“I really think you should take your mom’s offer and get married to Ariel because you aren’t getting any younger and you haven’t dated anyone in ages. “David said, through the phone.
“No, no way, mate! If you’ll be sorry for the rest of your life. She’s too damn annoying and don’t let your mom make any decisions for you. Wait for the right one to come.” Ethan said.
“I know, David but I think if I ever get married she’s not going to be someone so greedy and demanding like Ariel and her mom. Besides, it will be awkward for me. I’ve known her for years, she is more like a second sister to me and Ethan you’re the one to talk; you’ve been dating Emily for seven now.” I replied.
I have been talking to Ethan and David for two hours while sitting in the pool room since Olivia came and dropped my breakfast.
Ethan and David are my best friends; we have been together since we were in elementary school. They are my best option for suggestions and ideas which can stop this wedding seeing that my father isn’t helping me much. My mother has been harassing me since I came back from New York, telling me that I have to get married to my childhood family friend, Ariel and father isn’t doing anything about it.
“Actually guys ummm……”Ethan said in a nervous tone.
“Ethan,what are you up to now?” David said in an exasperated tone. David has always been the most reasonable and responsible one since we were kids. He was always the one to save us from all high school troubles, whether from girls or from late night parties. He was even the first to take over his father’s company and get married to his college sweetheart, Roseline, who is expecting a baby.
“Chill! David. I actually want to settle down…..with Emily actually. I have been looking for a ring and I think I have found the one but I don’t know if she’s ready, hell even if she is I don’t know how to ask her out. This just doesn’t seem to be my thing. I don’t know how to propose. “Ethan says.
“Aww.” I say in Olivia's screeched voice.
Ugh! Olivia……. I just can’t stop thinking about her. The way she moan. Her delicious body which reacts so actively to my touches….just thinking about it gives me a hard on. It’s just impossible to concentrate on anything whenever she is around.
“Shut up, William.” He replies.
I burst out laughing and David join me. This would be a first where Ethan is embarrassed of something.
“I thought Emily was just one of your flings.
I never thought that you would settle down ... .like ever. You are right; this doesn’t seem to be your thing.”
“David, how can you even call Emily a fling?
She’s worth more besides she’s Ethan wife material. She is the only one who can handle me and of course I am going to settle down.”
Ethan replies and from his voice you can tell he’s pissed off.
“Defensive,are we?” I said. I can only imagine Ethan glaring at me right now.
“Sorry, mate but I have one question. “David says in a relaxed tone.
“What” Ethan spat out. You can tell from his voice that he is going to burst out any minute now.
“Do you love her?”
“Umm….. yeah I think but not lovey-dovey like you and Rosie.” And just like that he is back to being a nervous Ethan from an angry Ethan.
“They still act like that.” I said amused.
“Don’t call her that, that’s my nickname,”
David spat angrily.
“You mean the one I made when we met her at first.” And now you can tell that roles are reserved, Ethan is now the amused one while David is angry…maybe jealous also. He is very possessive when it comes to Roseline.
“I’m the husband here and only I gets to call her like that. “David said as if that was the most obvious and reasonable answer.
Jealous, are we?” The childish Ethan imitating me.
“Yeah, Rosie makes me act a lot like that. “David sighed and chuckled nervously.
I hungup the phone and left those two to their bickering. I wonder how when we were discussing my problem it went to Ethan’s and David’s.’ Those boys are so easily distracted. They are just whipped.
I must find a plan on how I mustn’t marry Ariel. And how do I get Olivia in my bed?
“William Hubert, your visitors will be here in thirty minutes so I suggest you Better get dressed and don’t make me repeat myself”
My mom shouted from outside the door to my room, waking me up from my siesta.
Ughh. This woman never gets tired.
Hesitantly I stand up and freshen up. I still haven’t come up with a plan on how to stop this crap marriage.
