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Intense Pleasure

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TOO HOT TO HANDLE Her name is Summer, as beautiful and occasionally fierce as her name suggests. Her past has just come...

RomanceOne-night standTrue LoveWerewolfvirginBest FriendSoul MateEroticSexUrbancontemporaryMarriagelove-triangleSweetAlphaPossessivePlayboyDominantAdultMature


She had to leave.

Summer Calhoun, the woman the world knew as Summer Bartlett, was smart enough to know that this phase of her life was over. And though she wasn’t normally one to run, or to give up, even she couldn’t ignore the fact that she simply couldn’t do this anymore.

Teeth clenched, battling tears and anger, Summer threw an armload of dresses into one of the suitcases lying open on the bed. Jamming the material into the leather bag, uncaring of the wrinkles and years of careful packing habits, she added more, pushing the frothy, girly material from the sides of the bag and stuffing them in before zipping the back with short, jerky movements.

She promised herself she wasn’t going to cry.

Tears didn’t help. They had never helped in the past and they damned sure wouldn’t help now.

Nothing would help but getting away and running from the pain. Like serrated blades, the memories of the past few days sliced into her, tore at her.

God, how naïve she had been.

Four years with the CIA, two with various other agencies, and two more risking her ass in the private sector should have killed any naiveté she might have possessed long ago. Hell, she was certain it had done just that.

And how very wrong she’d been. So wrong that for eight years she’d believed an enemy was a friend, and that insults were just a brasher attitude than those Summer was used to in the South.

And because she’d let herself be fooled, she’d just spent three of the most hellish days of her life, two of them attending the funeral and burial of the very woman whose deceit and black heart had nearly destroyed far too many people Summer loved.

Easing to the padded bench at the bottom of the bed and propping her face in her hands as she rested her elbows on her knees, she tried to tell herself it was the price of ignorance. Of not seeing the true nature of the woman she’d known most of her life.

The woman Summer had killed.

The funeral had been somber, saddening, and subtly beautiful. Cascades of flowers, over a hundred friends and family mourning. Tears and heartrending testimonials for a woman no one had known for a traitor and a murderer.

Summer had remained tearless through the viewings she’d been forced to attend. She’d watched, listened, and taken her turn at the gleaming cherrywood casket where she stared into the pretty, silent features of the woman she’d been forced to kill. A woman who had hated her, whose jealousy and greed had destroyed so many over the years.

Summer had remained just as silent during the burial, her head lowered, so much anger burning inside her that keeping it hidden was next to impossible. However, she had no other choice. Because she’d killed the woman they were laying to rest. Because it was her bullet, not an enemy’s, that had slammed into Gia Barrett’s black heart. And God forbid that the world should learn about the woman’s crimes, crimes that would shame her way too influential family.

Questions would be asked if Summer and the man Gia had turned her weapon on hadn’t been there for the partner the world believed was so kind and warm of spirit.

Money talked, and the Barrett family had plenty of it. Enough to ensure that the world would never know the true reason their daughter was dead.

She could have refused to be there, Summer knew. She could have found a quiet place to nurse the wounds gouged inside her heart if it weren’t for the man Gia was trying to murder when she was killed, and the man he called his brother.

Esteban Falcone, known as “Falcon,” was the wild, Spanish bad boy whose pale blue eyes could burn with laughter and fun or turn icy with danger or disapproval. The partner whom both Summer and Gia had fought alongside for two years. Playful, sometimes dramatic, always protective and loyal. So protective, he’d had Summer dragged from the chapel seconds before security arrived to find Gia’s body sprawled on the floor and Falcon holding the weapon that had killed her.

His half brother, John Raeg, had arrived with security. The half brother was nothing like his sibling. Older by only a few weeks, harder, colder, he’d handled everything and ensured the truth was buried so deep it never saw the light of day.

The truth that for eight years Gia had betrayed all of them. Friends and family alike.

Even more, she’d betrayed the friend Summer had sworn to protect years ago. A vow that had been broken when she’d failed to keep Gia and those she was helping from nearly destroying Alyssa’s life.

Because Summer had missed the signs, Alyssa had lost the two men she loved so much, and the unborn child she’d loved more than life. Because Summer had blinked and had refused to see Gia for the monster she had become.

At the sound of a quiet knock on her door, Summer jumped to her feet and quickly wiped away the dampness on her lashes. She couldn’t bear that anyone see the tears, or the hurt.

