“All I’m saying is, be careful with her.”
“Brody, dude, really? You think I’m going to use her and dump her in the middle of nowhere when I’m done?” Cope rolled his eyes as he locked his front door. “It’s not even like I’m going to ride while you’re gone, which I remind you is just a few days anyway. I have my own bike for that if I actually got a few hours free and a clear day. Pussy.”
Brody laughed. “Fine, you’ll take good care of my bike while we’re at the coast. Sheesh, I’m just being responsible.”
“Yeah, you’re the very picture of responsible. Why are you bugging me anyway? Don’t you have, like say, an engagement party to attend?” Cope checked to be sure the champagne he picked up earlier that day was still safely in place in the back of his truck so nothing rolled around and got broken.
“Everyone is gone. Adrian came over a few minutes ago to pick Elise up. The house is so quiet without Rennie here.” Brody chuckled. “Funny how used to her constant singing and talking I’ve become. It’s like having Erin living here. Come over and hang for a bit. Todd is ferrying Erin around, so Ben is going to stop by here on his way over to Adrian’s and before I run to pick up Rennie and Elise’s parents.”
“I’m on my way to Adrian’s too. I have the champagne. You’re the one who had to have some special-order type champagne. Plus, I’m picking Ella up and giving her a ride. Believe me when I tell you, she’s way nicer to smell than you are. And she has breasts. Automatic win.”
“Ella, huh? Yeah, I saw the beginnings of this brewing a while ago. You be careful with her too.”
Cope frowned. “What, you think I’m going to use her and dump her in the middle of the wilderness too?”
“Shut the fuck up. You know I’m not insulting you.”
“I beg to differ. I gotta go. I’ll see you in a few hours.” He hung up and put the phone in his pocket before backing out of the driveway and heading to Ella’s. It burned through him, the anger that he’d be judged like that. And the unease that he’d had the other day when he’d first thought about how his past might come up in a negative way.
His pocket buzzed, most likely Brody calling back. He’d probably surprised his friend, but there was only so much a man should have to take. Sure, he flirted; sure, he had lots of women; and sure, he didn’t take most of his romantic relationships seriously. But he never lied to anyone; he never treated women with disrespect or unkindness. Most important, Ella was special. She wasn’t like any other woman, and he should be trusted to know that.
It stung that anyone who should know better would think otherwise.
Not that he should be surprised; his own family often did that. He was the handsome one, the rogue. No one expected him to do well in school. That was Ben’s area. Those labels had stuck, his father still trying to high-five him at the idea he was pulling pussy every ten minutes.
He was more than that, damn it. Ella saw it, responded to him in a totally different way than other women did. That got to him.
His funk disappeared when he pulled up outside Ella’s building. In fact, he was invigorated just knowing she’d be with him in a few short minutes.
She didn’t have her full name on the outside buzzer. A point in her favor. Just her last name. Smiling, he hit the button, and within moments she answered.
“Hey there, it’s Cope. You ready?”
“Can you help me with a box? I’m sorry, you’re probably dressed up and stuff, but it’s got some of the—”
He grinned at her voice. “Red, just buzz me up, and I’ll help.”
“Oh, yeah. I’m three B.”
He whistled as he rode the ancient, creaking elevator and got off at her floor. He remembered the apartment number, of course, but it didn’t seem necessary to tell her that right then.
Her door opened, and she peeked a head out, smiling when she saw him.
“Hi there. Come on in.”
He went inside, breathing her in as he passed her. She always smelled warm and sexy.
“Have you eaten today? I have leftovers. We’re a little early and I thought you might be hungry and . . . and stuff.” She blushed.
She wore snug yoga pants, those weird boots women wore with the sheepskin lining, and a form-fitting long-sleeved shirt. “Not that I’m complaining about how you look now, but shouldn’t you be dressed up?”
“I’m so bad with getting messy; I’d stain the dress before I got three steps out the door. Elise knows this, and my dress is at Adrian’s. I’ll get dressed there. Apparently Raven has volunteered to do makeup and Elise’s hair.”
