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Best Choice (2)

Perrie slammed her bedroom door shut before angrily throwing her papers from her desk on the floor. Every paper scattered around her spacious room and all she could think about was a plan on how to move on from that selfish bitch named Jade Thirlwall. She was already on the verge of blowing up, like as if anytime she would explode like a ticking bomb.

       "Is she fucking serious? Is she seriously telling me that it's my fault? What a bitch!" Perrie ranted from her mind, kicking the scattered papers that are now flying away, leaving her with a messed up room. She was enraged because of what Jade told her in the pub, because of how Jade actually had the audacity to tell her that Perrie herself was the one at fault here because Perrie cared too much.

       Is it Perrie's fault that she cared too much for Jade? Is it her fault that she loved Jade too much to actually beg for the brunette to just stay instead of leaving Perrie behind with nothing but dreadful memories of them together?

       Is it genuinely her fault?

       No, it's not my fucking fault. It's Jade's fault. She was the one who left and never came back, anyway. It was her fault. It was Jade's fucking fault. But, isn't it my fault, too? Perrie was pacing around her bedroom like a mad woman. She was blaming her ex-girlfriend, but at the same time, she was blaming herself too.

       She was blaming herself because she loved Jade too much. Because Jade was her number one priority even if to Jade, she was nothing compared to her career. Maybe Jade was a good catch, that's why Perrie tried to pursue the brunette. Or maybe it's the way Jade pleaded Perrie to do something related to Jade's career that made Perrie want to give in and just give Jade what she wanted; because she loved her.


       Perrie peered down at her coffee, seeming satisfied with the smell that strung to her nose. The coffee shop was barely quiet seeing that this place is filled with businessmen and their business meetings with their clients. And so Perrie just plugged in her earphones and listen to some smooth and relaxing music.

Perrie was not sure if she heard her name considering the music she's listening to was already in its maximum volume. And so she didn't budge to check who called her and just act like nothing even happened. Then she felt a tap on her shoulder.

"Yes?" Perrie says as she turns around only to be met by the familiar brown orbs that are gazing adoringly at her blue ones.

       Perrie's eyelids stretched up as she stares back surprisingly at Jade, who was standing awkwardly whilst tapping her foot nervously. Perrie just had to ask, "Jade, what are you doing here? And don't tell me because you're Leigh's officemate."

Jade's smile crept up at that one and she let out a chuckle. "Can't I just say I needed coffee?"

Perrie casted a skeptical eye at Jade, not believing if this situation was an intention or a coincidence. Jade, on the other hand, just flashed the blonde her signature smirk and swiftly sat down on the chair in front of Perrie, who was still trying to sink everything in. Jade leaned her elbows on the small and rounded table with her chocolate brown eyes fixated on the blue pools that belonged to Perrie.

"Hi." Jade said, her grin not leaving her face as she leans her cheek upon her hand. Jade's eyes scanned every inch of Perrie's pale and pretty face. She watched how Perrie's eyelashes flutter against the blonde's cheeks every time Perrie blinks.

       Perrie opened her mouth then quickly closed it, her expression showed nothing but bewilderment. She broke eye contact from Jade's intense brown eyes and took a quick sip from the coffee before peering at Jade over the rim of her mug. She placed down her mug gently on the table and frantically moved her eyes up where she once again met the intense gaze from the brunette.

       Perrie muttered under her breath. "Hi. I was just shocked that you're here..."

       "Just so you know, our workplaces are adjacent to one another so that means if we ever have a break and we come down here, don't be too surprised if you see me here, yeah?" Jade laughed and all Perrie could think about was how melodic Jade's laugh sounded in her ears.

Perrie chuckled and gave a slight nod. "Got it."

       Jade and Perrie chatted for a few minutes that honestly felt like a few seconds for the both Geordies. Making sure that with those few minutes they both told every event that happened to them to each other. Jade learned how Perrie's father hooked her up with a new job in San Francisco and how Perrie declined her father's offer because of her love to her career in Engineering. And Perrie learned how Jade was finally promoted to CEO in her work company.

