Victoria Morgan was brought back to reality from the knock on her door in her office. Kate opens and walks in with a scowl on her face. "Didn't you hear me knock? "
Actually, Victoria didn't. She was busy replaying in her head everything that has happened during the weekend. "I'm sorry". She said simply, "what can I do for you Kate".
Kate hesitated to speak as she took her seat. "How did you spend your weekend Toria?"
Victoria looks at her amazed by her question. Her and Kate weren't friends, so why was she interested in knowing that her weekend was far from what she expected. That she had met a fine man but was still not sure she wanted to see where that leads to because her past still haunts her.
"Don't look so surprised, "Kate says, "I just couldn't help but notice how early you came to work today. It's very unlike you".
"Well, I... " Ring Ring Ring... Victoria's phone interrupts.
"That's your ringtone? " Kate says more to herself than to Victoria.
Victoria swallows hard, could Kate have recognized her ringtone?
"Won't you answer it? " Kate asks looking her deep in the eyes.
Victoria gazed at the caller ID, It was Gerald calling. She shakes her head, "It's not important".
"Maybe i'm in the way. I will excuse you now". Kate says as she gets up and leaves Victoria's office.
At closing time that day, Victoria Morgan couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief as she packs up for the day. She has been sweating profusely ever since her morning encounter with Kate. But nothing had happened after that, probably nothing will. She told herself as she got set to leave the office. But just at that moment, her work phone rings. It was her boss calling to see him in his office immediately.
"I hope we've an understanding Ms. Morgan? " Her boss asked, raising a questioning eyebrow at her as she sat opposite him in his office.
Victoria nodded.
"I have been a nice boss to you, pardoning your perpetual late comings. I gave you this job not because you were the best person for it, but because of your friend, my brother's fiance begged me to".
"I know Sir". Victoria said calmly.
"What else you should know now is keeping quiet will help you keep your job".
"Sure Sir".
"Then we're good here". He dismissed her.
But before she could get up to leave, Mrs Gloria, the boss wife walks in unannounced.
"Honey, you didn't tell me you were stopping by". Her husband says as he gets up quickly to meet her by the door and kisses her on the cheek.
"What is she still doing here? I thought it was closing hours? " Mrs Gloria said frowning down at Victoria.
"She was already leaving, weren't you Ms. Morgan? "
"Yes I was. Good night". She said hurriedly and left without looking back.
It was the weekend again, and all the girls were at Victoria's apartment binge watching a movie. Victoria's phone suddenly rings and gets all of their attention.
"Whose phone is that?" Bianca yelled.
"I am trying to watch a movie here". Mildred spoke up.
"It's mine, sorry girls". Victoria quickly apologizes and goes to get her phone.
"Is it the guy at the cinema?" Becca asks once Victoria picked up her phone.
Victoria nods in confirmation.
"Pick, pick, pick..." Becca says excitedly, and the rest look up at Victoria curiously.
Barely few minutes, the call was over.
"What did he say?" Mildred asked first.
"He's inviting me out for dinner".
"Awwn... that's sounds romantic". Becca teased.
Bianca hissed, "Can I watch my movie now in peace?" She says instead.
"What? No. We need to pick a dress out for Victoria". Becca picks the remote and pauses the movie
"And also do her make up". Mildred adds eagerly.
Bianca rolls her eyes. "Fine". Her face red with jealousy. She had liked the guy in the grey suit and wished him for herself but he picked Victoria instead. Victoria was still healing from her last relationship, and wasn't ready to put herself out for any relationship. But yet she is still the one who gets picked and and is now going on a romantic dinner. How unfair!
Victoria deliberately kept her gaze averted from Gerald as he settled himself in the seat opposite her. How she could find him so attractive was deeply worrying. This was the sixth time in four weeks that they have been together for an entire evening since they met each other.
Her head told her that Gerald was a good, dependable man who would never cause her the terrible pain as Nelson did. She liked him very much. They had a lot of interest in common. And while liking wasn't love, Victoria didn't trust love anymore. Love could lead one badly astray.
Gerald reached across the table for her hand, "where have you drifted to? ", He said.
Victoria smiles at him, "Nowhere, you have my undivided attention".
He smiles back at what she said, "You look incredibly stunning tonight, "he whispered in a husky voice. "I love you Toria", he continued urgently, "and I really wish you would give us a chance".
Victoria stares at their hands linked, feeling his warmth and strength, and desperately wanting what he was offering. Could she trust him? She thought as she lifted her gaze meeting his in fearful uncertainty.
"Alright... " she began softly, "I will give us a chance".
Gerald smiles, a happy smile that transmitted unbounded joy. Victoria's heart gave a kick at its sight, sending a tingle of excited anticipation through her veins.
"Thanks darling", he says warmly, "I feel like the luckiest man alive tonight ". She smiled shyly at him in response.
There was a brief silence as Gerald still held on to Victoria's hand. "Toria,", he called softly and squeezed her hand lightly, "will you... ", he paused to meet her gaze, "will you mind us going to my apartment? Just for a short while? "
She held his gaze for a moment, "You'll let me go whenever I want to, Gerald? " she asked quizzically.
"Of course, whenever you want to". He promised, his steady eyes giving her that assurance she needed.
"Alright, I will come with you for a while". She finally said.