He raised his brows, and she laughed. “I know, I know. But Elise is trying very hard to make room for Raven in this shindig, and it appears Raven is trying hard not to be a cow. Elise wants to make Brody happy. It’s nice that Raven seems to want that too.”
“Raven isn’t all bad. I know she has her moments, but she loves Brody and Erin. I like her, and not in that way, so don’t frown.”
“It’s none of my business either way. Raven’s a popular woman. She’s beautiful, and there’s something about her that people are drawn to.”
He stepped close, putting his hands on her shoulders very gently. “Not in that way.” How could she even think for one second that he’d prefer Raven over her?
She nodded, her gaze still locked with his. He wanted to follow up with the fact that there were no other women when it came to her, but he thought it was best to slowly seduce her to keep from spooking her.
“Good.” Without thinking, he kissed her quickly and stepped back.
Eyes wide, a pink blush on her cheeks, she held up a bag of bread, and he nodded. “Yes, thanks, I’d love a sandwich.”
“Sit, please.” Her voice was hoarse, her movements less graceful than normal. Good. He got to her as much as she got to him.
Sitting back, he took in the parts of her place he could see, which was most of it. The place wasn’t big, not even a full one bedroom. Her bed was just off to his right in an alcove of sorts with a desk and a window complete with window seat. Pillows and thick, fluffy blankets told him she liked comfort, though he imagined the place would get chilly too, given the age of the building.
The table he sat at would fit two people at most, which was fine with him. It meant he would have her close. It also gave him the opportunity to watch her move, that quiet efficiency he so admired, back in place.
She turned and caught him looking at her ass. She rolled her eyes. “Is ham all right? I have avocados too. They came in my produce box, and they’re very good.”
“Awesome. Yes, please.”
She grinned, and he couldn’t help but respond and grin back. “I like your place. The last time I saw it, you just had a lot of boxes. You’ve made it a home.”
“Thank you. It feels that way. I can work and work and at the end of the day, it’s here with all my stuff.” She put a sandwich in front of him, perching on the chair next to his. They didn’t touch, but the energy between them was a delicious weight, humming against his skin.
He ate rather than touch her. God, he wanted to touch her.
“You look very handsome,” she said, looking at her hands. The way her head was bent, he caught the whole milky pale column of her neck, from nape down her back, the hollow just beneath her ear.
Freckles lived all over her skin, which turned him on so much right at that moment. He wasn’t even sure he liked them before, or even thought about them one way or the other. But her freckles begged to be touched and kissed, to be licked.
“Are you all right?”
He nearly choked on his sandwich. “Fine. Fine. Um, thanks. For the compliment and for the sandwich. I don’t get dressed up very often. I suppose I’ll do this again, only dressier for the actual wedding. What about the bridesmaid’s dresses? Something you can wear again?”
She laughed again. “Well, people like to say that, you know—about bridesmaid dresses. It’s a myth. Have you ever seen a woman in a bridesmaid dress when you go to the Met?” She stole a pickle from his plate. “I’m joking. Partially. These are pretty, and the color is flattering. You have no idea the stuff the bride can put a redhead in. But Elise has a lovely sense of style, and wow, you could not possibly care less.” She stood and took his plate. “I forgot how much you eat. Hang on, I’ll make you another.”
“Hey, I’ll have you know I work a lot with my body. I need the calories.” He patted his belly, and she watched his hand a moment, catching her bottom lip between her teeth as she blushed yet more.
His breath caught at the sight of her square, white teeth pressing into the fleshy curve of her lip. She put another sandwich in front of him, which he ate rather than give in to what he really wanted. Instead, he allowed himself a vision of leaning in to press his lips against her pulse.
