“So what happened after that?” she asked
“I realized what I had done but it was too late. He was dead and I couldn't undo it. I wept and when I didn't know what else to do, I ran away”
“You ran away?”
“Yeah, I didn't want what happened to John to happen to anyone else close to me especially not my family but they were getting worried, the news was filled with my missing posters, I just had to go back home. I was missing for four days. I went into the woods, I learnt to keep my appetite for human blood under control so I wouldn't hurt anybody again. And it worked until my family died, then I went wild. I killed those responsible for their death and their families too. My appetite became insatiable after that. I've spent more than a hundred years learning to curb that and that's why you can sit here in front of me without any fear”
“Who told you I'm not afraid?” she asked
“If you are, you're doing a good job of hiding it. Your heart is beating normally”
She smiled before replying “did anyone or your family ever know you were a vampire?”
“No, they didn't. I didn't tell them. Sure they wondered why I all of a sudden refused to come outside during the day without an umbrella and why bright colours suddenly affected my eyes but after that, they didn't notice any other signs that would have made them suspicious. I did a good job hiding my fangs”
“Okay” she took a deep breath as he adjusted in his chair “so… back to my main question.”
She paused as if trying to find a way to put her words
“Are you or are you not the one that's been killing people recently? You know you can tell me the truth”
“Detective, if I were to start drinking human blood after more than a hundred years of abstinence, I won't quit till this whole town is wiped out.”
“So how did you survive for that long without human blood?” she asked curiously
“I use animals blood as substitute. A sheep's blood to be precise”
“And when was the last time you had sheep's blood?”
“About one year ago”
“One year ago? How are you still alive then?”
“Vampires don't need to drink blood everytime, we only drink blood to renew our appearance. If I didn't drink blood all the years I've been alive, I'll probably look my age now. You do know we can eat other normal food too right?”
She shook her head “I didn't know that”
“Well we do. In my house, I have a chef that comes to cook for me. Of course he doesn't know I'm a vampire”
“I'd love to know where you live someday”
“Sure. Just say when”
She looked thoughtful for a moment before asking
“If you're not the one responsible for the killings, do you think there are more vampires out there?”
“I really hope not but there's no denying that the whole thing is suspicious. If it is another vampire that is responsible for all this then it's not a normal one or maybe it's also killing for revenge too. Since our last conversation, I've been searching but I'm yet to find anything. I'll keep searching”
“Thank you” she smiled and he nodded.
She sprang to her feet “I guess I better get going now, my time is far spent. I'll see you some other time.”
“Thank you for coming” he extended his hand for a shake.
“Thanks for your time” she said as she took his extended hand.
“Hadassah…” the voice came out as a whisper which made her turn abruptly.
“Who's there?” she called while placing her hand on the pistol in her pocket.
A manic laughter echoed all around her, she drew her pistol, keeping herself alert of her surroundings.
“Hadassah…” the voice sounded again
“Show yourself!” she fired back
“I know you… I see you” more crazy laughter followed.
A black mist was forming around her, it stung her eyes painfully and her eyes quickly filled with tears making it difficult for her to see. She rubbed her eyes violently trying to see but when that didn't work, she decided to rely on her other senses.
She shut her eyes tightly and paid close attention to her surroundings. It was quiet, too quiet, but then, she heard the faintest sounds of footsteps approaching. She kept a firm grip on her pistol and when she felt the presence very close to her, she swung her first hard aiming for the person’s face. She hit a jaw and heard the person swore. It was a man's voice she heard. The man grabbed her by the arm and she decided this was the moment of truth.
Using her insight, she aimed for his arm and fired. He released her arm abruptly and winced in pain. She managed to open her eyes and catch a small glimpse of his face but before she knew it, she saw his elbow aiming straight at her.
“You stupid bitch!” was the last thing she heard before everything went dark.
Her head was pounding when she woke up. She had a minor concussion and her head felt wooly. She looked around, she was in an unfamiliar room on a medium sized bed, with gothic theme, in fact, the whole room had an antique gothic theme.
Everything was in black and red, the sheets were red, the curtains were black with skull designs on it, the light in the room was dimly lit casting a golden glow in the room, there were candle lights on the frames casting an eerie, shadowy glow around the room.
The room looked spooky but rich, the fabrics and decorations looked expensive, there was a beautiful red Persian rug in the centre of the room.
She shot up from the bed hastily, coincidentally, the door opened and Aamon walked in holding a cup with a coaster. She relaxed a bit when she saw him.
“I see you're awake”
“What happened to me?” she asked rubbing her head
“You were attacked!”
“By who”
“I didn't see the person. By the time I got to you, it was too late. The person had left”
She rubbed her head trying to remember the person’s face but her head hurt and she groaned.
“Hey, calm down, try not to stress your brain too much now, you have a concussion” he handed her the cup he was holding
“Here, have this. It’s green tea, it’ll help.”
She took the cup from him and poured it’s contents in her mouth, grimacing as she did.
“Thanks” she said as she dropped the empty cup on the bedside table
He watched in amazement as she jumped off the bed, she wobbled a bit and he was by her side instantly. He put one hand on her back and one on her right arm gently.
“What’s wrong?” He asked
“I need to go home, I didn’t tell my parents I won’t be coming home tonight, they would be worried”
“Tonight?” He asked and she looked up at him, realization dawning on her.
“It’s not tonight is it?” She asked knowingly and he shook his head.
“It’s six a.m”
“What day?”
“The next. Oh and your mum already called last night”
“What! What did you say?”
“I told her I was your boyfriend and you were with me”
Her face turned bright red and she pressed her palms against her cheeks, it was all she could do to keep from screaming.
“You did what?” She asked in astonishment