       The two Geordies finally realized how much they missed each other's presence beside them. Jade felt the earth-shattering urge to just grab Perrie's face and kiss right then, not knowing that Perrie was actually feeling the same as well. When Jade giggled, it was as if Perrie's world abruptly stopped at the beautiful sound that was produced from a beautiful woman.

Jade just smiled sweetly at the blonde as she listened attentively to the blonde, causing Perrie to smile back due to Jade's contagious smile. Jade truly missed that smile of the blonde. She missed watching how the edges of Perrie's lips curve up when Perrie smiled widely, it never failed to ensare Jade's whole being. She missed watching Perrie's blue eyes twinkle every time a flash of light shines through them, causing Jade to admire how bright those blue orbs shined in front of her own two eyes.

She missed Perrie.

Jade hadn't realized that she was running late for work until her rose golden watch starts beeping, breaking the comfortable silence in their conversation. Jade sighed, "I'm sorry but I have to go. I'm running late for work."

Perrie felt her happy mood drop at Jade's statement and frowned conspicuously. "You're leaving? Again?"

Jade's eyes frantically looked up to meet the intense stare that came from the blonde, who seemed to be fuming in front of her. Jade suddenly felt the culpability starting to creep up inside the pit of her stomach when she realized that what she's currently doing is what she's been doing that caused a downhill in her and Perrie's previously failed relationship.

"I'm sorry, Perrie. But this is my job." Jade speaks with timidness, feeling guilty considering she never wanted to leave the blonde alone in the coffee shop with nobody to talk to.

Perrie frowned deeply, "Of course you'll do anything for your job. I mean, it's your job for god's sake."

Jade felt a stab in her chest when she heard this. She knew that she loved her job but she also knew that she loved Perrie just as much. Jade wanted to say that to Perrie, but just kept her mouth for she didn't want to argue with the blonde again just like last Monday when they met again after a year of no contact. It was heartbreaking to think that the person whom you loved very dearly never seemed to comprehend how much your occupation meant to you.

"I wanna see you again." Jade tells Perrie. Jade placed her hand on top of Perrie's with her eyes still glued on the blonde who was now shocked by the unanticipated physical contact. Not caring if she was too straight-forward, Jade spoke, "Meet me in this same spot tomorrow at twelve-thirty. My break starts at that time until one o'clock."

Stunned, Perrie just nodded slightly. She wasn't actually sure if she even had a schedule during Jade's breaktime but she just wanted to see the brunette as well. The edges of Jade's lips curve up as Jade flashed Perrie her wide grin, obviously excited for tomorrow to come.

       Jade swiftly stood up from her seat and nodded at Perrie with her grin still pasted on her face. She muttered a "Goodbye, Perrie" and whirled on her heels and walked away from the blonde, who was still stunned to even process what just happened there.


Winter season is almost over and it showed through the white fluffy pillows that are now melting on the ground from the hot rays of the summer sunshine and the snowflakes that are now smudged on the glass windows.

       The cold breeze of the aircon flew through Perrie's blonde waves and goosebumps were automatically formed on the back of her neck. Perrie's spine shivered a little and Perrie immediately grabbed her scarf from her bag and wrapped it around her neck.

       The imaginary wallclock inside Perrie's head is ticking really fast as Perrie's eyes continually peer at the entrance door of the coffee shop. Patiently waiting is all Perrie could do at this moment as she thinks about what Jade might be up to that caused the brunette to be five minutes late.

       Maybe she forgot about it was all Perrie's mind was occupied with. Perrie glanced at the glass door and looked down at her cold coffee as she heaves a sigh of disappointment, knowing that sooner or later she might just leave if the brunette didn't come at all. Perrie took a sip of her coffee, and as she hears the bell ringing, indicating that a customer walked in, her eyes immediately darted towards the entrance door only to be met by the familiar hazel brown orbs of the tanned beauty.

When Jade walked up to her, Perrie smiled. "And here I thought you forgot about our little meeting... What took you so long?"

