Her First Kiss
She was born Julie Jackson thirty-two years ago. The main thing Julie remembers about her early years, in school, was that she was always the tallest person in her classes. She was self-conscience about her height. She hated it when the boys made fun of her. She was asked, more times than she would like to remember, how’s the weather up there?
In high school, Julie never dated much, other than with a coed group to a football game or some school event. At school dances, she occasionally danced with a boy, but mostly, she danced with other girls…not unlike many of her girlfriends.
Julie was always trim and straight up and down. If it were not for her blond hair and gorgeous smile, she would not have had anything going for her. She was an Ok student. Art was her favorite subject. Julie never ran for school office herself, but she did make posters for friends. Her parents showed off her artwork every chance they got.
Julie and her best friend, Judith, turned eighteen years old in the middle of their senior year. Judith has been Julie’s best friend since grammar school. Judith was shorter than Julie, of course, and very pretty. Judith was always in excellent physical shape and a super student. Her blondish curly hair and great laugh rounded out Judith’s very nice personality and looks.
When Julie turned eighteen, in her senior year at high school, she was five-ten…only two inches short of six-foot tall. The good part was several boys had caught up to her in height; some were now taller than she was. Julie was cute rather than beautiful. Her ugly glasses did not help. She always wore her hair in a ponytail. Her body had gotten a little more curves. At least by her senior year, she is not considered a beanpole any more.
Julie began masturbating a little. It started in the bathtub, cleaning her vagina with a washcloth. It felt so good she kept cleaning and cleaning. She did not have an actual orgasm the first time, but from then on, her vagina got a thorough scrubbing often. It was about that time in her life she started referring to her vagina as a pussy. It seemed a more naughty term when Julie was playing with herself.
Sometimes when she cleaned her pussy, she thought about a movie star or rock band guy. Most times, she pretended she was naked with a girlfriend. They were washing their pussies in front of each other…kind of an experiment.
Then on one of Julie’s pussy scrubbing times, with her eyes closed and pretending Judith was cleaning her pussy too, Julie experienced her first orgasm. The feeling was wonderful. Her entire body quivered. Her pussy convulsed in spasms of pleasure. Julie remembered this first orgasm, pretending she was with Judith, a long time. From that day forward, she was curious about sexuality and females.
Julie never had an actual boyfriend in high school. Judith, on the other hand, had a boyfriend named Greg. Greg and Judith were inseparable. It was obvious to Julie they were a match made in heaven. Julie does not have a boyfriend to snuggle up to, but she does have her favorite washcloth that gives her comfort sometimes.
Julie’s senior ball is coming up in a couple months. She does not have a date. Fortunately, one of the chemistry teachers took it upon himself to be a matchmaker. He was wise enough to realize girls and boys of this age were not very good at dealing with the opposite sex…for some it never gets better.
Mr. Richards, the chemistry teacher, manages to make a list of seniors who want to go to the senior ball but do not have a date. The list contains boys and girls. Julie is one of the girls on the list. Mr. Richards just needs to match them up. He tries to match kids who know each other, or are, at least, in a class together. This turns out to be no easy task, but he perseveres, matching many of the students on his list.
Julie’s best friend Judith knows a boy she thinks would be a perfect date for the senior ball. His name is Mark; he is best friends with Judith’s boyfriend, Greg. She knows Mark is not bad looking and is easy going. He is a little shy…the same as Julie. Judith figures Julie and Mark should get along fine.
Judith tells Julie about Mark. Julie does know him, a little, from Mr. Richards’ sixth period chemistry class. He is a couple inches shorter than Julie is, but he is nice and not ugly. Judith suggests they can go as two couples together. Double dating with Judith makes it much more comfortable. Julie agrees to go with Mark. Next, Judith tells Mr. Richards she thinks Mark and Julie are a match.
Mr. Richards takes it from there and sets them up together. Mark is overjoyed. He thinks Julie is very pretty, even though she is a little taller than he is. Mark and Julie are nervous about the fixed up date, but they both want to go to the dance. They plan to make the best of it.
Even though the senior ball is a few weeks away, Julie and Mark are starting to become friends. They chatted a little in the chemistry class and had lunch together a couple times. She likes Mark and is excited about this important date.
Mr. Richards should have won the teacher of the year award. He took on a difficult task but an important one to a girl like Julie. Julie will eventually forget most of what she learned in her chemistry class, but she will never forget Mr. Richards.
Julie’s mom took her shopping for a senior ball dress. It is by far the fanciest dress Julie has ever had. It is a soft, light blue, with short sleeves, a modest neckline, and, of course, padding for her boobs. Julie wanted to get her first pair of high heels, but she chooses a dressy pair of flats instead…at Mr. Richards’ suggestion.
The night of the ball Julie’s mom, helped her get ready. Mom did her hair and made sure everything was just right. Her dad took pictures. Her parents realize their little girl is grown up. A couple tears form in Mrs. Jackson’s eyes, which she quickly wipes away. Her dad tries not to let them see he is a little watery eyed too. Not only is Julie grown up, she is turning into an attractive woman.
Mark arrives a few minutes early; Julie has been ready a half-hour. He rented a black tuxedo, complete with bow tie and light blue cummerbund. Judith had clued him in on Julie’s dress color. Julie thinks he has gone from kind of cute to handsome. He has a small flower in his lapel and a corsage for Julie. After a few more pictures are taken, they head to his car. Julie’s mom watches her leave and cries a little.