is?
Noah: Just get down here
Zed: Hey ... what are you planning?
Noah: Fine Zed - He takes him by the arm and drags him with him into the kitchen- You always thinking the worst
When they enter the kitchen area ... Zed is stunned ... all his friends were there: Mikki, Roya, Pinot, Miya, Eliot, Ginga, and even Damián, who could not bear it, there were party decorations everywhere and it was heard how they shouted "Welcome!"
Zed: what ... what is all this?
Mikki: We would have liked to do something to you yesterday for your return ... but you were a little indisposed, but we were not going to put this event aside, other than that you also turned in yours 17's yesterday , so double celebration!
Zed: That's crazy -smiles- There was no need to have done something like this, seriously
Roya: We did it with a lot of love, so don't think of running away - She stands in front of Zed and then hugs him in a way that felt very warm- I missed you too much and I won't let you go again
Zed: - Hearing this, he blushes, but it was not so noticeable- Ro ... Roya - he smiles, and corresponds to the hug- I also missed you
Everyone watched attentively to the hug that these two gave each other, Mikki and Noah smiled because they knew that they loved each other ... Ginga smiled, but inside she was dying of Jealousy to see her beloved Roya with other boy than him
Pinott: Well, well, let's celebrate!
And so, the boys began their small but pleasant celebration, everyone was happy for the arrival of their friend ... But not everything is rosy, while here it was peace and tranquility in Task conspired ...
Zadock: What did you say? That I must Bring Zed to the castle?
Hiromi: So, finally we have managed to locate him in Templar, although well, you already knew that it was there, am I wrong?
Zadock: No, my lord
Hiromi: Therefore, I need you to bring him to me as soon as possible, I need to bring Tasker back, he sleeps inside the boy and we must wake him up.
Zadock: But for this you need the Key spirits and as far as I know, you haven't found them yet
Hiromi: The Key spirits are needed to bring his physical form and obtain his dreaded powers again, but his essence has always been within the boy, and we should only give him a little help to wake him up, once this happens, the boy named Zed will disappear, and Tasker, the really important one will resurface. He will take care of calling the key spirits
Zadock: Are you sure about it? Lord Hiromi
Hiromi: That's right ... Go to Templar today and bring him to me
Zadock: That's crazy Hiromi
Hiromi: You will take a spirit with you, most likely the Amir Gaul is close by and he will do everything to protect that boy, he won't let us get our hands on him easily
Zadock: And according to you, how do you expect me to defeat the Amir Gaul? An ordinary spirit cannot cope with it
Hiromi: You will take Zashura with you
Zadock: After all, you have key spirits with you
Hiromi: I have two: Zashura and Jumamis ... Zashura is good in combat and can fight against that spirit, Jumamis is not a combat spirit, what he can do is control so that they do his will, so go ahead and plan your move that you don't have much time, I will lend you of my best squad, so get ready - Leave the room -
Zadock is left alone in that great hall, he had no choice but to agree to Hiromi's demands, since he was not a guy who could be underestimated, he had to be very careful with him ... If he wanted to rule the world, he had to get rid of him and Zed's too.
We see Zed sitting in front of a window, Eliot was standing next to him ... behind them were the others, sharing and having fun ...
Eliot: Hey ... this place is very nice and peaceful, when you disappeared ... was this where you had been right?
Zed: That's right, here was the place where I came a long time ago
Eliot: Damián was very nice, but… he didn't really explain much about this place, will you tell me what is a Shard caster? And what were those monsters that appeared?
Zed: When we are in a quieter place, I will answer you as much as you want, just let me process all of this
Eliot: Process? - The bewilderment is reflected in the boy's face- By the way Zed ... you look very worried, it's as if your mind is not here, what's wrong with you? You are usually livelier, it is true that you are not a cheerful boy, but also not so dull…
Zed: Eliot ... I ...
Roya appears behind them, very animated with an object between her hands
Roya: Hi guys, shall I interrupt?
Zed: Roya ...
Eliot: We weren't talking about something in particular, all yours ... cuteness - he winks at Roya and then he walks away-
Roya squats in front of Zed ...
Zed: Tell me ... is something wrong?
Roya: - Shake hers head giving a negative answer- How do you feel? Yesterday you were very upset, and I worried a lot
Zed: Sorry ... I don't know what happened to me
Roya: You don't have to apologize ... it's more; Take this ...
The withe-haired turns to see what the girl gave him ... he was surprised. It was his old Sword that he held, the one that accompanied hi, in most of her adventures.