He found himself surprised by how much he enjoyed that they were taking it slow. Liked watching her gentle to him. Each time she did something that showed him how much she trusted him, pride flushed through him. She deserved all his attention on her as he got to know her on this entirely new level. It was achingly sexy, this dance they moved through. Delicious with anticipation. He let himself luxuriate in the slow woo, the seduction of it rather than a quick fuck with someone he didn’t plan to see in a week. He’d never used his sexuality like this, hadn’t turned it up full blast to enchant a woman this way. But by God he wanted her, and why not show her just exactly what she did to him?
She sat, looking to him with one raised brow. “You don’t have an extra bit of fat on your body. So I think you’re safe. What’s your father like?”
He cocked his head, trying to figure her out. Sometimes she said the most seemingly random things. Asked him questions that at first glance were out of the blue, but in fact, she had some big giant web of ideas, and usually within a few minutes, he’d realize why she asked. It kept him on his toes, that quirky way she thought and acted. And he had to admit he liked knowing she really listened to him enough to ask him the questions to start with.
Before he could reply, her cell began to ring, and she frowned, looking at the screen. “It’s Elise. Hang on.”
He tried not to be too obvious as he trailed his gaze down, over the curves of her breasts. Her nipples stood against the fabric of her shirt. He’d thought, so many times, of how they’d feel in his hands, what the weight would be.
“Yes, of course. Not a big deal. Love you too. See you in a bit.” She ended the call and turned her attention to him again.
“Everything all right?”
“Elise just wanted to borrow a piece of luggage. Would it be too much to ask that we drop it by their house before we go to Adrian’s?”
“Ella”—he hesitated—“you can ask me anything, and I’d do it if it was in my power.”
She stopped what she’d been doing and straightened, her hand on her heart, big green eyes blinking. “Thank you, Andrew. I believe you would.”
And with those words, he was lost in her. She meant it. Saw him as a man who kept his word and one who could be counted on. It wasn’t a calculated statement; she just said it because she believed it. He would have ripped an organ out and given it to her if she’d asked.
The moment between them grew heated until she sighed and took a step back. “I’ll just go grab it then, while you finish your sandwich.” She hurried from the room, and he ate, smiling. Ella Tipton was going to be his. Not just in his head, not just to flirt with. No, he wanted her in a way he’d never wanted anything before, and as it happened, Andrew Copeland was a man who didn’t give up until he got what he wanted.
She grabbed the little bag when they pulled up outside Brody’s. “I’ll be out in just a moment.”
He snorted. “Why don’t I take it for you? It’s a little chilly out there, and it’s pretty warm in the truck.”
She handed it to him, touched. “Are you sure? It’s not a big deal at all.”
“Be right back.” He eased from the car and jogged to the front door, where Brody met him. Brody waved and then blew her a kiss. Laughing at him, she waved back, blushing furiously.
“All right then.” Cope got back in the driver’s seat, and they pulled away from the curb. “I’ve got the champagne, so let’s get on over there. You owe me a dance or three tonight, just sayin’.”
“You’re a great dancer. I, um, noticed last night. A lot of men don’t seem to like dancing.”
God, the way his mouth looked when he smiled totally made her weak in the knees. He wasn’t even looking at her, and the force of his attraction still made her all tingly.
“Ben told me when I was in middle school that girls loved boys who liked to dance. I can’t lie. I totally started dancing at the dances to get girls.”
She laughed again, totally charmed. “It seems to work for you.”
He took her hand and kissed it. Hot and slightly openmouthed, his lips touching the tender skin between her knuckles, and she felt it from toes to nipples.
“Does it? ’Cause I’m working it, beautiful Ella, I’m working it.”
Ella found herself flustered around Cope when he treated her like a woman instead of a friend. Or when she thought he did, because—hello—why on earth would he when he had women homing in on him like some sort of freaking cupcake or something. But he’d certainly never kissed her before last night, much less done that hot hand thing. Lord above, it was hot and all distracting and totally yummy.
She did notice a difference in how he acted with her. Not just the kissing and the way he got so very close to her when they were together. He was more intense, focused. He looked at her mouth a lot. Oh, and her boobs. Which wasn’t unusual in a man after all. But still.