“Come on in, god-daddy,” she called out, expecting Alyssa’s father, Senator David Allen Hampstead.

It wasn’t her godfather who opened the door and stepped into the room though.

John Raeg, Falcon’s half brother, entered the room instead, his gaze going over her coolly. Cold and hard, those eagle eyes missed nothing. His golden brown gaze swept over the room, finally coming to rest on the open bags on her bed.

Closing the door behind him, he just stared at her for long moments, disapproval and censure filling his gaze as he slid his hands into the pockets of his dark slacks.

“Running away?” His deep voice was completely lacking in any mercy or compassion.

But then, when had he ever felt any mercy or compassion for her, no matter the situation?

“Seems like the thing to do.” She shrugged, turned her back to him, and laid the stacks of clothes she’d prepared the night before neatly into another case. “Besides, it’s time to go home. Daddy’s threatening to send Caleb after me and that’s just trouble waitin’ to happen.”

Her older brother would go ballistic if he learned what had happened here.

“Maybe you should try being honest with your family for a change. That usually seems to keep Caleb calm,” he suggested with such arrogant superiority it made her want to kick him.

He didn’t know her family, not really. Just because he’d met Caleb didn’t mean he knew what would work with them, or how they felt about her. Just because he disliked her didn’t mean everyone did. And her family worried about her. Keeping them in the dark about the true nature of her work was getting harder by the year. It was time to stop it. But she was going to do it her way.

“Now, why would I want to go getting all honest with him?” She snorted, pushing back the thick, wavy fall of hair that slid over her shoulder as she continued to pack. “Besides, it doesn’t matter now. I’m done. You will be happy to know I’m headin’ home for good.”

It was time.

She’d known since that debacle in Russia the year before that her luck was running out. If she kept tempting fate as she had been, she was going to end up dead. And Falcon would probably get killed as well trying to pull her ass out of some fire.

“And the fact that Falcon nearly sacrificed himself for you when he tried to take the blame for killing Gia doesn’t matter, does it?” The savage derision in his tone sliced another wound across her heart. “You’re just going to go back home and pretend none of it happened.”

What choice did she have?

“Looks that way.” She packed more of her clothing, keeping her back to him.

She didn’t dare let him see how vulnerable she was right now. It was bad enough the many ways he could unknowingly hurt her. If he ever learned just how weak she was, then the deliberate jabs he could inflict would destroy her.

What the hell was wrong with her? She couldn’t stop herself from wanting him and Falcon. Knowing they shared their women, even knowing how deeply Raeg disapproved of her, still, she ached for the experience, for the feel of both of them touching her.

“Looks that way?” he growled behind him. “I should have expected this out of you. It’s about the most selfish act you could pull right now.”

Oh, he so did not want to go there with her right now.

Turning, she flashed him a deliberately wide-eyed look of surprise.

“Well now, Raeg, I’d just love to stick around and try to see all this from your point of view, sugar,” she assured him with brittle amusement. “But I just can’t seem to get my head that far up my ass. So, if that’s all you wanted, I’ll just concede this little battle and you can get the fuck out of my room and let me pack in peace.”

She expected to hear the door slam behind him, maybe with a smart-ass curse first. What she didn’t expect was to be abruptly swung around to face him.

There wasn’t a chance to blink back her tears or to dry the single trail of dampness that fell from her lashes.

She wasn’t prepared …

* * *


There hadn’t been a sign of them in her voice. Raeg hadn’t expected tears, so the effect they had on him was even more surprising.

Something dark and unfamiliar unfurled inside his chest, tightening the muscles there with a subtle pressure he found distinctly uncomfortable. And as he stared down at her, the deep, wounded violet color of her eyes darkened and another tear slipped free.


He knew Summer’s tricks.

He bet he’d seen every one she knew to pull, but Summer had never used tears to try to sway him. She knew better.

“Let me go.” She jerked her head to the side, blinking quickly as she tried to swallow back whatever emotion gave birth to her tears. “Please.”

He gripped her chin with the fingers of one hand and forced her gaze back to him, ignoring her struggles to pull away.

“Stay still,” he ordered her, his tone more clipped, angrier than he’d meant it to be.

“Don’t do this to me,” she whispered. The fine tremor that went through her was almost imperceptive. “Just let me go.”

