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Chapter 6

Balthazar despised that girl.

Which made no sense. On meeting her, he’d felt comfortable in her presence. She’d been kind when her lead singer had acted like a spoiled child. She was full of life, a hard worker, and ambitious. All things he admired.

But the way she toyed with Connor set his teeth on edge.

He couldn’t hear their exchange from where he stood in the shadows, but her every move, every smile, was designed to tempt Connor. She’d seen Brave lay into the guitarist. Must know how precarious his position was. But she didn’t care. She didn’t see Connor as a man with all he’d built at risk. She would use him, like too many had before.

You could stop her…

No, he couldn’t. His job was to keep Connor safe. And Annette wasn’t putting him in any real danger. He refused to consider his animosity going beyond how trouble with the woman would jeopardize Connor’s career. Loosened his fist when he realized there were still clenched from when he’d watched them kiss. He tried to clear his mind, but he could still recall the brush of Connor’s lips on his.

He clasped his hand to his wrist at the base of his spine as Connor and Annette headed for the dance floor. Gaze trailing them, while avoiding the pulsing lights which would mar his visibility in the dark, he frowned as they separated. Annette quickly found a partner to dance with. Connor approached another woman.

Maybe Balthazar had misjudged Annette. Could she have been teasing the guitarist?

The kiss had seemed like more.

To some, a kiss meant nothing.

Slipping his hand under the curly black hair of his dance partner, Connor brought his lips to her throat as she rubbed herself against his thigh provocatively. He moved well for a man with such thick muscles, using his every sultry movement to arose, hips swaying in a slow undulation that mimicked long, deep thrusts. Balthazar hardened as he watched, unable to halt the vision of pulling Connor against him as he moved, just like that.

Stop. Now. He ground his teeth, eye narrowing as Annette slipped up behind Connor. She latched on to his jaw, drawing his lips to hers in a wild kiss before turning to the woman.

Annette had planned this. Connor was nothing more than a toy to be passed around by that woman. And the worst thing was, he didn’t know he deserved better.

If Connor was Balthazar’s sub, he wouldn’t share. He would do everything in his power to show the man how fulfilling something real could be. Intimacy and pain and pleasure and sheets that didn’t cool moments after the last shudder.

But he couldn’t give Connor any of that. He couldn’t even give him the friendship he desperately needed.

All he could do was keep his distance. Watch for the ‘real’ threats.

And hope that woman didn’t fuck Connor up any worse than those before her had.

* * * *

Annette needed to get out of here. With Connor. And with Joanna, whose kiss tasted like sweet, heady wine with a dash of spice. Dancing was fun, but what she wanted to do to them both required privacy.

Her eyes fluttered shut as Joanna cupped her breasts through her shirt, gently grazing her nipples with her fingertips. Her nipples tightened, sensitive and tingling. She hissed in a breath as Connor framed her hips with his big hands, lips on her throat. Somehow they’d all changed position, surrounding her. Rather than Connor being the ‘stud’, like she’d suggested, Annette became the focus of both the drummer and the waitress who’d finished her shift only an hour earlier.

Not that she minded, but she’d wanted to show Connor a good time. She couldn’t even say why it was so important, only… North wasn’t with them. Every time she’d fooled around with anyone for the past couple years, he’d been there. Tempting her, pushing all the right buttons, working her like a puppet on a string so she stopped caring who was touching her. Fucking her. All that mattered was he was in complete control.

Until the last shudder, when the pleasure died and she lay next to a stranger, feeling used and abandoned because North was nowhere to be found.

This time, she was the one in control. She got to say when and where. And when they were done, she would be the first to walk away. She wasn’t confused by emotion. Had no expectations beyond the pleasure she could give and take.

Taking the lead felt weird though. She drew away from the heat and the desire, beckoning for them to follow. Neither spoke as they descended to the main club, then wove their way through the crowd. Unlike the other bands, XVI Hours had brought their bus. They’d looked up parking and seen there was plenty of space. They didn’t have vans, weren’t wasting money on a rental, and had no roadies to play designated drivers. With the bus right here they could stumble in whenever and just crash.

Also gave them a convenient place to bring playmates. North was dancing with the cute drummer, Orion and Quinton took their time, and Kace didn’t seem to look beyond North, so she’d have the bus to herself for a while. Which was perfect.

She pulled her keys from a small pocket in her boot and palmed them as Joanna and Connor watched her, expectantly.

This is it. Open the door.

She swallowed, staring at the keys in her hand.

I can’t.