       "I'm sorry, I've been caught up at work. How was your day?" Jade asks, sitting down on the same spot. And Perrie wondered if Jade ran all the way here because of Jade's deep breaths before speaking.

       "It was fine. My break would end in an hour, though. I have a client meeting." Perrie replies, sipping on her coffee as she peers at Jade over the rim of her mug.

       "I'm not sure if I should feel jealous that you're break would end later and mine would end in twenty minutes or be happy because of the same reason..."

Perrie shrugged and smiled. "Well, at least we still have twenty minutes to talk about anything."

       "Right..." Jade chuckled.

       Jade clasped her hands together and leaned her elbows on the table. A sudden question popped in her head and it was occupying every single question she would like to ask to the blonde. She cleared her throat before speaking. "So...do you...are you seeing...someone else?"

       Perrie's eyelids stretched up as the question took her in surprise. Her facial expression showed complete astonishment as she tries to analyze what Jade's question meant. Her knees were involuntarily bouncing under the small table.

       "I'm sorry, what?"

       "Are you seeing somebody else? Are you...taken?" Jade repeats her question, with her voice louder than the previous one.

"No." Perrie replies, looking straight into Jade's brown orbs that have somehow lit up from Perrie's answer. And Perrie wondered if Jade was happy that Perrie isn't taken.

"Oh, okay." Jade was certain that her heart almost leaped from her chest just hearing the answer she had hoped for. She was happy...and unfortunately it was so conspicuous that her smile was now blatantly shown.

"Why are you smiling?" Perrie curiously asked, wondering if her assumptions were true.

Jade raised her eyebrows and her smile was now gone. "What? I'm not smiling."

"Jade, you were literally smiling and I swear I am not joking."

"You have no proof that I was smiling so...sorry."

"My memory is my proof."

"Yes, but your mind can make up some delusions that could deceive you into thinking that you saw me smiling when in fact I wasn't even smiling at all."

"What on earth are you saying?"

Jade was seriously exerting all her efforts to stifle her laughs. But now that she sees Perrie getting exasperated already, she was already on the verge of laughing her ass of in front of the blonde.

"Perrie, I'm just kidding." Jade chuckled, placing her hand on top of Perrie's, once again catching Perrie's attention.

       Jade scanned every inch of Perrie's face, remembering the feeling of touching and caressing Perrie's smooth and soft cheeks, remembering what Perrie's cheekbones felt like. Jade missed Perrie in her arms, she missed how her fingertips gracefully glided on the delicate ivory skin of the blonde. She missed how Perrie would always snuggle closer to the brunette, and how Perrie's nose tickled her neck every time Perrie buries her face under Jade's chin.

       Jade was a total idiot thinking she could live even without Perrie by her side. Jade felt like a total jerk breaking up with Perrie just because she was getting promoted in her career. She felt like a total jerk thinking that Perrie was a distraction and that was something she could never forgive herself for.

       And now that she finally sees the blonde sitting down in front of her with full intent, Jade heaved a deep sigh before saying the words she wished she would've said before she broke up with her.

       "Perrie, I'm sorry." Jade tells Perrie abruptly, her facial expression changed into sincerity as she peers at Perrie's eyes. "I am so, so, sorry. I'm sorry of all the wrong doings I've done that caused you to feel regret and doubt about our relationship. I'm sorry if I prioritized my job instead of the love of my life. I'm sorry if I made you feel like you are nothing compared to my career, but please try to understand that you are everything to me and I was so engrossed with work to even realize how much you mean to me."

       Perrie looked at Jade with pure astonishment. This was definitely not what she had anticipated from the brunette. She heaved a deep breath before breaking eye contact and looked back at her clasped hands with fidgetting fingers. But Jade, wanting Perrie's full attention, reached for Perrie's hands and clutched them, beckoning for Perrie to look up at her in which Perrie did.

       "Perrie, please...please forgive me. Let's give this another try." Jade sighed. "Let's give us another try."


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