Asia regarded the bowl of soup that Zane handed to her. The soup was steaming hot and exuded a garlic aroma. She was hesitant to taste it mainly because it was Zane who prepared it. He was known to botch any meal even if there’s a recipe to follow.
“Go on,” Zane ushered Asia had no choice but to taste it.
Asia was surprised. Somehow the garlic soup has a smooth, rich flavor. There’s also the taste of sour cream which gives an extra tang to the taste. She looked at the soup, it was even garnished with parsley and chives.
“How was it?” he asked, closely observing her reaction.
“Since when did you learn how to cook? You were a terrible cook,” Asia remarked, remembering how she would redo every meal he tried to cook for her.
“You can learn it from the recipes.” There’s pride in his smile and then he took a bowl of soup for himself.
“He was desperate to learn how to cook during the past few months that you have been gone. He even asked me to teach him.”
They both looked towards the voice, it was Zane’s mother, Rita, who was holding the blankets for her to sleep on. Behind Rita was Uncle Bernard, Zane’s father.
“I am glad you are back, Asia, even if it will be for a few days.” Rita said and kissed Asia on the forehead. “When you come back, I assure you, my son will be an expert chef by then,” she added and winked at her.
She smiled at her. After the chaos and destruction that the monsters did on the Delta University, the classes were put on hold for two weeks. The suspension gave her time to visit Epsilon zone with Aya and Ellis. It was a welcome break for Asia, because the next training for the new Ekrons would soon start and that means, she’d be gone for an indefinite period of time. She might not even be able to come back. This time though, Asia told them she’d be leaving for a while but did not divulge that there’s a high chance of not seeing each other again.
“Why can't you just stay here and marry my useless son right now?” Uncle Bernard suggested humorously and took her hands, “I have the papers ready, would you like to sign it?”
Asia gave a smile of embarrassment and looked at Zane, asking for his help.
“Dad, stop bothering, Asia.” Zane stood up. He pushed his parents away from the room and locked the door. “I'm sorry about that. They seemed to have a wrong idea about us.” Zane apologized and proceeded to help spread out the blankets on the wooden floor.
“It's alright. I might have been really crazy about you,” she answered and realized her mistake. She watched as Zane reddened, took a pillow and threw it at her face.
“Shut up,” he said. He proceeded to gather up the bowls and hurriedly left the room.
“Wow!” Aya exclaimed. Finally, speaking up.
“How did you manage that?” Ellis asked, incredulous.
“If you wanted us to go, you could just say so,” Aya added. She took her hat lying at the chair and wore it. She was getting ready to leave.
“Go then. I would stay here. I would like to spend the night with Asia.” Ellis answered.
“Get a hint! Obviously Zane wanted her all for himself tonight.”
“He does not have the right! To have Asia, he must work hard for it,” she responded and lied down on the blanket beside Asia.
“Ellis, don’t be such a brat. You’re acting like some high quality adhesive.”
“Adhesive? Oh! you mean a glue? God, Aya stop spouting very rare adjectives to me!”
Asia faked a laugh and Aya rolled her eyes. “Rare adjective? First of all, it is a noun and it's not rare at all. How can you be so stupid when you are studying at Delta U?”
“And how can you be so mean to your friend?!” Ellis complained.
“Mean?” Aya said with a threat in her voice, “I am trying to teach you so you won't shame yourself in front of others.” She stood up and looked down on Ellis.
“Asia, scold her for me,” Ellis asked for help.
“You know her. I can't rebuke her if she was having her fits,” Asia answered.
“Stop asking help from your guardian, little one. Come here and I’ll teach you!” Aya said, referring to her usual strict english lessons.
“No way! I am not an English major, I don't want to take your vocabulary lessons! Asia!!!” Ellis screamed for help but it was too late. Aya pulled her in and enveloped her in the blankets.
“Now, little Ellis. Tell me how you passed Delta U.”
“I am industrious!” Ellis shouted with no other choice but to play along.
“Too simple of a word.”
“I mean, I am hardworking!”
