*Abi POV*
Susan holds my head and Chloe holds my legs and quietly take me out of Prophet Rufus’ guest room. I try not to wince as they bang me against the walls all the way to Omario’s chambers. Every servant here still secretly treat me like a princess and do their best to help me when no one is looking, except these two. They are the same age as me but they both have been to Blake’s bed. It took them weeks to heal from whatever Blake did to them. I and other servants did all their work until they were ready to come out. They have subsequently been through the rest of Alpha Theo’s friends. I understand their anger but it seems to be directed at me, not the Alpha and his despicable friends. It’s as if they resent me for not having been through the same experience. Omario’s claim has made things worse.
Brenda must have noticed this too. It would explain why she’s been specifically choosing them to take me out every Friday. Two weeks ago they were stopped by Terrence from tossing me into scotching hot water bathtub. He and other servants beat the trap out of them, but that made them hate me even more. Another fellow servant saw them spiking my food last week. I watch my back around them but I am, unfortunately, at their mercy every Friday night.
“Why do we have to carry her all the time?” Susan complains.
“I know, right? We are all servants, why should she be the special one?” Chloe agrees before letting my feet drop on the floor and Susan continues dragging me along.
“It’s because of the stupid prophecy,”Susan says with a bitter tone.
“Do you believe it? I mean Rufus himself can’t even explain the fine details,”Chloe asks.
“I personally think it’s all a lie to keep her alive. Rufus was originally from her pack after all,” Susan suggests.
Her argument does make sense, except Prophet Rufus hated my parents for not recognising him as the pack’s healer. He was not a prophet back then but had deep knowledge of herbs. If anything, he is more loyal to Alpha Theo, who made him the “kingdom’s” great prophet with lucrative benefits.
“You might be onto something there, Sue,” Chloe says.
“How do you think Alpha Theo would reward us if we were to kill her ourselves?” Susan asks.
“You are a genius, Sue! Let’s do it,” Chloe responds excitedly and grabs my feet again. They hurry through the passage to Omario’s room. They drop me really hard on the concrete floor and close the door shut.
I should get up and try to call for help, but I still can’t move my arms and legs. They banged my head really hard against the walls, I can’t even keep my eyes open, nor can I call out.
Shit! I’m in trouble!
“How do we do it?” Susan whispers.
“She can’t move. We could just slit her throat,” Chloe suggests, also keeping her voice down.
That’s so gruesome, they really hate me.
“If something sinister does happen as a result, we would be in deep trouble. We must make it look like an accident, something we can explain in case we fail or something happens,” Susan suggests.
She is really smart. It’s a pity that her brains are wasted on evil murderous thoughts.
“You are right, Sue. We are supposed to bath and prepare her for the prince. Let’s drown her in the tub. If something bad happens and we do get in trouble we will say she had a convulsions in the bathtub and drowned,” Chloe says.
It’s a really smart plan. I have faked a convulsion to stop Alpha Theo’s friends from beating me up. No one would question that I had one in the bathtub.
“That will work, let’s do it,”Susan agrees and they both quickly undress me.
I listen to the sound of the water in horror. I heard that drowning is really painful. I try to call out but nothing comes out. I can’t believe that I survived the Alpha for this long but I am about to be drowned by my fellow servants. My heart is pounding when they lift me up and throw me into the bathtub.
“Maybe the prince likes her stupid breasts,” Susan says before they both press my head down and water rushes in through my nostrils. I guess this is the end of my miserable life.
“What the fuck do you think you are doing?” Omario asks sharply before I feel strong arms hold me around my armpits and lift me up. He gentle pats my back while I cough violently and hungrily inhale air.
I did not hear him walk in but I am grateful that he did. Susan and Chloe sound startled by his entrance too. He must have walked in when they threw me inside the bathtub. The water splash must have masked the sound of the door opening and closing.
“Your…,” Susan stammers.
“Ma…jesty,” Chloe says with shaky voice.
“What the fuck are you doing?” Omario yells.
“We…we were bathing her, Your Highness.”
“Is drowning her a part of that?” he asks.
“She is mine. I will crush your tiny bones if I hear that you did anything to her. You are going to watch over her and do all her chores from now on. Get it?” he roars.
“Ye..yes , Your Majesty.”
“Get the fuck out of here!” he roars again and I hear footsteps moving away until the sound of the door opening and closing.
That was close but there’s no time for relief. I am naked in a bathtub with his hands still around my armpits and I have no idea what his intentions for claiming me are.
I think my eyes would be able to open now but I keep them shut. I still can’t move my arms and legs though, not that it would be of any help now.
I have never been this exposed in front of any man before. My heart is hammering in my chest, it’s getting really hard to breathe.
