The moment translater converted the words of King Atticus, swords were drawn out. Rudraksh and Shauryaveer were like a raging bull ready to kill. They said in unison, "our Rithambara won't marry your son".Vikram Singh was astonished. He would have gladly given his head but king Atticus asked for his heart. He was in no position to speak. Rukmini started crying. She didn't know how to react to such a situation.
If looks could kill then King Atticus would have died instantly. Rithambara was beyond furious. Her whole body started shaking with rage.
Before Vikram Singh Rajput could utter anything Rukmini said, "No! I wont let my daughter marry your son. Your kingdom is in completely other part of world. I will not know about her whereabouts . Our faiths are completely different, she will not be able to cope up with the differences. Ask for anything, we will happily give it to you. Take all the jewels, silk for free, we don't need anything in exchange. You can take even this kingdom but not my daughter. Not possible ."
King Atticus said, " see, I told you my friend , you won't be able to fulfil your promise but let me assure one thing to you that if she marries my son,she will be future queen of Florence and my son will take care of her like no one could ever take. She will be my daughter. She will get all the respect she deserves but it's alright if you want to step down from your pro... "
Before he could complete his sentence Rithambara interrupted him in angry and firm tone, " we are Rajputs, betraying someone and backing down from our promise is something which we are not taught. Cheating on someone do not runs in our blood and breaking a promise is considered cheating. My father made promise to you and if you want me to marry your son to fulfill that promise so let it be. I will marry your son." King Atticus had a secretive smile on his face.
Loud gasps were heard around . Rukmini was crying uncontrollably . Shauryaveer said, "you don't have to do this Ritha, we will find a way out of this but Rithambara said, "no Bhaiya, our image is at stake. If today I would decline , wrong message would go amongst the people and neighbouring kingdoms. I can even die happily for our holy land ,marrying someone is still nothing ."
Rudraksh said, "but how will you cope up with completely different culture and that also which so far away from our land. In future who knows if we will meet also or not. You are my only sister. You are a gem and life of this palace. I won't let this happen to you. "
Suddenly, Vikram Singh left his throne and stormed away angrily. Rukmini was going behind her husband but Rithambara stopped her and told her that she would talk to her father.
Rithambara followed her father who was standing in balcony. Rithambara went close to him and said, "Pita shree (respected father) what happened? " Vikram Singh had tears in his eyes and turned towards her and spoke, "forgive me, my daughter. I didn't know that you will have to pay such a heavy price for my one promise ."
It was for the first time Rithambara
saw tears in her father's eyes. She wiped them using back of her hands and said, "pita shree, nothing in this world makes me more proud and happy than the fact that I'm your daughter, great Maharaj Vikram Singh Rajput's daughter . You did nothing wrong. I never want to see tears in your eyes because of me. Don't be worried about me. I'm not a coward who will run away from problems . You have always taught me to look directly in the eyes of problem and challenge it. You have made me rough and tough. My life ahead could be full of challenges but don't worry, I will directly glare in eyes of the problem and challenge it. I'm daughter of this soil and I will never back down. I will always make you proud. "
Vikram Singh was proud seeing his daughter's courage. He said, "you have always made me proud. I always feel proud to introduce you as my daughter. May you get all the happiness of this world. I love you my heart". He kissed her forehead.Here Augustus was beyond furious. He questioned his father, "how could you do this to me father? How can you decide this for me? Why always me? It was your decision to make Valentina my bride. See what happened? Our relationship with Sicily has even worsened. My son is motherless. Do you know the pain I go through everyday ? I will not marry her. " He suddenly developed hate towards Rithambara because he couldn't accept anyone taking Valentina's place in his life .
King Atticus said, " I know everything and that's why I've taken
this decision. If you deny from this marriage, you will be disowned from being the next king of Florence. " Augustus couldn't believe his father. His hate multiplied ten times for Rithambara and king Atticus