As they drove to Adrian’s place, Ella simply enjoyed being with him. There was this fluttery feeling in her belly that she realized was the birth of far more intense things between her and Cope. Like it was seconds before the first kiss with someone new. She hadn’t felt that in years. But the memory of it paled in comparison to the reality of what Cope did to her system. Even if it never went anywhere, Ella planned to grab every bit of it she could.
When they arrived, Adrian ambled out, all long, lean and sexy. He did that tip of the chin thing men do with each other, in Cope’s direction. “Thanks for bringing this.” He turned to Ella. “Hey there, Ella. Erin and Elise are in my guest room getting dressed, I said I’d send you when you arrived.”
She blushed. Adrian Brown was something else and then some. Always totally sweet to her and every other person in his life from what she’d seen in the years she’d known him. He was so regular and down-to-earth in his behavior—though not his looks—if she hadn’t seen him on stage, she wouldn’t have pegged him as a celebrity.
“Okay. Thanks, Adrian. Let me know if I can help at all.”
Cope took her hand, staying her. He stepped close, so close he brushed against her when he breathed. His gaze locked with hers and ensnared her. Her heart thundered and she was sure her hands would be fluttering all around if he wasn’t holding them. She prayed they weren’t sweaty. “I’ll take care of the stuff you’ve brought. And don’t forget my dances.”
Even breathless and turned-on, she did manage to engage her brain enough to speak, thank God. “Thank you. And thanks for the ride.” For long moments they stayed there in Adrian’s drive, just looking at each other. A noise behind them shook her free, and she ducked her head. “See you later.”
It was a miracle she didn’t fall over her own feet, she was so hormone-addled, but she got her legs working and moved past Todd, who’d come out to help unload stuff.
She managed to get into the guest room where Erin sat propped up on the bed, no shoes on, munching on an apple.
“Hiya, cupcake.”
Ella moved to kiss her friend’s cheek. “How are you feeling?”
“Swollen. Pregnant. The usual. You? I hear you rode in with one Andrew Copeland. How did that go? Did he try to touch you in any no-no places?”
Ella burst out laughing. “You’re really horrible, you know that? He did not. Not that I’d have stopped him, of course. He ...” She paused, not knowing how to put what he did to her into words.
Erin leaned forward, interest on her face. “He what? This sounds very promising.”
“He’s helping Adrian bring in a bunch of stuff. Where’s Elise?”
“Right here. Just grabbing a bottle of wine for the two of us.” She tipped the bottle in Ella’s direction. She turned back to Erin and handed her a glass. “You get lemon slices and sparkling water. Todd said he’d bring you a salami sandwich in a few minutes.”
“I swear, I can’t get normal pregnancy cravings, oh no. I have to eat salami like it’s my last meal, every meal.”
“Ew.” Ella took her glass of wine from Elise. “Thanks.”
“Before we do anything else, Ella needs to finish her sentence about Cope, because you were not going to tell me that he was helping Adrian move stuff. He what? Did he kiss you?”
Both women gasped and moved closer. “When? Oh my god, why didn’t you tell me!” Elise demanded.
“It wasn’t just now. Last night and it was just a peck. Today was a hand kiss. He just, he stirs me up. He’s just so, gah, he’s overwhelming and sexy and I love the way he makes me feel when he turns all that attention my way. That’s all I meant.”
Erin smiled, a secret smile that made Ella just a tad nervous.
“He’s sweet on you. Enjoy it. God knows you deserve some excitement and attention from a man as flat-out hot as Andrew Copeland.”
“A-men. Also, if anything else happens, I expect to know about it. Well, I’ll give you time to shower and stuff, and then you have to call me.” Elise laughed. “Your dress is in the bathroom. It’s really cute, and I plan to borrow it very soon.”
“Yeah, yeah. I figured that was the case when you helped me pick it out.” She sipped her wine but left it on the bedside table before going in to change. “Glad you chose white wine. That way when I spill, it won’t show,” she called out as she got dressed.