Another tear slipped free despite her efforts to hold it back.

She could use tears on his brother quite effectively, but Raeg had always seen through each attempt if he caught her working Falcon with a sheen of dampness gleaming in those unusually violet eyes. These tears weren’t fake. Summer was hurting. And that pain actually had his chest aching as he wiped away the tear rolling down her cheek with his thumb.

“I need…” Her breathing hitched as she tried to avoid his gaze. “I need to go, Raeg.”

“You cared about her, didn’t you?” he asked her softly. “More than you’re letting anyone know.”

Summer had been like a robot during the viewing and funeral service. Cold and hard, refusing to speak or socialize as all the other mourners were. Not that he could blame her. The fact that she had been forced to be there was an insult to her that had caused him to cringe. He’d hated giving her the ultimatum from Gia’s family, but he’d agreed it was the only way to keep any gossip or suspicion from arising.

“Why are you doing this?” Her whispered plea tore at his conscience. “Why do you want to hurt me?”

He covered those trembling lips with his, uncertain why he followed the impulse. For years he’d wondered how her pretty, pouty lips would taste, how they’d feel beneath his. He’d fantasized about them, hungered for them.

And she was leaving …

Slanting his lips over hers, he pushed his tongue past them as she froze beneath his kiss, for just a second. Just long enough for him to pull her closer, to taste the sweetness, the feminine surprise that had her lips parting for him. A second later a whimper left her lips and the heat of her response filled his senses.

Slender, silken arms went around his neck. Her fingers speared into his hair, nails pricking at his scalp, sending a rush of pleasure burning through his senses.

Every shred of common sense was yelling at him, warning him back. The mistake he knew he was making was tantamount. The biggest mistake he could possibly make with the one woman he should never make it with.

But damn, she tasted good, felt good. Sweet heat and shuddering response. She was burning like a flame in his arms and he wanted nothing more than to stoke that blaze higher. To have the freedom to touch her, excite her, as his brother restrained her …

* * *

Falcon stepped into the bedroom, his lips parting to call out Summer’s name a second before the sight of her in his brother’s arms stilled the sound. He closed the door, taking in the scene before him as every drop of blood in his body surged south. He was instantly painfully erect, throttling the groan rising in his throat.

This was his most erotic fantasy come to life … or part of it. The sight of Summer held firmly against his brother, helpless within the pleasure she was receiving. All that long black hair flowed down her back like a living cape, her slender body arched against Raeg, her arms curled around his neck, fingers buried in his hair.

She looked so damned feminine, so delicate and sensual that the need burning inside him threatened to become an inferno.

Stepping behind her, Falcon lowered his head, his lips just above her ear.

“Might I join you, Belle?” he asked gently. “Or is this pleasure for you and Raeg alone?”

He couldn’t imagine not being part of the very thing he’d conspired to begin for years, the very pleasure that he knew he hadn’t craved alone. Raeg had battled the need for her, battled his own emotions and hungers with a strength Falcon couldn’t have found in himself in the same circumstances.

* * *

Summer froze, the erotic whimper rising in her throat barely silenced, weakness flooding her, carnal sensuality rushing through her system.

She could barely breathe. She’d fantasized for far too long, masturbated to the wicked thoughts of these two men. There had been too many sleepless nights, too many times she had tossed and turned, tormented by the unknown, but the need to touch, to taste the power and passion she’d imagined they could unleash on her senses.

Forcing her eyes open she was caught by the gold and brown raptor’s eyes watching her so closely.

“Oh, she wants,” Raeg stated softly. “Those pretty eyes are full of how much she wants.”

What was she doing?

Her hands fell from Raeg’s hair to his shoulders, her fingers clenching in the material of his shirt as Falcon’s broad hands rested on her hips. The heat of them sank through the thin material of the black sheath she still wore, sensation building in her skin beneath it.

Still caught by Raeg’s eyes, she forced herself to breathe, not to whimper, as Falcon’s hands slid slowly up her sides, curving beneath her arms, then drawing them up until he was placing her hands against the sides of his neck where he held them firmly.

As Falcon held her to him, keeping her arms raised, her body opened and vulnerable, Summer lost control of the moan trapped in her throat. Raeg’s hands smoothed up her sides, his head bending as his hands framed the sides of her breasts, lifting them to further reveal the upper curves of her sensitive flesh.

