Raif stood outside the medical scene room for a long time, debating whether or not he should go in. The blinds weren’t fully closed, so he could see that Chicklet was giving her sub Laura aftercare. He didn’t even consider going in until Chicklet slid her sub off her lap and onto the blanket spread out on the floor. Laura leaned against the wall with a smile on her lips and a bottle of sweet tea in her hand.
When Chicklet began cleanup, Raif knocked softly at the door.
“Come in.” Chicklet dropped a disinfectant cloth in the metal bin by the counter and glanced over at him. “Zovko. What can I do you for?”
Smiling, Raif stepped into the room, but not too far. He simply wanted to share some information, not impose his presence. “Your sub went into the main area of the club looking to be punished. He did manage to get Callahan to consider, but I stepped in. I can’t say I understand why you would have chosen to—”
“Really?” Chicklet placed her hands on her leather-clad hips, a sly half-smile on her lips. “You’re not here to lecture me, Zovko. You’re either here because you want to play with him again, or because you want to see how I’ll thank you for handling him.”
“You’re not curious as to why Tyler is not here with me?” Raif knew it wouldn’t be wise to smirk at the uncertainty in Chicklet’s eyes, but there was some satisfaction at seeing her cockiness fade. They didn’t speak often, but when they did there was always tension—as though the wrong word would lead to a heated argument. Neither of them had pushed it that far yet. But he was about to. “Your boy left with his friends. There is something bothering him, but he wouldn’t speak to me after our scene.”
Eyes like storm clouds sweeping over the mountainside forests of home flashed with rage. Chicklet’s hand whipped out to latch on to the front of his white dress shirt. “What did you do to him?”
Raif gently plucked her fingers from his shirt, catching her hand before she could move away. She was a strong woman, tall enough that she matched his height with heels. But there was something delicate about her features, something he hadn’t noticed before because her eyes and her presence made her appear more a powerful force than a woman a man would lust after.
One look from her could silence the most powerful Dom. She could pass for mid-thirties, but he had a feeling she was at least forty. Experienced, confident, and intimidating.
To most.
He smirked at her, not caring anymore if it was smart. If they were to discuss anything, she had to accept that he didn’t see her as the all-knowing Domme. They were equals, and he would show her all the respect she showed him. “He was begging to be punished. Rather than beat him, I reduced him to a thing. He could not speak and he didn’t get the attention he’s used to.”
“Objectification.” Chicklet inclined her head, glancing at his hand holding hers, shifting closer, rather than away as he’d expected. “Creative. I like that. But do you really think you know him well enough to mindfuck him like that?”
“If you were so concerned—”
“I’m always concerned, but I knew there were people out there looking out for him.” She bared her teeth in a tight smile which made goose bumps rise on his flesh. “That’s not what I asked. Mason wouldn’t have let Tyler leave if he didn’t look okay. I’m not Tyler’s mother, I’m his Domme. I’ll discuss this with him later, but I trust him not to do anything stupid.”
Raif released her hand and stepped back. “Then what are you asking?”
“Why did you do it? You hardly ever play with the subs here, but you chose one who’s a teammate and a friend. And not for just any scene.” She cocked her head, looking him over slowly. “Do you care about him?”
“I do. As a friend. And I’ve considered—” Damn the woman. The shift in her demeanor, the honest curiosity in her tone, had him speaking without thinking. And yet—he had nothing to hide. “I’ve considered taking on a sub to train. I’m not interested in more.” He lifted his shoulders dismissively. “He needs it, but I’m sure you know that.”
She nodded and turned, taking a few moments to observe Laura before returning her attention to him. “Maybe he does, but I have a feeling you’ve had a change of heart?”
“He’s straight. That alone is more of an obstacle than I care to deal with.” He didn’t really need to say more, but he’d come here to warn Chicklet that there were issues she might not be aware of. “I’m not sure he’s fit to play at all right now. There was something in his eyes… I wouldn’t have let him leave if he were mine.”