It was the right length; the cut at the hem didn’t show her scars at all. The color was rich against her skin, a deep plum, setting off her hair and her eyes. The material hugged her body, emphasizing her breasts and making her butt look pretty darned sexy too. The heels were low but feminine. She wasn’t very graceful; higher heels, and she’d have been on her ass. She even had a little sweater thingy Elise called a shrug, which she could wear to cover her arms in case she got cold. Or embarrassed. Quite a bit of her tattoo showed through the cutouts in the back of the dress.
The dress had been a bit of a bone of contention between her and Elise. Elise had wanted to buy the engagement party dresses for everyone, and Erin announced her wedding present was to pay for the wedding, including the clothing for everyone.
Ella had been very uncomfortable with anyone else paying for her clothing and had argued with both of them about it. Finally, she’d burst into tears, and Elise let her pay for it, though naturally the dress was some expensive number so there’d been more struggling because then Elise didn’t want to choose a dress that would stretch Ella’s budget.
In the end, they’d chosen the more expensive dress that Elise wanted for them originally, and she’d agreed to let it be a gift while also putting a lot more energy into the planning of the party and wedding as her way of saying thank you.
“You look so pretty. The dress fits you perfectly and makes you look all hubba hubba and stuff.” Elise sidled up to Ella and put her arm around her shoulders.
“I don’t know how I let you talk me into this dress.” She looked at her reflection and then back to Elise. “And speaking of pretty, good lord, Elise, you look amazing.”
“Pffft. I look fine. Brody’s gonna love this dress because my boobs are on display. You know how he feels about boobs.”
Ella snorted. “I’m pretty sure it’s a basic male preference. Most of the time anyway.”
Raven came into the room, the scratchy velvet of her voice filled with concern as she spoke to Erin.
Elise and Ella’s eyes met in the mirror. “She’s really good to Erin, you know. And she loves Brody,” Elise murmured.
“Not in that way,” Ella said, then remembered that moment with Cope earlier when he’d said the same thing.
Elise laughed. “Doesn’t matter if she does. She can’t have him.”
“You make him happy when you make an effort with her.”
“Don’t tell her this, but she’s not half bad once she stops being such a bitch. It’s just that for her, apparently it takes like two years to warm up to a new person. She and I actually had a fifteen-minute conversation wherein not a single bit of sarcasm or biting commentary was used. I don’t think we’ll ever be as close as you and I. And there’s only one you, so there’s good reason for that. But I think we’re beginning to achieve some genuine like for each other.”
Elise put her head on Ella’s shoulder a moment; the tenderness of the gesture made Ella reach up to squeeze Elise’s hand. “Thank you for being my friend. Truly, Elise, I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
Elise sniffled. “You’re going to make me cry. Stop it. Rennie will be here shortly and then Brody and there’ll be more tears.”
“Time to face the makeup music,” Raven called from the other room.
“Onward and upward.” Elise dabbed her eyes with a tissue and headed out into the room where Raven was.
Raven had a huge train case opened up and set on a table near the large wall of windows. “Elise, you first. Adrian just poked his head in to say Brody was on his way to pick up Rennie and your parents, so let’s get you set so you’re ready when they arrive. There’s a photographer milling around down there too.”
Elise sat in the chair, and Raven began to work on her.
“I think you should put hot rollers in your hair, Ella. So it’s all sleek and poofy without looking like you’re rushing a sorority. There are some on the counter in the bathroom already heated up. You know, just in case you decided you needed them. I like to be prepared like a Boy Scout.” Erin smiled sweetly.
“You’re bossy.”
“I know. But I’m pregnant, and no one is going to stop me. This here’s what’s called taking advantage. You’ll look pretty either way, but why not knock Cope off his feet?”
With a snort, Ella opened the door for Todd who, true to his word, brought a sandwich in for Erin.
