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Chapter 5

It had just turned 9.30am and most of my dads men and the company that surrounded then were past out where they sat. This was the life they led, drinking themselves into oblivion. I was currently sat at the bar wishing I was back home curled up on the sofa with a good book.

These past few days had really taken it out of me. I needed at least a days sleep before I even thought about heading home.

My mom hadn't moved from my dads lap except when she went to get him a beer. I guess it was so easy to fall back into bad habits.

"Ava why don't you go get some rest. You look exhausted baby". My mom smiled as she approached the bar.

Rolling my eyes I ran a hand down my face. How did we even get to this point. Why did I want to meet my dad so badly. I wish I hadn't come here because my gut told me I wouldn't get the chance to leave.

"Ava?". My mom snapped her fingers infront of my face "Go and get some rest I'll find a room for you".

"I don't need to rest". I lied "I need to get in my car and drive home". I mumbled watching my moms face drop.

"Later". She responded before grabbing a beer and heading back to my dad. She hadn't even been here one day and I could already see the changes in her. How was it so easy for her to fall back into his lap after everything she said about him. After everything he had done to her.

Taking a deep breath I slipped off the bar stool and strolled towards them. I really did need to sleep. "Where can I crash for a few hours?". I asked watching as my dads gaze fell onto me. It was crazy how much I looked like him but yet we were so different.

"Go straight down the hall, you can have the last room on the left. It's one of my boys but he won't be back until later". He spoke taking a long sip of his beer.

Nodding my head I turned on my heels and headed in that direction. Opening the door I looked around the room. Setting my eyes on the double bed I couldn't wait to climb in and forget today. Shutting the door behind me I started stripping of my clothes so I could take a quick shower I felt disgusting and probably didn't smell that great either.

Turning on the shower I gave it a few minutes to heat up before I climbed in. Once the water started pounding on my back a moan escaped my mouth as my muscles eased. Grabbing the shower gel I squeezed some onto my hand and began to wash my body. I hope whoever this room belongs to doesn't mind me using his stuff.

After standing under the shower and just letting the water hit my body I decided it was time to sleep. Turning it off I reached out for the towel and wrapped it securely around my body.

As I stepped out the shower I walked back into the room and went searching through some drawers. The boys seemed nice enough so hopefully the owner of this room wont mind me borrowing his clothes for a few hours.

Slipping on a t-shirt and some boxers I pulled the covers back and settled myself right in the middle of the bed. Pulling the covers up to my neck I buried my head into the pillows. I hadn't felt this relaxed in days. Letting out a peaceful sigh I could feel my eyes drifting shut. Just as I was about to fall asleep I heard the door open and close.

"You like that pretty little thing you're fucking. I suggest you don't let me down". He snapped slamming his phone down on the set of drawers.

Swallowing hard I knew that voice a mile off. Of course he would put me in Blazes room. I was officially going to kill my dad. So much for he won't be back till later. What the hell was I going to say?

Peeking up at him he had his back to me. Did he even realise someone was in his bed. Pulling the cover up I buried my head so he couldn't see my face and i could no longer see him.

Way to go Ava. Not that he was going to noticed a lump lying in his bed. Idiot!..

"Just because I've fucked you once or twice doesn't give you the right to be in my room. How the fuck did you even get in here?". He said not sounding very friendly. 

Letting out a sigh I pulled the covers of my face to find him staring at me, the cigarette falling from his mouth.

"Why are you in here?". He demanded picking up the cigarette and taking a draw.

I had to play this cool and I had to apologise because I had been a complete bitch to him. "I needed to get some sleep before I head out. My dad said I could sleep in here. I never knew it was your room and I'm sorry for invading your privacy and wearing your-"

"Darlin' breath". He smirked cutting me off.

Folding my arms under my chest I kept my gaze on the bed covers. "If you want me to leave I will. I'll find somewhere else to sleep". I mumbled pulling the covers off me and standing up.

Finding some courage I glanced at him to see he was already looking at me, well his eyes were scanning over ever inch of my body. I felt extremely nervous and awkward. I was stood in a guys room I didn't even know with his clothes on. Could I get anymore stupid.