“Elizabeth, what do I do to make my mother leave me alone?” I asked Elizabeth as I watched Olivia slicing the onions near the fire as the heat made her milky coloured cheeks turn red.
This girl has no idea how sexy she looks in this dress. From her hair as dark as a raven’s feather to her grayish blue eyes that spill all emotions out to her fluffy cheek that make her have a baby’s face and full pink-coloured kissable lips.
This girl gives me an instant hard-on. She doesn’t have any idea on how sexy and innocent she looks. How I want to take her to my bed and have my way with her.
“Son, I can never tell you to do the wrong thing. You know I will always tell you to do what’s best and right now I don’t think you should consider your mother’s request about marrying Ariel but don’t fight her about it. It would make your mother angry and she will force you down for this marriage besides you’re not so old, just 23 your bride is still out there somewhere. “She says, winking at me.
This woman just gets funnier each time I leave her. But I have a feeling that she is right. She is so sweet and good to me. Why can’t my mother be like her?
I chuckled.
“Elizabeth, where should I put the onions?”
Olivia asks, in a soft angelic voice.
“Oh! Darling, leave them on the counter top and when you’re done you should just go and take a shower. I’ll do the rest, there is not much left to get done anyway. “ Elizabeth replies.
She said as she left the kitchen without even acknowledging me. Not again, she is ignoring me again. Why do I have so many problems in my life?
“What’s wrong with her?” I asked Elizabeth once I was sure she left.
“Leave the poor girl alone,William. She’s going through a lot.”
“Hey! I didn’t cause her to be in a sour mood.”
Elizabeth gives me stern look and I raise my hand up in defense
Elizabeth bursts out laughing and we continue talking and laughing while I watch her cook.
I wonder what’s wrong with Olivia. I can’t handle her avoiding me again when all I can think about is her body, it’s not fair, never ever have I met a girl who can’t acknowledge my presence and resist me while I am craving for her.
We are currently sitting in the dining room and Ariel is seated right beside me. The food hasn’t been brought out and I need a distraction. This is just so awkward.
“William, it has been such a long time. How about New York?” Ariel asked me. Okay, we’re playing safe.
“Fine and how have you been, Ariel? Where is Addison?”
“I have been fine but I really miss you.
I mean after college you just up and left. “She said sweetly,too sweet for my liking.
She literally ignored my question about Addison; he’s always been a big brother to me, Ethan and David, being three years older than us. He has saved our ass..es many times.
“I had some business to sort out, Ariel besides I don’t even think I’ll be staying here for a long while.”
“What? But we are just starting over again”
She says with a surprised and a hopeful look on her face. She looks like a long lost girlfriend who has been waiting for her boyfriend for years.
“Ariel, there will never be anything between us, we’re just friends, more like siblings. “Ok. I might have had fun with her but just a couple of times. I think. And I regret it, seriously I do. She has been so clingy after that.
“William, we’re getting married so I think there’ll be more. I mean I have already told all my friends, I chose the dress, it’s just the invitation left. You can’t ignore the spark between us, everyone feels it and they think we are just made for each other “
“Well, I guess you have to start looking for a groom. I’ll be happy to help, I know this site it’s called “tinder” . I'm sure yours won’t be hard to find. And spark…..really we aren’t a couple in a romantic chick-flick. This is real life,Ariel. “I told her already getting tired of her useless crap.
She lets out an audible gasp, startling everyone at the table.
“Mr. Valdez?” I called because I know him and his son are the only reasonable ones in their family. They would never force me down to marry Ariel and will also help me stop all this drama.
“Yes William,”
“Where is Addison?”
“Ahhh. He went to England to visit his fiancée’s family. He will be getting married in three months.”
“Wow, this is news to me. I never knew that he was getting married. I’ll need to speak to him sir. If only you can give me his number after dinner.”
With that the food was being brought to the table by a fresh-looking Olivia.