The rasp of his lips over them, the stroke of his tongue, and the eroticism of the act drugged her senses. Helpless against the sensations surging through her, her eyes drifted closed and she had no choice but to let Falcon support her weight. Because it felt so good, because pleasure was racing through her with such a high, she was helpless against it.

“Summer, did you still want…”

Her eyes jerked open, and Raeg sprang back from her so fast that if she’d been depending on him for balance, she would have ended up on the floor. Thankfully, Falcon didn’t seem nearly so ashamed to be caught by the senator.

“Oh well…” Davis Allen cleared his throat, his gray eyes filled with shock as they went from Summer to Raeg to Falcon and back to Summer. “Whenever you’re ready dear…” Summer lowered her arms, the feel of Falcon’s hands now at her hips kept her balanced as she found her feet once again, his hold possessively warm.

Backing out of the room, a flush suffusing his dark features, the senator quickly closed the door, leaving a heavy, suddenly uncomfortable silence behind.

Summer stared at Raeg’s back where he stood across the room now, close to the door, rubbing at the back of his neck.

“Deal with this,” Raeg told his brother, the brusque, cool tone of his voice tinged with regret. “I have to go.”

And just that fast, he was gone.

Shame washed through her.

Whatever he’d meant to do, he definitely hadn’t wanted anyone to know about it.

“God forbid anyone should believe he stooped so low as to actually touch the little Georgia hick,” she whispered. “How embarrassing.”

“Summer, that wasn’t…”

“Just stop, Falcon.” She turned to him, inhaling deeply at the tenderness in his expression. “I know you’re going to defend him, and it’s not needed.”

She stared up at him, the cool, pale blue eyes that belied all the emotions she knew this brother hid inside. His Spanish nature rarely showed in his expression or his gaze, but they’d worked together long enough that she could often tell what he was feeling when no one else could.

“I need to go,” she whispered, hearing the shakiness in her voice, feeling that trapped, smothering sensation that sometimes surrounded her. “Please. I just need some time…”

He laid two fingers against her lips. “I came to your room to wish you farewell, sweetheart, not to argue with you or attempt to change your mind,” he told her softly. “But running isn’t going to help. I know you, and we both know that’s what you’re doing.”

“I need to rest.” She was so tired. Summer could feel the weariness building inside her. She’d never imagined the past was as broken as it had been, and that those she’d been so loyal to could have betrayed her and those she cared about so easily.

She’d always known the world wasn’t what others perceived it to be, but to learn it was even worse than that had shaken her to her core.

“Rest then.” His hand cupped her cheek, his lips whispering across hers. “I’ll wait for you. For a while. But don’t forget to return Summer, or I’ll come looking for you.” His expression hardened then. “And you don’t want me to come looking for you.”

She had a feeling that it wouldn’t matter.

As he left the room she stared at the clothes laid out, those waiting, and she just didn’t have the energy or the patience to deal with packing. Her car had arrived earlier, and was waiting out front. All she really needed was her go bag and the small suitcase she always kept packed for emergencies.

Grabbing both, she then picked up her purse and left the bedroom without a backward glance before slipping from the house. She didn’t tell Davis Allen good-bye, and she’d already talked to Alyssa that morning. There was nothing left to do but …


* * *

Raeg watched the little black cherry Ferrari leave the estate from where he stood at the window of the senator’s office and tried to tell himself it was for the best. Just as he tried to tell himself she’d be back. He knew he was lying to himself on both fronts.

The feeling that Summer was finished with her life in DC left a heaviness in his chest he couldn’t ignore, and hunger eating at his gut.

He could still taste her against his lips and he still ached for more of her. Ached in ways no other woman had ever made him ache. And that made her dangerous. It ensured that above all other women, this one was denied him. He couldn’t allow himself to care, to allow his guard to slip, especially with a woman who had once been part of the CIA. An agent. A woman who would be perceived as the enemy. He didn’t dare endanger his own soul in such a way again. He couldn’t allow Falcon to do so, if there was a way to stop it.

Letting her go wasn’t easy though.

The scent of her still lingered in his senses, the warmth of her body was a ghostly weight teasing against his chest, teasing his memory, testing his resolve. He had a feeling that forgetting those stolen moments in her suite would be impossible and he wasn’t even certain if he wanted to forget.

He’d had a taste of the forbidden though, and now, he couldn’t help but ache for more.

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