“Hey.” Joanna gently took the keys from her, sliding into her personal space, free hand curving along the side of Annette’s neck. “Don’t overthink this, honey. We go in, have a drink, and see what happens. Which is nothing if you’re not comfortable.”

“We can go back into the club if you want.” Connor glanced back toward the club, then at her as though not sure what he should be doing and waiting for direction. “I enjoyed dancing with you. Both of you.”

Annette tugged her bottom lip between her teeth. Why did they both have to be so nice? Couldn’t they be a little more…demanding?

Like North? Is that really what you want?

She shook her head. “No, I want this. I just—”

Connor’s lips parted.

Joanna reached out and put her finger over his lips. “Hush, boy, or I won’t let you play.”

His eyes widened. But he shut his mouth and nodded.

A sly glint in Joanna’s eyes quickened Annette’s pulse. Her long fingers raked into Annette’s hair as she pushed Annette against the door of the bus. Her lips hovered over Annette’s as she spoke softly. “Is this for you or for him?”

“Both.” Annette gasped as Joanna’s grip tightened in her hair. “Oh fuck, I—”

“You’re sweet. I like that.” Joanna grazed her teeth down Annette’s throat. “You’re used to giving others what they want. What if I want you. What if I want him to watch?”

That sounded…hot. And also incredibly selfish. Why drag Connor out here just to watch them? Unless he’d enjoy the performance, but then—

“Don’t think. Just do what feels right, sweet girl.” Joanna drew away, cupping Annette’s face in her soft hands, a gentle smile on her lips. “Let this be about you.”

Inhaling slowly, Annette nodded, readily letting Joanna take control. The woman seemed to know what she was doing. “Ah…a drink sounds good.”

“Just one.” Joanna’s tone was firm, and Annette got the impression she wouldn’t allow for liquid courage.

Fair enough. Annette wouldn’t need it if Joanna kept touching her that way.

After unlocking the bus, Joanna led the way inside. Annette started up the steps, glancing back at Connor to see he was totally at ease. Going with the flow, which she appreciated. She smiled, her eyes going passed him for a moment to see Balthazar, standing outside the club, leaning against the wall, arms folded over his chest.

He wasn’t glaring. Didn’t seem angry. Which should have been reassuring.

Instead, his blank stare sent a chill down her spine. And she wasn’t sure why.

She turned, rubbing her arms as she made her way onto the bus. Grinned when she saw Joanna checking out the liquor supply.

“I’ve got a bottle of Bluenose Rum if you’d like to try some.” She slipped past Connor and headed to her bunk to grab the bottle she’d brought from home. “My father’s from Nova Scotia and he always gets me a couple bottles when he goes to visit.”

“I’ve been to Nova Scotia.” Joanna’s smiled as she watched Annette fill three glasses with ice, then splash some rum over it. “Beautiful area.”

Annette handed her, then Connor a glass, leaning against the kitchenette table as they settled down on the small sofa. “You don’t have much of a German accent. Are you from Canada?”

“No, from Wales actually. Had wanderlust in my late teens and early twenties. Decided to meet every member of my extended family. I’d save up for months and take a trip, which drove my parents crazy.” She shook her head and laughed. “I don’t blame them. I think they were relieved when I came home from a trip to New Orleans with a German man I’d eloped with, carrying his baby. He had a good job, a nice house—the stable life they wanted for me.”

Connor went still with his glass to his lips. He lowered it. “Your baby…?”

“Is a beautiful nineteen-year-old with a sharp tongue and a sharper mind, studying to be an engineer. Her father, God rest his soul, had a heart attack ten years ago. He was a wonderful man.” Her smile was a little wistful, but she didn’t seem upset by the memory. “We grew apart, but he did teach me how nice having a place to call home can be. I enjoy my independence. Like a bit of spice in my life.” She winked. “I don’t get to travel as much, but working in a club like this, I get to meet people from all over. Keeps things interesting.”

Sipping her drink, enjoying the hint of clove in the cool, spicy, sweet liquid sliding over her tongue, Annette eyed Connor, wondering at his question. Why had he been worried about the baby? Sure, she’d been worried for a minute that they’d touched on a sensitive subject, but Joanna didn’t seem the type of woman who’d let the conversation go anywhere she didn’t want it to.

Or let anything slip out of her control, actually. Including Annette and Connor. How had that happened? Annette had wanted to take control back from North, then at the first chance, handed it right over to someone else.

This could become a very bad habit. She frowned, bringing her thumb to her lips to chew on the edge of her nail.