"Nah sweets you can stay right here. You're probably better of in my room anyway". He said taking of his t-shirt and throwing it into the corner. "I'm going to take a shower. The beds all yours". He spoke stubbing his cigarette out before making his way into the bathroom.

I had to say something. He was being really nice right now and I couldn't shake the guilt I was feeling. He tried to help and I acted like a bitch. Climbing back onto his bed I decided I would apologise when he came out and then I would leave. I'm sure there was somewhere else I could sleep.

I didn't even know where to start. Blaze was being nice but his mood changed more times than the weather. One minute he was nice and then the next he acted like an asshole.

"I believe these belongs to you?".

Turning my gaze to him I blushed. There he was standing in the doorway a towel hung low on his hips with my panties swinging from his finger. Watching the smirk and the lustful look he was giving me only made me more embarrassed.

Covering my face with both hands I groaned. How could I forget to lift up my panties?

"Could this get anymore embarrassing". I mumbled causing him to burst into a fit of laughter.

"You seem to always be embarrassing yourself around me darlin'. I'm beginning to think you like me". He said and I knew he would have a shit eating grin on his face.

Removing my hands from my face my mouth fell open when he slipped my panties into his drawer "I'm going to need those back". I said nodding to his drawer.

Smirking at me he wagged his eyebrows "I think I'll keep them". Taking another cigarette from his pack he lit it up. "Keep them for all the times you were a pain in my ass".

"I wonder what my dad would say". I smirked folding my arms under my chest.

Watching the smirk fall from his face made me laugh "Can I have them back now?". I asked standing from the bed

"Never took you as the girl that would run to her daddy". He smirked dropping the towel from his waist.

Holy goodness!! My eyes went straight to his package. I couldn't help it, it was right there. Biting my lip I did the first thing that came into my head. I covered my eyes with my hands. Of course I had seen one before. I am a doctor after all but I'd never seen one that big.

"Look at you acting all innocent". He chuckled "Don't tell me you haven't seen a dick before".

I didn't answer, of course I had I just hadn't had contact with one well not sexually anyway. I had been embarrassed enough in the time I had been here. Removing my hands from my face I avoided his gaze and started picking up my clothes from the floor.

"Holy fuck you haven't". He said sounding surprised.

Glancing at him I tried to keep my eyes on his face and not let them wonder to his man bits. I had to get away from him before my cheeks burst into flames. Was being a virgin at 23 really that bad.

Once I had gathered my clothing I made my way over to the door "Thanks for letting me use your room". I whispered wishing the ground would swallow me up. He didn't need to know anything more especially if he was just going to laugh at me.

"Ava look I'm sorry". He said pulling on a pair of boxers.

"I'll wash your clothes and bring them back to you before I leave". I said just as I pulled the door open.

So much for getting a sleep before I leave. "Don't leave". He muttered. I could feel his front against my back. Feeling the shiver run through my body I closed my eyes. I hadn't known this guy more than 2 days and already I liked him. I hadn't felt immediate attraction to a guy before.

Hearing the door close my eyes snapped open and I turned around. "You want to laugh at me some more?". I asked bringing my gaze up so I could look into his eyes. "I have seen one before I'm not a complete loser. Not that I need to explain myself to you". I huffed folding my arms over my chest.

"I'm sorry I just thought, you know.." He sighed running a hand through his hair unable to finish his sentance.

"You thought because I look like this I'd have to have slept with lots of people, right?". I asked moving a little so I wasn't as close to him.

"Right". He answered

"Wrong, I focused on nothing but my school work and it paid off. I had to focus and having a boyfriend would have held me back. I had to make something of myself". I said feeling my emotions get the better of me.

"Wow darlin' calm down". He whispered bringing his hand up to wipe the tears of my cheeks. I hadn't realised I was crying.

Why was I crying?

"I'm sorry Blaze". I spoke taking a seat on his bed. "I'm sorry for crying on you and I'm sorry for acting like a spoilt bitch. You didn't deserve that".