“It’s sweet that you’re worried.” Chicklet patted his cheek, laughing when he jerked away. “Ah, so you’re one of those. You’ve never submitted to anyone, have you?”
“I am well trained. You don’t need to worry that I mishandled your boy.”
“I’m not worried. And I appreciate you coming to me about this. I’ll keep an eye on him.”
“Good.” Nothing else to say. Raif had to get out of there. The woman made him uncomfortable and he wasn’t sure why. He’d been around many Dommes who’d seen him as a challenge. It wasn’t a game he played. “Enjoy the rest of your evening, Chicklet.”
His hand was on the doorknob when she spoke. “I should still thank you.”
All he had to do was open the door and walk away, pretend he hadn’t heard her, but her teasing tone made the edges of his lips quirk. No form of thanks would involve him submitting to her. He faced her, one eyebrow raised in question.
The intimidating goddess she played within these walls had given way to a woman who moved with a sultry sway, a medusa that turned his cock turn to stone. He leaned against the door as she slid up to him and hooked her fingers to the waist of his leathers. “How will you thank me?”
“There’s only one way I can think of that a woman can truly express gratitude to a man like you.” Her hand stroked the swell of his cock through the leather. “If you don’t object?”
He closed his eyes as she continued to stroke him. “Why would I?”
Her long fingers latched on to his zipper. Drew it down, one inch at a time, no rush. “A man like you can have almost anyone. But you won’t give up on the one you can’t have.”
She knelt in front of him, gazing up in a way that made her look so much younger. Sweeter than he knew she was. But the illusion was enough to bring his guard down. He smiled and petted her short, silky hair, an earthy brown, like leaves covering the earth in the fall. When it came down to it, she was a woman and he was a man. There were things they could do for one another.
No need to make it more complicated. “I won’t discuss this with you. There’s no reason for me to say no to what you offer; that’s all you need to know.”
“That’s fine.” She let out a lust-filled sigh as she wrapped her hand around him. “For a man who’s known for his appetites, you’ve been very hands-off lately.”
He groaned as she ran her tongue up the underside of his cock, her gaze on his face. His body didn’t care about following the conversation, but his brain held on for as long as possible. “I know what I want.”
“And who?” She pressed a soft kiss to the head of his dick. Her red lipstick left a smudge on his flesh, but with the way the blood darkened his skin, it almost blended in. She licked the bead of precum leaking from the slit at the tip of his cock. “Do you want me, Raif?”
Her mouth was hot as it covered him, so wet, so fucking perfect. His mind shut down as she sucked and swallowed, picking up speed as her saliva slicked his length. He forced his eyes open to see Laura, but he’d gone too far to even begin to understand the knowing smile on her lips. He fisted his hands in Chicklet’s hair and groaned out the last word he was capable of.
* * * *
He’s all mine.
Chicklet smiled even as she moved her hands to Raif’s hips, using nothing but her mouth to toy with him. He was so close and it wouldn’t take long to send him over the edge.
She worked her tongue against the ridge under the head of his dick. Moved her lips up and down, feeling her panties grow damp as the power enveloped her. Few understood the control a woman had on her knees, but she’d always been aware of it. She hadn’t played this kind of game in a very long time—at one time, it had been her second favorite sport. Raif was no different than the men she’d amused herself with when she’d started as a Domme. Arrogant and so sure he could have whatever he wanted.
Making him question everything he’d ever believed would be easy. His arrogance would be his downfall, and if she gave a shit about how much he’d doubt himself after, she wouldn’t be doing this. But he’d done the one thing she wouldn’t tolerate.
No one fucks with my friends.
As she went through the motions, bringing one hand back to the base of his cock to squeeze so he wouldn’t come, she let her thoughts drift. Laura knew her well enough to get what she was doing, but Tyler had never seen how vicious she could be. She didn’t like that Raif had been the one to punish him, and yet…maybe it was good. Tyler liked this man, and seeing Raif sniffing around Pearce bothered him. Maybe that was why Tyler had been off after the scene. She’d know once she talked to him.