Zed: Roya ... so you have it - Take the sword- I thought I had lost it
Roya: When Amir Gaul opened that portal and you entered it, your sword fell, and my duty as a friend was to take care of it until your return, I could not leave it there
Zed: Seriously thank you very much Roya, this sword is very special to me
Roya: I missed you a lot -He took Zed's hand- I was sad during your absence, I was afraid that something bad would happen to you or that you were alone, but now I can be calmer
Zed: Did you really care that much? You shouldn't do it, one way or another I would manage it
Roya: You are an idiot, you know, how can you think of facing the Amir Gaul? That was crazy, although at the same time it is also something you would do ... could you find out what you needed?
Zed: the truth is that it was not like that ... I couldn't really find out anything ... I experienced new things, but it was not what I was looking for, so I still hope that I can do with my life, well ... someday the answer will come ... but tell me? How are you doing with the infirmary?
Roya: I'm doing very well, currently I have a rest license, since I felt exhausted, the shifts were very hard
Zed: I guess so
Noah: How much do you guys talk -He approaches the guys- don't tell me that you are telling all your adventures to Roya ... Zed
They both turn to see the Black-haired man and smile
We see Zadock with four Taskan soldiers ready to leave when Hiromi approaches the transfer site and says:
Hiromi: Good luck on your mission Zadock, you are not allowed to fail
Zadock: I still think it's crazy to do it so hastily, but hey
The portal that would take the team to Templar opens
Hiromi: Remember, success ... no mistakes
The portal closes, then Hiromi says to herself:
"I know it is crazy Zadock, but I want to see how far you can go, what you can do against young Zed, also I want the Amir Gaul to wake up, I know that the power of this spirit has increased greatly, but it is hiding his power… and I know that, if the Young Man feels it, if he feels that power once more… "
In the meantime…
We see Sebastián and Khan gathered at the house of the old friend of the crazy old man Zico, they were sitting at a table drinking tea and eating some cookies ...
Khan: Do you think Zed's return means something? Sebastian ... I'm glad the boy is here, but at the same time I am concerned
Sebastián: It worries me, but we are not fortune tellers to know what will happen, what we must do now is protect him, we cannot afford him to be controlled by the Taskans.
Khan: Zed can help us to protect philanthropy in this country
Sebastián: I hope so…
We see Zed walking along with Roya, Noah and Eliot (Damián comes behind them, following Zed trying to fulfill his mission) towards the lake where they used to spend their time in the past ...
Roya: Zed, why is Damián following you everywhere? He is a very strange guy, to tell the truth.
Zed: I don't know, I can't stand it ... But, to tell the truth, he was the one who brought us here ...
Damián: And you should thank me, if it wasn't for me, you were there in that noisy city
Zed: You attacked me and my friend too, I should beat you up
Damián: I'll beat you Zed - he says this in a low voice, but Zed manages to hear it anyway-
Zed: What did you say?
Damián: I love you dear friend
Zed: Don't say crazy things
They arrive at the lake and Zed looks at it with much nostalgia, after all, it was a place which generated beautiful memories with Zico, Roya, Mikki and even Pinott, sitting under a tree, which gave a pleasant Shadow
Noah: The breeze is very nice, so much so that I'd like to take a nap
Zed: Well I will take it, I am very sleepy
Noah: It must be for the pills Zed, totally remember that you took it
Zed: Well if that's the case I won't take them again
Noah: - He gives Zed a little blow on the head- I'll take care of taking you myself until the doctor recommends it
Zed: just for that blow I will not pay attention to you Noah
Everyone laughs, they are having a good time among friends, Zed settled on the shoulder because the dream was getting heavier, maybe it was the medicine ... or maybe something else, close his eyes for a moment and when reopening them the vision changes completely ...
In the background was a burning Templar ... the sky had a reddish color, maybe it was because of the fire, a vibe was felt in the atmosphere very tense, that feeling was horrible, Zed stands up suddenly ...
"What ... what's going on? Is someone attacking the city?, but I only closed my eyes for an instant… it means that this is a dream… "
Suddenly a voice is heard behind him ...
"This is what you will provoke Zed"
The boy turns around and when he sees who is behind him, he is terrified ... It was that Zed of his other dreams ...
1: You are the one who will do all this, rather, we will do it
2: We? But why?
1: Because they betrayed us, hurt us and manipulated us - He approaches his other self and takes it from both hands - This is what the damned humans deserve, do not let anyone get entangled and follow your instinct, You will see that it will go wonderfully - Bring the boy in front of him to his body - You only need yourself Zed
2: Let me go - Separate- I ... I wouldn't be able to do something like that, I can't do something like this
1: - He unsheathes his sword and runs towards him- YES… YOU WILL
Zed wakes up immediately ... looks around him; everything was normal, the wind was blowing calmly, and his friends were fishing in the lake ... except Noah, who had stayed by her friend's side ...