"Been a rough couple of days?". He asked taking a seat beside me.

Wiping at my eyes I smiled "You could say that. I guess this is all new to me. I mean have you seen the girls that come around here. I feel so out of place".

Laughing he placed his hand on my knee and gave it a gentle squeeze "You're gorgeous Ava don't let anyone tell you different. Those girls are desperate to become old ladies. They'll do anything and anyone to get there. Don't worry about nothing your dad would put a bullet in anyones head if they touched you. Man or women".

"He won't have to put a bullet in anyones head. I'll be gone by tomorrow". I replied feeling his body tense beside me.

"What about your mom. She seems content being here". He said his hand gently stroking my leg.

Had his hand been doing that the whole time?

Shrugging my shoulders I glanced at him "My moms done it all before. I just can't believe she's fell straight back into it. I was the one that wanted to find my dad, she was against it from the start. Heck she didn't even know I was coming here and now she's the one that doesn't want to come home".

"Love the man love the club babe". He said taking his hand of my leg and standing up. "That's our life".

"Yeah but it's not mine. I don't belong here, I don't think I ever will. Can I ask you something?".

"Fire away darlin'".

"How old are you and where's your old lady?" I asked having no idea why I did.

"What is this 21 questions?" He smirked repeating an answer I gave him before.

Smiling at him I shrugged "I'm just curious thats all". I replied watching him as he slipped on his jeans.

"I have an old lady, she just doesn't know it yet". He said tucking his gun into the back of his jeans. Why did his answer make my stomach drop. She sure as hell was one lucky lady.

"Age?". I asked pulling my knees up to my chin. Blaze wasn't as scary as I first thought. Well I guess anyone could be scary when they're holding a gun to your head but I felt safe with him.

"Too old for you sweetheart". He winked pulling on his hoodie before slipping on his cut.

I guess that was my answer. "I consider 40 being to old for me". I winked having no idea where my courage came from. "And there's no way you're older than my old man".

"Well look at you getting all confident". He grinned making me smile. "Tell you what I'll tell you my age if you stay".

The smile fell of my face. Was he trying to bribe me because it sure as hell wasn't going to work. Why was he wanting me to stay.

"Think about it darlin' you belong here, you know you do. You'll be well looked after and it'll save me a lot of miles on my bike". He mumbled.

Miles on his bike, what was he talking about?

"Miles on your bike?". I asked feeling confused.

"Every damn weekend he'd have me riding out to make sure you were okay?".

"Hold up". I said standing from his bed "That first day you saw me you knew exactly who I was and then when I was parked outside the clubhouse and you basically made me shit my pants. That was all for show?" I snapped.

"Calm down". He hissed "I had no choice, I couldn't let you know who I was. You had to come here on your own free will and you did".

Now I was pissed. Here we were getting along fine and me feeling guilty about being horrible to him while he had knew exactly who I was the whole time. "How long have you been watching me?" I asked.

"Doesn't matter". He replied lighting up a cigarette. "Calm the fuck down Ava". He snapped walking closer to me and grabbing me at the waist. "Don't go out there guns blazing or I swear you won't like the outsome".

Pulling his arm of me I grabbed my clothes "I'm not going to do anything if you tell me how long you've been watching me".

"I told you it doesnt matter".

"Fine whatever. I don't care I'll be gone by tomorrow anyway". Walking to the bathroom I slammed the door shut and started getting ready

"Ava". He snapped banging on the door. "Ava I'll break the damn door down if you don't open it".

Opening the door in only my bra and his boxers his eyes raked over my body "What". I roared not prepared for what he did next.

He kissed me, kissed me like there was no tomorrow and damn me for kissing him back.

Once reality set in I pushed him of me and glared at him "What do you think you're doing?". I snapped wiping at my lips.

"You don't know how long I've waited to do that". He whispered lust coaxing his words. "Be prepared darlin' because I will get you in my bed and on the back of my bike". He smirked before storming out and leaving me speechless.

What the hell?

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