This question comes to mind when you look at the six eyes that reflect the light of the house.
'Randall wants to know what's going on, Emmat. What happened?'
'Courting a female, Rolly. Now's a delicate time.'
'Who's on the other side of the ravine?'
'Not sure. One of the Macy pack. He came up while I was watching and challenged me.'
'Looks like he got in a couple good licks. Losing your edge?'
'Missed a feint. Nothing serious. I've gotten worse from you and Randall. Anyway, gave me an in with her.'
Roland takes another breath. 'What about her male?'
'He hurt her tonight. she kicked him out She feels safer to me.
Samuel growls a little. In their herds, cruel treatment of females and cubs was not allowed. “I don't understand you, Emmat.
'When do you say you'll be back?'
'It takes a few days for her man to leave her her alone and show me what I can do for her.'
Several giggles are heard in his head. - I have to go back.
'Okay. We'll check back in a week.'
'Good. Roland. Samuel. Erich.'
The three wolves turn for the woods as Emmat walks back through the yard.
Lyssa is waiting for him, peering out the back door into the gloom.
"Oh, there you are. I was starting to worry."
She closes and locks the door behind him then curls up on the couch with a blanket and the remote. She watches some financial news before the movie comes on. He settles down at her feet.
Just before the movie starts, she grabs some microwave popcorn and brings the bag out to the couch and curls up again. About 15 minutes after the movie starts, she relaxes and occasionally throws popcorn at him and drinks a diet cola. Sometimes she watches movies and laughs. Emma slowly approaches the sofa. First the head, then the front paws. He needs more time to lift his chest and more time to lift his butt.
He sits with his head on the sofa and his head on her lap.
She rubs his ear and moves the other hand along his side. He growls with joy.
The movie ends and she sighs.
She turns off the TV and wakes up. Emma gets up from the sofa.
She throws away the popcorn bag and rinses the can.
Emmat Drink.
She climbs her stairs and Emmat follows her. She goes to the bathroom and closes the door behind him. Start bathing after using the facility.
Emmat sniffs the door, whining slightly. She looks at the door, feeling a little guilty, and takes off her clothes. “I’ll be leaving soon, M.
Lisa sighs and slides into the water. She leans her body in the bathtub and covers her eyes with a wet towel. Ronnie. What was she going to do with him? He was angry, and she knew it, but could have hurt her. She was mad at him for what he had done.
I said I'm sorry, but when I called later, the voice sounded crazy. He hadn't been paying attention, he'd made her pass out. If he'd just stop getting so drunk... Whenever he drank beer, he continued to drink until he got drunk.
Emmat was lying at the door. He wasn't worried about Ronnie coming in, but he was worried that she wouldn't let him in. He wants to see her body one more time.
Patience. patience. She was angry and scared.
He will not change shape yet. This could scare her even more. So he will comfort her the way she is until the threat of her Ronnie is removed, or until her Ronnie feels ready to accept her true self.
Movement in toilet, draining water, coming out soon. Will she send him to the bedroom?
Lissa comes out of her bathroom in her robe with her arms wrapped around her body.
The wind shook the trees, and she curled up and giggled nervously as the branches scratched the window.
Emmat rubbed her head, her hand touching his head again. She absently scratched his ears and he groaned. She then yawned hugely. "OK, I guess that means bed." She starts for the bedroom then turns and heads back for the stairs.
Emmat follows as she turns on all the lights in turn and checks that all the doors and windows were locked. Sighing, they climb the stairs again. She begins to smell of fear again. In bedroom
, she throws her dressing gown over a chair and puts on a large T-shirt.
Lisa yawns her back as she sits on the bed. Emmat puts her front paws on the bed. "No, Em, stay still on the floor." He whined and she took his gun and looked into his eyes. "I don`t need anybody in bed with me tonight."
With a huff, he laid down on the rug and curled his tail over his nose. She slid under the covers and turned out the light. "'Night, Em." A little more quietly. "I'm glad you're here."
She curls up on her side and closes her eyes, trying to sleep.
He listens to her breathing, her heartbeat. they were too fast She was so excited she couldn't sleep.
She fell. she quit Finally she fell asleep.
He heard and saw. He felt her sweet breath.
Her convinced that she was sleeping well, he climbed onto her bed.
He sighed, saying "Ronnie" at the weight of his body sinking sideways.
Emmat bit his tongue to stop the growling.
Of course she was sleeping, and he changed her shape. He approached her slowly and carefully and hugged her.
She hugged her closer and sighed contentedly.
He watched her all night lest she would wake up.
The morning sun wakes her up and she stretches and yawns and moans.
Jumps when hand touches fur. Then she turns and sees him lying on the bed.
The voice is harsh. "ant. Didn't I tell you to stay still on the floor?"
In reply, he licked her face. Finally she pushed him aside and smiled, "Okay, okay, you idiot." She looks at the clock. It's already eight. "Wow. , I slept better than I expected."
He leaned against his chest, and she rubbed the fur there. "You're just a fluffy sleeping pill, right?"
Sunday morning. What to do during the day?