Noah: Hey Zed, is something wrong with you?
Zed: No ... just that ... I had a nightmare
Noah: Nightmare? What did you dream?
Zed: It's just that -He looks at Noah with a worried face- I've had them since I've been here, I look at everything destroyed Noah, Templar in ...
There is a shifting in front of them ... it was Zadock along with Taskan men who came on Hiromi's orders
Zadock: We finally meet Zed, it is an honor to be in front of your presence ...
Zed: And who are you?
Noah: He is the King of Jimoto, Zed ... his name is Zadock and he was put to rule when Hugh fell
Zed: And what the hell do you want?
Zadock: I come for you, I have specific orders to take you with me, so let's avoid harming the people around us
Zed: Forget it, I would never go with someone like you
The redhead stands in the middle of both groups, seeking to protect Zed ...
Damián: Better go back to the way that you came- draw his sword- If you don't want to return wounded, or rather ... if you want to return alive
Zadock: You don't scare us, Boys ... Attack
The soldiers run towards the boys, the four soldiers are left with Damián and Zadock launches himself directly at Zed ... The white-haired man for protecting his friend Noah, pushes him aside, and uses his sword to stop Zadock's attack
Zadock: Do not resist child ... come with me for good and I promise that I will not harm your friends
Zed: I told you no- Push Zadock- I don't trust people like you
He tries to hurt Zadock with a direct attack, but he dodges it and throws electric Shards at Zed, but he uses a shield to protect himself
Zadock receives an attack with Water Shards, who came from Roya who was next to Eliot and Noah, causing Zadock to get distracted and put his attention on her, then Zed takes advantage to attack from behind ...
Zadock: Damn you brat, you are worthless
This is launched to attack again, meanwhile Damián was still fighting against the other soldiers who were fulfilling their role of distracting him ... Zadock wanted to end this as soon as possible, but Zed was the problem, it was difficult to subdue him ...
Zadock: Very well, apparently, I have no choise…
Zed: Will you give up? Because this already has me tired
Zadock puts his hand on his right shoulder thus calling a spirit ... "Zashura" screams loudly as he hurled the spirit into the sky, causing that Key spirit to appear which had troubled Zed in the past ... both Roya , Noah and Zed were surprised to see the ex-key spirit of the black-haired man in the hands of the king of Jimoto
Noah: It can't be… he is…
Roya: This is bad ... Be careful Zed
Zed: You should get out of here as soon as possible
The Key spirit begins to attack Zed deliberately, he used both his spleens and "fast attack" to subdue the boy ... he tried to dodge Zashura's attacks like Jimoto's puppet king attacks
Zadock: You are someone very difficult to catch huh? Zashura ... Attack!
Zashura quickly disposes to attack, but it was not Zed who was directing his attack ... it was his defenseless friends who ignored the clear movie and stayed at the scene of the battle ... Zed when seeing what was about to happen was terrified ... his heartbeat began to be faster, he felt that the time passed too slowly…. "No ... I will not allow it" the boy shouted and immediately a light began to shine in his left hand and a Shard came out of his arm, it was a spirit ... It was the Amir Gaul who had awakened thus attending the aid call of his master …
At the time this happened a great gust of wind began to blow, it was too strong ... thus representing the fury of the spirit which was not at all happy about the situation that the foreigners had created ... and with one blow he managed to throw Zashura, preventing This will hurt Zed's loved ones ...
Immediately the Key spirit of dark auras rises and begins to attack the Winged Spirit, meanwhile Damián was fighting with one of the soldiers soon who managed to defeat 3 of them ... Instead, something was not right with Zed, the awakening of his spirit had tired him causing him to lie down, because he could not bear the weight of his body ...
"Tiredness is killing me ... but at the same time I can feel it ... the strength of the Amir Gaul changed, it is not the same ... a moment ago I could not perceive it ... it was so weak, but now something is different ... its power increased suddenly, too much And even for me… I can't stand it, I don't know how much more I can resist! "
Suddenly he feels like someone is taking him from behind, holding his arms, making it impossible for him to move or shake off, it was Zadock ... who immediately puts some shifting Shards on the ground and opens a portal, Zed had dropped his guard and was now in this situation
"Zashura" The long-bearded man shouts, hinting that the spirit returns and therefore he obeyed the order ... When his opponent disappears, the great Winged man realizes what is happening and with one of his wings tends to Attack to try to avoid shifting but it closes thus avoiding the attack of the Amir Gaul ...
It was late ... Zadock left leaving behind the last survivor of his squad ... Zadock managed to fulfill his mission; Zed had been kidnapped ...