The sun was blazing high up in the sky when Edgar felt warm lips brush his forehead. He stirred whiles opening his eyez slightly.
A warm smile etched on his face when his eyes met with Monique's beautiful face which was hovering over his.
"Hey..." He whispered softly
"Hey..." Monique replied back shyly
Edgar rose from the couch into a sitting posture. Pulling Monique to sit on his lap as he wrapped his arms tightly around her.
He dropped a light kiss on her lips before trailing kisses down her neck and chest where he lingered a little longer.
"Lunch is ready..." Monique whispered out of breath
"Mmh... I have a better idea." Edgar replied as he started sucking on Monique's soft spot causing her to moan out.
"Urgh... Come on Eddie... Let's eat something first then we can do whatever you want to pass time" She bargained
"Really... "Edgar asked excitedly
"Yeah"Monique said as she rose from his laps. Pulling Edgar behind her to the kitchen.
"It sure smells nice in here" Edgar commented as soon as he entered the kitchen."What did you make?"
"I made lasagna. I hope you don't mind." Monique asked as they settled down to eat.
"Nah...not at all." Edgar said as he served himself and dug in.
"Ooh... This is soo good... " He moaned out as he ate his first bite.
Monique blushed at the compliment. She kept her now red face down as she dug into her food.
Halfway through the meal, they started making small talks. Edgar raised the issue of Monique's breakdown earlier on but he was quickly shut down seeing as Monique said she didn't want to talk about it.
So they moved to neutral grounds but at the mention of the office, Edgar noticed Monique stiffen and shift uncomfortably in her seat..
"What's wrong baby?" He questioned. Concern etched on his face.
"Don't... Don't you think the people at the office would talk about us?" She whispered softly
Edgar let out a relieved chuckle...
"Who cares honey?"
"I do Eddie... They are gonna be talking about us. Treating us differently and awkwardly"
"You are forgetting something Monique"
"What?" She asked with a confused frown on her face.
"We own the company baby. We can damn well do as we please besides what we do in our personal lives is none of their god-damn business"
"Yeah... I guess you are right"Monique said with a defeated sigh. Bitting her lips as she processed what Edgar had just said.
Edgar let out a groan at that sight.
"Monique Carolla Montgomery!!! If you don't stop bitting your lip right now, I swear, we are going to skip this lunch immediately and we will be starting a new project upstairs, in my BED!" He said hoarsely.16
Monique released her lips immediately.
"Urhm... I... I... " She fumbled not knowing what to say as Edgar's hoarse voice had her all hot and bothered.
Still watching her intently, Edgar went on to say;
"I want to bite them, kiss them, suck them, tease them...and a whole lot of things you have no idea of."
Monique's eyes darkened with desire whiles her face reddened. She couldn't stop herself from blushing and neither could she stop the soft moan that escaped her lips.
Edgar held on tight to his cutlery as he groaned softly before going back to his meal. They ate the food in silence thereafter.
After the meal, Edgar cleared the table whiles Monique loaded the dishwasher. She set the cleaned plates out on the drainboard after they were cleaned.
They were walking back to the living room when Monique's phone went off. She stopped in her tracks to pick it up.
Edgar dropped a kiss on her forehead before leaving her to give her privacy. Making a beeline for his bedroom.
Monique checked the caller ID only to suck in a loud breath seeing as her sister's name was splayed on her screen.
True they say,
'Talk of the devil and he shall appear sooner or later'
She swallowed the lump forming in her throat as she hit the answer button.
"Hey Caroline, how are you doing?" She said somewhat cheerfully
"Carolla. Am surviving only beacuse I know you are finding ways to avenge Edgar for my demise. Afterall, you were the one who encouraged me to take the first steps in befriending him only to get humiliated by him and his friends infront of the whole school might I add and oh!.. and don't forget Mom died because of that"
Caroline said snarkily and emotionlessly without any care in the world.
Monique felt her world crumble as those left Caroline's mouth. Her heart clenched as the tears rolled down her face accompanied by a cold shiver running down her spine. She swallowed hard, wiping the tears from her face...
"Yeah... You're right. How is your vacation going so far and your treatment" She asked, trying to change the subject.
"Same old. Same old. Boring" Caroline replied tauntingly
Monique could only sigh with resignation.
"You know you don't have to sigh like am a lost case..." Caroline snapped,ready to throw one of her famous tantrums.
"I know okay... Just calm down okay. But I need to go. I have some issues to sort out. Best wishes and kisses. I love you."
"Yeah... I guess me too." Then the line went dead.
Monique slumped against a nearby wall as she tried to rein in her emotions.
She felt lost and scared and she knew she would be breaking down any moment from now. She walked dully in the direction Edgar had left in as the memories of her past came to her with full force.