She wanted to leave the house. She isn't ready to talk to Ronnie yet.
What about Emmat? She really didn't want to leave him here, and she didn't want to leave him outside, but she didn't have a leash or a leash.
She thought, brushing her teeth. Emmat was sitting on her floor, looking at her.
"Oh, my feet are cold." She put on her sweatshirt, socks and slippers and went downstairs to her.
Emmat went straight through the back door.
Lisa looked around and released her.
Humming her hum while preparing breakfast for two.
Emmat takes care of his work, including checking his body across the valley.
He is no longer there. Macy's hordes must have pursued him and took his body.
This may have caused him some trouble, but it was a legitimate challenge. It didn't matter. He was on his way to the prize.
He returned home excitedly. His wounds healed and the other man was driven out, at least for a while, and she looked to him for comfort and safety. He had to be careful not to startle her.
She let him back in and sat at the table for breakfast.
He went over to the bowl. Dog food. Dry. Yech. He should have hunted something down while he was outside.
She turns when she doesn't hear him eating. He turns his eyes on her and whines.
She sighs. "Just try it, will you?"
The lengths I will go to in courting a female.
He drops his head to the bowl and scoops up a few pieces. Chewing, he ends up with a slimy, pasty mess in his mouth. Revolting!
While he manages to swallow it, it doesn't stay down long.
The small mess lands on the tile; at least he's managed to keep it off the rug.
He looks at her, whines again, and sucks down some water to get the taste out of his mouth.
She bowed her head and sighed. It's already ruined, huh?
Now he sits looking at her.
Dark brown eyes are looking at her chocolate. Once more. "Okay." She cleaned up her mess and threw her bowl away.
She takes out another hamburger and puts it on a plate. she turns to him Would you like to eat eggs too?
Agree and bark lightly. The egg was soft and tender on his tongue.
She takes the eggs, mixes them, then washes her hands and places the bowl on the floor. He walks over and drops his head. She scratches his ears. "You big lump." A pause. "We're going out after this, I hope you don't get carsick."
He looks up at her as she turns back for the rest of her breakfast.
She rinses her bowl and glass and sets them in the sink.
She then turns and goes upstairs. "Let me get dressed and we'll go for a ride."
She stops and turns. There was no excitement, no tail wagging, no recognition of the word most dogs are very familiar with. "Huh."
She pulls on jeans, a flannel shirt. Back downstairs, she shoves her cellphone in her back pocket, grabs her wallet and keys and slides into shoes.
"C'mon, Emmat, let's get out of here and go someplace fun."
He looks at her, unsure.
"Seriously. There's a big park about 45 minutes away. C'mon."
She opens the back door and steps out. He follows. She looks up and opens the garage door. He hesitates again at the door.
She looks at him again, hands on hips. "You'd think I was taking you to the vet. I'm not. We're going to the park". She opens the door and he jumps in. Closes it again and she says softly. "But I'll get you there soon."
After evaluating a few points, Emmat sits back in the backseat. Leaning on his back, sticking his head out the window, resisting the urge to sniff the air, he was well aware that those who could cause problems with his plans might reach out to some authorities. In fact, he was here with Ross' pack. He must be careful as an intruder.
She looks back at him from time to time, confused by his behavior, but she enjoys riding and singing to the radio. Her voice is a wonderful viola.
The window is open and her hair is blowing in the wind. She is a wonderful creature.
They park in the park and she parks in the back of the park. There are two cars parked there and she is turning. The other road to the east is empty. She stops the car, closes the window and turns off the car. She then turns to him, "Ready to go for a run, Em?"
Again, a light bark of agreement. "OK, let's go."
She gets out then opens the back door. He streaks out, a blur of grey fur, and into the brush. "Hey!"
She locks the car and whirls, running down the trail to find him. "Emmat!"
Gone. She can't see him.
She walks farther from the beginning of the road to find him. anything.
After about a quarter of a mile, she finds a bench and sits down. "Garbage. Now I have lost it."
Her Although he could not see her, he knew exactly where she was. Between the smell of her wind and her light steps, he kept track of where she was.
It's really nice here in the woods, and after spending a few days indoors he doesn't want anything other than running with his legs stretched out. In the long run.
First thing to do.
Shit. She really liked having him around. He was clever and obedient, but a bit quirky. She sighed heavily. Well, he found her and she helped him and she thought it was only to confirm that he was healed.
She looked up at her tree and tried to make him happy.
And when he appears quietly, he screams and buries his nose in the palm of her hand.
"Damn! God, Emmat, you drove me crazy. Where are you from?"
Of course, you're from the forest.
He sits and gets rewarded for her rudely rubbing the fur on his back and sides.
Damn, that's good. He moaned and licked her face. . "Good. Go play. I'll be here somewhere."
When he left, she took out her cell phone and turned it on.
A beep sounded. She received several voice messages. Most, if not all, would be from Ronnie.
With a heavy sigh, she punches in her code and puts the phone to her ear. The messages ranged from apologies to pleading to anger and yelling. She closed her eyes and winced at some of the words. He wasn't making it easier. She was beginning to feel really frightened of him.