“A very busy mind, this one.” Joanna chuckled and rose from the sofa. She took Annette’s glass and set it aside. “I’m not sure how the two of you ended up together, but if you want to play with this one, sweet girl, you’ll have to be clear on what you need from him.”

Annette blinked. “Oh, we’re not… This is just tonight. For fun.”

“I see.” Joanna gave her a hooded look, grazing her thumb over Annette’s bottom lip. “A shame, I think you could enjoy him. He’d make a good pet.”

“Pet?” Connor said, even as Annette repeated the word.

“Mmhmm.” Joanna trailed her finger down Annette’s throat. “Eager to please. Loyal. He found me for you, didn’t he?”

“We both wanted to try something different.” Annette’s lips parted and she inhaled roughly as Joanna hooked her fingers to the bottom of her shirt. “You seemed to be into it too.”

“I am.” Joanna lifted the shirt, easing it up over Annette’s head and arms. “You’re exactly my type.”

Breasts bared, goosebumps rising over her flesh, Annette brought her hands to Joanna’s shoulder’s as the woman kissed down her collarbone, drifting her lips over one breast, then the other. She trembled as the teasing touch had her shifting forward, wanting more.

Joanna let out a light laugh and took hold of her wrists, placing her hands on the edges of the counter behind her. “Be still. I won’t have you rushing me.”

Licking her bottom lip, Annette nodded, her gaze locking with Connor’s as he remained on the sofa, hands on his knees. She’d expected him to start jerking off as he enjoyed the show. So often when she was with a woman it ended up feeling like she was on stage again, every part of her exposed, skill and passion less important than how good she looked.

And if she tried to ignore the audience, her temporary lovers lost interest. She didn’t judge the women she’d been with, but she knew they weren’t really into her. Having the eyes of rock stars on them as they kissed and touched made them feel sexy. She was a means to an end. A fun experience for a night.

An experience she’d once enjoyed giving them, but she’d gotten tired of being set aside for the one they really wanted. Like on stage, the spotlight was rarely on her. Tonight she had taken center stage and it was thrilling and terrifying.

This beautiful, dominant woman was focused on her. And the way Connor watched them was different. Not like his favorite fantasy was playing out in front of him. Not like he was eager to step in and take over.

He seemed to be…waiting. Almost as though the moment Joanna had taken over he’d found pleasure in following her lead. Her approval meant something to him.

Either that or Annette was reading too much erotica to make up for her sucky sex life. Fantasy was so much better than reality. Joanna was exactly like the Dommes she’d always lusted after. Taking over and giving Annette exactly what she needed.

Which made Connor the man whose only desire was to please them both. A man who could make her smile and laugh. Who understood what it was like to be in this lifestyle, but never really fitting in.

Of course, she didn’t know him well enough to assume all that, but tonight, maybe she could have that fantasy.

At least he wasn’t a Dom. She couldn’t imagine having a man in control of her. A man expecting her to do things his way. To work hard to please him.

Fuck that. Being hung up on North had taught her one thing. She definitely wasn’t that kind of woman.

Joanna caught her chin and rose up, an amused smile on her lips. “I do enjoy a challenge. How will we get you out of your head, sweet girl?”

“I…” Annette shook her head, her cheeks heating as she realized despite having exactly what she wanted, she’d let past failures distract her from the moment. “I don’t know. I’m sorry, I just need…”

“Go on.” Joanna leaned in, kissing her in that leisurely, drugging way that reminded her why they’d come here in the first place. “You’ve never asked for what you need, have you. Try it, you’ll find it’s the best way to receive.”

Annette inhaled slowly. Damn it, why was the idea of asking so scary? She couldn’t expect people to read her mind.

She lifted her chin. “I want to feel desired. I want to enjoy tonight and leave none of us feeling…unsatisfied.”

“I can give you all that, sweetheart.” Joanna kissed her again, snapping open the button of her jeans. She eased them down, letting Annette step out of them, reclaiming her lips once she was naked. Then she smiled against Annette’s lips. “But first, close your eyes. Stop worrying about whether you’re giving us all we need. Don’t wonder if you’re sexy enough, or only sexy, or if this means anything at all.”

“Does it?” Annette hissed in a breath as Joanna’s hand covered her breast. “Mean anything?”

“It means you’ll remember me fondly. Is that enough?”

“For tonight?” Annette tipped her head back as Joanna circled her tight nipple with her tongue, closer and closer until the tiny nub throbbed with the need to be touched. Her breast swelled with sensation as the tip of Joanna’s tongue flicked over the tender tip. She jerked and moaned. “Yes.”

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