“It smells way better in here than any other place in the house. Can I stay?” He looked to Erin, trying to appear pitiful, and Ella laughed, heading into the bathroom to deal with those curlers.
She watched them in the mirror, laughing when Ben strolled in, tossed a bakery bag to Erin and then got on the bed on her other side. “If he gets to stay, I do too.”
Some time later, Raven did her makeup, even doing something to Ella’s hair to keep it smooth and in place.
“You’re good at this.” Ella looked at the other woman. “Thank you.”
“My aunt ran a beauty shop out of her kitchen. I learned a few things about hair and makeup from her.”
“Really? Where at? Here in Seattle?”
“Happy Bend, Arkansas. Not much happy, though there was a bend in the road here and there.” Raven shrugged. “Don’t know why you’re worried about wearing dresses; your legs are nearly as nice as Elise’s, and your rack is very impressive for such a lean woman. Men like that. So what’s the deal with Cope?”
“I knew you were putting on your company manners,” Ella said, raising a brow in Raven’s direction.
“I’m trying!” Raven threw her hands up.
Ella laughed. “Tell you what, I know you are. And I appreciate that. You can be who you are with me. I’m no threat to you, and for what it’s worth, even though you can be a total bitch, I like you. You’re a survivor. I don’t know your story, but I know you have one.”
Raven’s mouth curled into a smile. “Yeah, don’t we all. A bitch, huh?” They began to walk out of the room. Elise and Brody stood in an alcove near the head of the stairs, his arms around her, her face tipped up toward him.
“A total bitch. But you’re okay as long as you’re not wreaking havoc with them.” She jerked her head toward the couple. “You seem to have gotten over it.”
“If she’d given me an inch, I’d have taken it. Brody and Erin are my family. I don’t have a lot of people I can count on in the world; they’re two of a very small group. Turns out Elise is good enough for him. She not only loves him, but she gets him, lets him be who he is and trusts him to do the right thing. Which is good, since he’s the right-thing sort of guy. God knows he thinks the sun rises and sets with her and their daughter. They suit him. I can’t deny it.”
Rennie’s laugh floated up the stairs as they went down. “Ella!” Rennie clapped her hands and zoomed over, giving her a big hug. She looked around Ella’s body. “Hi, Raven.”
Rennie was fascinated by Raven. Like she was fascinated with bugs and butterflies and whether or not fairies existed. This wide-eyed interest in everything she did or said seemed to surprise and stump Raven, leaving her flustered and unsure how to react. Admittedly, it was all kinds of fun to watch.
“Hey, kid. How’s tricks?”
Rennie’s eyes widened. “I’ve been meaning to tell my momma that I need a magic set. Then I could do tricks. That would be awesome.”
“Your dad might be better for that pitch,” Cope said as he sidled up to where they stood.
Rennie nodded, tapping her chin with a fingertip in a very fine imitation of the way Brody did the exact same thing. “Hmm. I’m going to have to think on it. Be stratesick. No, strategic, that’s it.”
“Very good idea.” Ella smoothed a hand over Rennie’s hair. “You look pretty today.” Her dress was similar to Elise’s, with a little sweater to match.
“Rennie, honey, are you in here?” Adrian called as he came into the house from the backyard.
“Uncle Adrian! Over here.” Rennie waved, and Adrian started over.
“Baby, we’re doing some pictures outside; you don’t want to miss out.” Adrian held a hand out, and Rennie took it. “Ella, wow, you look fabulous.” He shot her a grin.
Raven had melted away, and Ella knew it was because she and Adrian were like oil and water. He saw her as a potentially destructive influence on his family and asserted a very protective stance around Elise and Rennie. For that alone, Ella would have adored him absent all his other fine personality traits.
“Help yourself to some food and drink. Dinner will start in half an hour or so.” Adrian waved as he and Rennie headed outside.
Once they’d gone, it was just her and Cope. The sounds of the party began to rise—nothing too loud, it was pretty intimate, less than thirty people. But there was a lot of joy in the air, and she felt it too.