"Just tell me do I embarrass you? Do you really hate me that much? Why??"Tears leaked through her eyes.
"You jumped a m...
Third Person's Pov.
After shutting the door right at Scott's face last night Caroline got a text from her dad telling her to come over to the hospital immediately.
Caroline stood by her father's hospital bed gazing at him through tear filled eyes.
"What do you mean dad?" she demanded her voice trembling with the force of her emotions.
"We've lost control of the company?that's impossible!", Lucas Timberlake looked white and strained though he put up a brave front for his daughter,
"All of it caroline."he rasped wincing at the rawness in his throat from the breathing tubes he'd had to endure for the past four days.
Even though it had been removed,his throat still hurt when he spoke. Cookie shot a stern look at Caroline."Leave your,father be Caroline. He needs to rest,the questions can come later."
"It's alright, I need to tell her what had happened."Lucas waved aside his wife's admonishment and looked to his daughter again.
"After lLast weeks incident, I received a report from our stock brokers saying that someone had been approaching Timberlake's shareholders and making irresistible offers in return for their shares and had managed to acquire a huge percentage of stock enough to have a controlling interest in the company and I meed not tell you how disastrous that is for us.", Caroline listened with a sinking feeling her mind struggling to process her father's words.
How was it even possible that such a massive buyout had been going on right, under their noses and no one had even suspected anything wrong?
The very idea,was preposterous!
Timberlake's industry belonged to the family and no one could take that away.
She gripped the rails at the foot of the clinical bed till her knuckles turned white and looked at her father.
He looked so frail and tired, even worse was the look of defeat in those hazel eyes so like her own.
She had never seen him this way before Lucas Timberlake had always been a symbol of strength and,determination and to watch him like this filled her with misery.
The door of the private room opened and someone peered in, Caroline recognized the craggy pale face and mane of gray hair belonging to the company's lawyer.
His serious eyes took in the small gathering and his boss lying on the bed in one glance."May I come in?", Cookie looked like she wanted to refuse but held her tongue and turned her attention back to her husband,taking his limp hand in both of hers.
Since her mother was not going to reply Caroline nodded for the lawyer to come in moving away to stand by the windows her arms folded across her chest.
"Lawyer " Lucas said by way of acknowledgment.
"What the latest news?"Lucas asked the lawyer who cast a quick glance in Caroline's direction, unsure if it was proper to bring up the discussion while Lucas was still weak.
Caroline nodded at him to answer curiosity eating away at her also.
The lawyer cleared his throat."The good news is the family still holds a majority of shar,fifty-six percent to be exact,while Restervio company managed to gain con...."
"Restervio?" Erin cut in, eyes widening in shock.
She gaped at the lawyer distrusting,
her ears. "Did you just say Restervio?The same Restervio company?",He gave her a searching look slightly baffled by her reaction to the name.
"Yes, Restervio company is behind the buy out cleverly done though...", Caroline blanked out the rest of his words as her brain screamed the same word over and over again.
Restervio of course that bastard was behind it all.
A tremor ran through her entire body and she felt her legs turn to jelly.
Mercifully there was a seat nearby and she lowered herself onto it,her mind in a daze.
There had to be some sort of mistake she reasoned frantically running through the possibilities.
Restervio... Scott's company had just all but effected a handful of her father's company.
Surely this was no coincidence, he must have been watching them all along.
What sort of game was he playing and why now?
Why had he chosen to spring this after nearly five of virtually no word or indication of a vendetta against her family?
"Caroline?" her father's voice broke into her thoughts and she started in mild shock looking up to find them all watching her with varying expressions ranging from worry to puzzlement.
"Are you alright? You've gone pale." He asked
"I'm fine."she replied an idea took root in her mind and she rose grabbing her purse while aware they were watching her in surprise.
"I have to go out.I'll be back ass soon as possible, there's something important I have to do."
Outside the hospital she hailed a taxi and gave him directions then sat back as the driver pulled into the busy traffic her mind in turmoil.
"Excuse me, Sir." Scott's personal assistant's voice came over the intercom.
"I know you don't wish to be disturbed,but the receptionist just called up saying there's someone who's insisting on a meeting with you.She's creating a scene Sir.Should we call security?"