Ahhh. Elizabeth made her famous
Chicken parmigiana and fettuccine Alfredo. I just love her. Her food is delicious just like Olivia. What! No William stop it, you are sitting in a room filledwith your parents and another family and you are thinking about sex. No! Back to food.
She placed the food on the table, carefully.
“Didn't someone tell you that drinks are to be served first?” My mother spits out at Olivia.
I never understand my mother. She is so good to everyone but once it comes to the maids and other servants she acts as if she owns them.
She acts like a complete bitch.
I’m sorry, signora. “She says, reaching out to take the food back, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. I feel this uncertain pain in my heart at the sight of her tears. Why does it hurt to see her in pain?
“Olivia, don’t bother, just leave it and please get the drinks. “My father says. He is clearly tired of my mother and her cold way of treating our maid and servants.
“Yes, sir. “She says as she leaves.
“You see what I was telling you about,
Lyla, he never correct them so they end up making the same mistake. He is too kindhearted. And they use it to their advantage.”
“Exactly like Milo here, he treats the servants like they are his relatives. “Mrs Valdez said.
“You should always treat someone like you want to be treated. They are humans and we do not own them. “Mr Valdez said too calmly concentrating on his wife’s face as if trying to control his anger.
“That’s why you should never employ the inexperienced ones. I mean she’s very young just to be a maid. “Ariel says.
“Ariel, she’s an actual human being. Imagine being in her position, nobody ever wants to be a servant they just have to because of circumstances. You never know the real reason as to why they are here; you never know what kind of problems they are having.”
I said aloud so my mom and her friend can also hear.
“William finally learnt some manners.” Ariel said, acting surprised.
I clench and unclench my jaw already pissed off. She has no right to insult me like that.
Who does she think she is?
“But just to educate you more, manners aren’t meant to be used on such low-lives.
They don’t deserve it.”
I bang my fist on the table making the cutleries rise and fall from the table. That is it, she has crossed her limits. She doesn’t get to say these things about Olivia or Elizabeth or any other person working in this house.
“She is not a low-life! Elizabeth is not a low-life! Maybe your maids are low-lives but here they are our family. You know what; I’m not having dinner here. “I said as I stood up and at that same moment, Olivia walked in.
“William sit down and apologized to her. “My mom said, showing me how angry she is.
“I don’t think so, mom. Why should I apologize? I think she should apologize especially to Olivia.”
I turn around to leave when my father calls me.
“William, my son. Sit down and have dinner,
I’m sure Elizabeth made this dish especially for you. She would hate it if you stay hungry and disrespect her food.” He says too calmly, with a smirk on his face. He was actually enjoying this. Wow!
Never been one to disrespect my father’s wishes. I sat down.
Olivia started placing a plate for each person and when she was arranging my plate; I started tracing my fingers from her ankles to her knees and her thighs. I just can’t help it. I love to tease her.
She lets out an audible gasp and the plate hits Ariel glass of water making the water spill on the table and Ariel’s thighs. Shit.
Ariel screeches and stand up immediately, if Amelia and Fernando were here we would have been laughing our ass.es out but I still burst out laughing. I know it is rude but I can’t help it, Ariel’s expressions are just too funny.
“ my God! I am sorry. I didn’t mean to. “ Olivia said like she’s about to cry.
I feel a little guilty but I let it go as I’m still laughing. Olivia turns and glares at me and I stop laughing instantly.
“Get out of here, illiterate. “My mother shouts.
What? No way. She doesn’t get to call her that. It was just a mistake and honestly she didn’t do anything in the first place.
“Mother, it was a mistake. No one should ever be called that. It’s just water, nothing which can’t be cleaned. “ I said, sternly.
“William you just shut up you are saying that after you laugh. This is not funny….”
“Alice, sit and stop making a fuss over little things.William is right, this can be cleaned up, and you don’t get to call Olivia names”
“This is what you call little.”
One more look from my dad and she shuts up and sits down.
“Olivia please get her a towel. “My dad says.