Until then…she squeezed hard and increased the suction of her mouth. Released Raif and hopped to her feet, a smirk on her lips as he let out a low growl and reached for her.
“Again, thank you, Raif.” She blinked as she realized he’d become Raif in her mind, and out loud. That was odd. She tended to call all the guys by their last names because she was used to doing so with the men on her own hockey team. Not that it mattered. Raif was staring at her with a dark understanding in his eyes as she wiped the saliva from her lips. “If Tyler wants to play with you, we can discuss it. You may have heard the three of us are in a rather open relationship. Now that I’ve had your cock in my mouth, even Laura has permission to fuck you if she wants to.” She looked over her shoulder, grinning at the way Laura batted her eyelashes with feigned innocence. “Do you want to finish him off, baby?”
“I will if you want me to, Mistress.” Laura rose gracefully to her feet, head bowed in a perfectly submissive posture. “But I do prefer Doms.”
“Oh, Raif is a Dom. He’s just in way over his head.” Chicklet met Raif’s eyes. Let her tone turn to ice. “We could all have a lot of fun. But only if you understand one very basic thing.”
Raif drew in a long inhale. His lips curved up slightly as he replied. “And what is that?”
“I make a very bad enemy. And if you fuck with my friends’ lives, that’s exactly what I’ll be. If you try to come between Demyan and Pearce—”
“Ah, is that the issue?” Raif put his finger over her lips. “I won’t come between them. I think Demyan is wrong for Zach, but that’s up to Zach to decide, isn’t it?”
Damn him, the man had a point. She’d probably have to hurt Mr. Zachary Pearce if he made the wrong choice, but it was his choice to make. “It is.”
“Which still leaves this little game. You can’t seriously mean to offer up your subs as a distraction? I’d heard you were a fiercely protective Domme.” He traced his finger over her lips. “If you’d like to distract me, maybe you should finish what you started.”
They both knew that wasn’t going to happen. Not now anyway. Chicklet shrugged and slid her hands up his chest, enjoying the firmness of thick muscles under her hands as most women would, but her darker side relished the way those muscles twitched, betraying how much she affected him. For subs, she preferred Laura’s graceful surrendering of control, and Tyler’s playful, but heartfelt submission. But once in a while, she had the urge for a bit of a power struggle. Raif was the first Dom she’d met in years who might be able to give her that.
“I might finish what I started one day, but you’re not ready to do what it takes to have me.” She held her hand out behind her, hearing the sweep of the blanket across the tiled floor as Laura crossed the room. Then felt her girl’s small hand in hers. “As for my subs, I always keep their best interests in mind. Tyler might be able to learn something from you.”
Letting out a soft laugh, Raif shifted aside, then opened the door for them. “He certainly could, but you might want to ask him if he’s ready to learn what I can teach. I regretted pushing him as far as I did, and I don’t regret things often.”
“Why though? He asked for it.”
“Yes, but I wanted to give him more. I wanted to…” Raif sighed and leaned against the open door. “I wanted to hold him after and tell him I am here.”
“I think you’re a good Dom, Raif. And maybe I don’t hate you.” Chicklet squeezed Raif’s shoulder, fully understanding how a closed off sub could leave a Dom feeling damn useless. Raif had pushed Tyler, but not without putting himself out there at least a little. She could respect that. “If you do a scene with Tyler again, it won’t be a punishment. We’ll talk, okay?”
“I would like that.” The hint of Raif’s soothing Croatian accent made Chicklet feel like she’d just laid out on a massage bed to have big, strong hands relax her entire being. His lips were close to hers, and then he kissed her, a soft, chaste kiss that promised so much more. That voice and his hot breath did unforgiveable things to her. No man made her knees go weak. But his next words did. “And I will be ready to do exactly what it takes to have you, Chicklet.” He kissed her cheek, and whispered, “I’ll be ready to beg.”