Reed's POV
I captured Melanie's hand in mine as we drove along the road, "Tell me, why are you marrying her? Couldn't you tell your parents that this is wrong?" I sighed, "Babe, it is a contract marriage, I'll still be with you, you are the love of my life, I can't let you go." She smiled her million-dollar smile and my heart leaped at the side. What would I do without her? We had been dating for 6 years, longer than what most couples lasted. I was about to propose to her that night until I got that dreaded call from my parents. "What would I do without you?" I sheepishly grinned at her, "I don't know, you tell me?" I kissed her cheek but lost control of the car and we both swerved on the road. I held her hand tightly as I tried to regain control but to no avail. Our car went smashing into a tree and there was a complete blackout.
Violet's POV
"So Dr. Amna, how is Joanna doing?" I looked at her chart, she had congestive heart disease and diabetes which would make things complicated for her treatment. "Dr. Violet, I suggest we give her a new low-sodium diet plan and exercise regimes to start with?" I nodded, "Sounds about right, lets start with a few dietary tweaks." I went to my office and opened my MacBook to start calculating her new diet regimes. I heard my pager buzz and there was a surgical emergency. I rushed out of my office, oh God, I hope it's nothing that serious. I saw a stretcher wheeling somebody in, that person looked oddly familiar. I ran towards the stretcher and oh lord! It was...Reed! I gasped, I put my hand over my mouth. He had a severe head injury, "Dr. Sasha, please take this patient to the ICU, I'm coming!" Reed, my supposed fiancé was in a car crash, along with his girlfriend. I prayed that they would be alright, being a doctor, it was my responsibility to make sure they were alright. After getting ready for the surgery, I went inside the Intensive Care Unit and performed life-saving surgery. Shards of glass had penetrated deep inside his body and we had to be extra careful, I remembered my mom's dress appointment message, but if the person I was marrying would not survive then what was the point. After a few hours, Reed and Melanie were both saved. I had called Mr. and Mrs. Wilson to come to see him in the hospital. They both rushed towards me, "Violet dear, where are Reed and Melanie?" I comforted them, "They're both okay and resting, they both need to rest, can I get you both some water?" They both thanked God, "Thank you so much Violet dear, we cannot thank you enough." I smiled, "It was my duty." I was tired and emotionally drained, I was on the verge of fainting. I sat down in my office, I had texted my Mom earlier who had been understanding and said that my emotional well-being mattered to them and dress shopping could wait. I leaned my head on the wooden table. Before my phone rang, too much for peace, "Dr. Violet, you are needed in Room 104, a nurse is already taking care of the first aid needs, you just need to ask the important questions." I took long strides towards the room, I was too tired.
Reed's POV
It hurt like hell, every part of my body and each crevice felt like it had been sliced through by an ax, "Is my girlfriend okay?" I asked the nurse, concern in my voice. "Yes Mr. Reed, she is in the adjacent room, and she's doing very well." I breathed a sigh of relief. The door of my room opened...and Violet stepped in. Was she the one who did my surgery? It couldn't be, but of course, it could, she was a doctor. I had a bad headache. "Nurse Anne, you can go now." She looked fatigued and tired. "Was it you who did my operation?" I inquired. "Yes Mr. Wilson, it was me, how are you feeling?" To hell with the Mr. Bullshit. "You don't have to call me Mr. Wilson, my name is Reed." She looked at me in an expressionless way, "I know Mr. Wilson but this is a hospital environment and I have to make sure you are feeling well." I noticed her hand, she was still wearing her ring whereas I probably had thrown it in the dustbin somewhere or in a drawer most likely. "I see you're wearing your ring, I'm impressed."
"Yes I am, I have a contract to fulfill, I hope you are feeling well, and your girlfriend is doing well." I knew that already, "Thank you for informing me Dr. Violet, I knew already, I just have a headache." She came towards my bead but blacked out and stumbled, "I'm too tired, I'll call the nurse in to put in a drip, my shift has already ended." I was concerned, "Are you okay?" She clutched her head, "Yeah...I'm fine." She walked out the door, leaving me to my thoughts.