“Open your eyes, breathe and relax,”he commands and I slowly open my eyes and meet his piercing brown eyes.
“Relax, I promise I won’t harm you,” he says tenderly.
I nod my head and but I still can’t slow my heart down. If anything, it’s getting worse. I break the eye contact and my eyes subconsciously look down at my completely exposed body.
He follows my gaze and chuckles. “I think I have already seen everything. No use worrying about that now,” he says and my cheeks start burning.
“I was wrong, I didn’t see the scarlet cheeks before,” he says, making it worse. My whole face is now burning and my heart won’t slow down. He laughs louder and grabs a nearby towel, swiftly pulls me out of the water and carries me to his bed.
Damn it! This is worse than when I was still submerged in the water. I have been through a lot of embarrassment in my life but this tops the list. I lay helplessly on the bed and look away while he dries me up, applies lotion and put one of his shirts on me.
“Now, what shall I do with you?” he asks while unbuttoning his shirt and tossing it on the floor. My heart jumps to my throat when he unzips his pants and drop them on the floor too.
I guess this is the day he claims his possession and there’s nothing in the world I can do to stop him.
He looks at me and cursed under his breath before coming to sit on the bed next to me. “I am not going to touch you, you have my word,”he says with the same tender tone that strangely frightens me more than his angry one.
What do you know? My voice is back and I can move my limbs a bit.
He frowns at me. “You want me to touch you?”
I frantically shake my head. I just want to know his motives if it’s not my body he is after.
He looks at me and sizes me up from head to toes.
“Why? Let’s see. You are a servant, I don’t do servants. You are quite thin, I am sure that getting on top of you would crush your tiny bones and I doubt that you can take my size if everything else is as tinny as you are,” he says this with a grin on his face.
I swallow my saliva. I was wrong earlier, this, being told that I am not good enough to be taken advantage of, feels like the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to me.
“Seriously Abi, get over yourself and celebrate that you get to keep your virtue,” I rebuke myself.
“Ha! You are quite an open book, aren’t you?” he says before we hear a knock on the door. He grabs a towel, wraps it around his waist and goes to answer the door.
Luna Nala walks in and stares disapprovingly at me. This definitely looks intimate. Omario is shirtless with a towel around his waist and I am laying on his bed with just his shirt on. I want to cover myself but my stupid arms still feel like lead, so I look away instead.
“You are engaged to Olivia,” she says with an accusatory tone.
“I am aware of that, Mother,” Omario responds dismissively.
“What are you doing with the servant then?” she asks.
“Pleasuring myself, she is quite…”
I turn my head to look at Omario with a widened expression. He just promised to not touch me. He lied to me.
Luna Nala shows him her palm to interject angrily. “I don’t want to know. You should cancel the engagement, you are clearly not ready for any commitment.”
Omario chuckles, completely unaffected by his mother’s objection. What a jerk!
“That word does not exist in our society, Mother. You should know that,”he says.
“That’s where you are wrong, Son. We are wolfs, our nature is to be mated to one mate and be fully committed to them come hail or high waters. We invented the word commitment.”
I can hear the hurting in her voice when she says this. I have only heard about mates and bonds but I have never witnessed the actual ritual. None of my generation have. How it all supposedly happens sounds like a fantasy, like the prince charming and happily ever after stories, except it’s more beautiful and more romantic.
“That was before the explosion, when we had mates and bonded to them. We don’t anymore,” Omario says dismissively.
“Are you sure about that?” Luna Nala’s question grabs my attention.
“What are you saying, Mother?” Omario is just as confused by it.
“We were not all affected the same way by the explosion. What if there are some who still feel the bond?” she asks.
“Why wouldn’t they say?” he asks. I am also curious to know.
“Because your father and his cronies bed any woman they fancy, regardless of their status. Who is to say that they won’t actively target those who possess what they don’t have? Do you think anyone out there would ever risk coming out?” she asks.
She has a valid point. I definitely wouldn’t come out.
“What are you telling me all this for, Mother?”
“You might have his indestructible genes but you don’t have to be him,”she says softly and I can’t help but feel sorry for her. We all know how she got to be Alpha Theo’s Luna and it’s nothing romantic, if anything, it’s a nightmare and that was even before the explosion.
“I am not!” Omario snaps. She must have hit a nerve. This is a very interesting family dynamics. One I may have to take advantage of when I finally have a plan to kill Alpha Theo.
“Your actions speak volumes, Son. You should try looking very hard on the mirror and know that whatever you are planning on doing to this girl is criminal, slave or not,” she says and storms out.
Omario follows her, locks the door and returns to the bed. That’s when I realise that he is the reason my heart is flattering out of control. It had slowed down when his mother was here, now it’s picking up again.