Without saying anything she hurriedly went inside to get a towel.
“I don’t think you should have a problem Ariel. I mean except for your chair, your dress is short enough so the water didn’t touch it.I can bring you another chair and you will be fine. I said, smirking as I felt my mother’s glare at me. If looks could kill, i would be dead by now.Ariel was red by now too.
“Aren’t we going to have dinner? I mean the food can’t go to waste. This looks too delicious to be wasted. “I said, licking my lips and trying hard not to burst out laughing once again.
“Ahhh yes.Please serve yourself.”
Everyone starts serving as Ariel cleans herself up.
Guilt is killing me for making Olivia get in trouble again. I guess she deserves an apology. And I think I know the perfect way to apologize to her……
When dinner was over I went up to my room to freshen up while my parents saw the visitors out. I can’t wait for Amelia to return from Spain. It’s quite lonely
I headed to Olivia's room, but when I knocked, there was no response. So, I went to Marie's room and asked her about Olivia . She gave me a suspicious look and asked, "Why are you looking for her?" I ignored her question and said, "Thanks, Marie," before quickly leaving so she couldn't ask me anything else.
I went to the vineyard and saw Olivia, scrunched up and looking for my father's favorite wine. I silently walked up to her and picked out the wine. She gasped and spun around quickly, probably startled by me. I wish she hadn't turned around because the sight of her in a simple white dress that reached her knees and her long black raven hair let loose and falling to her back made her look like an angel. Her skin was flushed, probably from a shower, and her perky breasts were standing upright, telling me she wasn't wearing a bra. Her nipples were visible through her dress. I thought to myself, "Dear Lord, she's trying to kill me!" I could feel my jeans getting tighter and I had to tell myself, "Down, boy, down!"
Olivia said smoothly, "Sir Williams, how can I be of help?" Did she just say "Sir"? Seriously! I sighed and said, "Cut the crap, Olivia." I couldn't make her out; she was so hard to decipher. I said, "I'm sorry for what happened during dinner," even though I knew it wouldn't help. She replied, "Sir, you don't have to apologize to me." I had had enough and said, "Olivia, if you don't stop all this, I swear I will kiss you right now."
She gasped. I asked, "So are you ready to cut the act?" She said, "Look, William, you are my boss' son, so technically you're my boss. Besides that, I think you should focus on your fiancée. I can't stand to think what she, your mom, and her mother would do to me if they ever found out what you do with me. I don't want to have any relationship with you either." The mention of Ariel and my mom just made me angry. I said, "Listen Olivia, there is no way I am getting married to Ariel and if my mom finds out then so be it, I don't really care. But I don't seem to remember having any relationship." I saw a look of hurt in her eyes, but she quickly hid it away. I was confused, was I missing something? She said, "Yeah, you're right. We don't have or will never have any relationship together. I'm just a maid working under you so I can be paid. I'm just a low-life like Ariel said. I'm just-" and then she started to get angry. I silenced her by pressing my lips against hers. I kissed her with the same rage, sucking her lip and biting her bottom lip. I'm sure it will be swollen and red by tomorrow. I asked for entrance, but she refused and didn't kiss me back. I pulled her towards me and grabbed her breast, taking her nipples between my fingers and making her gasp.
I was shocked when she pulled away and slapped me across the face. I rubbed my face and winced at the pain. No one had ever dared to slap me before. She said, "My God, sir. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hit you," and started to cry. I wanted to wrap my arms around her, but she just collected the drink, saying a thank you in a tiny voice that I almost didn't hear. She hurried away, her ass cheeks twitching as she walked.
"Fuck me!" I called after her, my jeans painfully tight. I needed a cold shower. I couldn't understand her. I had been with so many girls before, and they were so easy to read. But Olivia was different. It was refreshing, but also frustrating. I wanted her, and I was going to have her. No one could walk away from William Hubert ... Dolores, get ready, I'm coming for you.