“Try again, my dear,” Aya said in a more threatening voice and Asia smiled. She might have faked another laugh but she decided against it.
“Energetic?” Ellis tried again.
“Huh?!! You’re getting far!”
“That's a good one but I want more,” Aya said, emphasizing on 'more'.
“I don't know anymore!” Ellis screamed and stretched out her arms for Asia. “Asia!”
“Try again!”
“Indolent,” Asia suggested
“Indolent!” Ellis mimicked.
“That's the complete opposite now!” and Aya playfully tickled Ellis and she screamed.
“Traitor!!” Ellis yelled in between her laughter.
It was just a fun play between Ellis and Aya but it was enough to take away the smile on her face.
Asia shifted her attention towards the owner of the familiar voice. It was Zane gesturing for her to come with him. Asia stood up and followed him outside the room.
“Say, Asia, I know this is sudden but, you see, in a few months, I will be an intern so…” Zane peeked at her and continued, “When you come back, will you live with me? I mean, we have been living really close together since we were children so I believe it won't be much of an issue, so..."
Zane scratched his head and flushed. Talking about living together was hard for him.
“I can't. I will be studying somewhere far away,” she answered and almost cringed at the lie she made up.
The people from the seven zones surrounding Central were unaware of the existence of Ashkelon and their activities. Before the Selection, she was living in the bubble, but now that she knew, she doesn’t want to burst the fake safety that Zane and the others had.
“Can you tell me where that is and I will take an internship close to where you are. That solves the problem, right?”
Asia knew it didn't. She can't tell Zane where she would be for the next few months. “I am sure there are no companies in that place that will accept interns at their sophomore years.”
“I wouldn't know until I tried,” Zane insisted and Asia could distinguish the change in the tone of his voice.
“We can't live on the same roof, Zane. We are not married and we are not even a couple.”
“Be mine then.”
Asia stared at Zane. Confused about what to answer.
“Unless, you are really trying to avoid me?”
“Avoid you? I was in love with you. There is no way I would avoid you,” Asia tried to smile but instead she winced. She knew how strained her smile was.
“You said it. Was. Past tense.”
Asia was silent. She didn't know what else to say.
“I thought I was just imagining it. But are you trying to push me out of your life, Asia?”
“Where did you get that idea? Of course not. You know how I felt for you,” Asia said and tried to walk away but he stopped her.
“Not anymore. You've changed. The moment you exited from that trailer, you felt like a totally different person.”
Asia did not answer and her eyes fixed on the floor.
“What did they do to you, Asia?”
“Nothing,” she lied. ‘You don’t need to know,’ she thought. ‘Living peacefully even if it’s a lie, would be better for them.’
Zane cupped her cheeks and forced her to look at him. He stared deep into her eyes. The throbbing in her head came back. As illogical as it sounded, Zane’s eyes scared her. Asia's breathing became uneven and hard. He was looking for something and before he could go even further, she pushed him away.
It was a moment later when she realized that the push was a bit stronger than usual. Zane's back smashed against the wall on the other side of the hall, more than a meter away from her. Nothing broke but it was enough for Zane to keel over in pain.
Asia ran towards him and helped him up.
“I'm sorry,” she apologized. Asia examined him for broken bones. Luckily, there were only bruises on his back. “I'm sorry,” she repeated when Zane did not answer back. “Zane?”
“You got stronger,” Zane said and forced a smile on her.
“I am sorry,” she repeated.
“So this might be one of the reasons why you rejected my offer.”
Asia ignored what he said. “Let me help you.” She offered her hands to him but he rejected it.
“Don't make such a fuss, Asia,” Zane said. “I'm alright.”
Zane entered his room and Asia was left outside wondering how different it was for the both of them. Asia was certain that she hurt Zane but she could not understand why he would lie about his pain. Was it bravado?
“Hey, Asia, what was that sound?” Aya asked. She was heaving and around her arms was Ellis with her hair in knots.
“Nothing,” she answered.
Tomorrow, Asia would be back at Ashkelon and the real training would start for a year. This might be the last time to get a glimpse of her previous life and yet, she blew it.
To be continued………