Bailey's POV
She exchanged looks with her friends and then unexpectedly, she dump her smoothie on me. I gasped as she walk away with her minions.
Gosh!! Now I have to clean this. I found my way to the restroom hurriedly and went in. I walked to the sink to wash the stain of my shirt but stopped hearing sounds.
Is that someone moaning? The voices are accurate. Good gracious, they are making out. In school?!!
I gasped at that and walked to the specific door placing my ears. I quickly withdrew after seconds.
Holy shit!! They are having sex in school?. I heard voices from inside.
**You are damn so good baby .. Yeah go faster**
Wait what did my ears just hear, what kinda students do that? Probably the dumb ones but still .. Not in school.
I chew my lips angrily in disgust and walk backwards as the moans become louder. Oh Gosh!! This is freaking me out.
I turn and face the faucet turning on, water gushing out from it. I turned it off and took a deep breath noticing that the moans have stopped.
Thank goodness!! Oh yes. I thought feeling relieved. No more hearing of that sounds.
I heard the bolt unlock and then the door opened slowly revealing ... OMG!!
It was one of the STARS with a random girl who felt nervous adjusting her short skirt as she saw me standing there.
"Well this is awkward". I muttered to myself.
"Rose .. ?". He spoke up. "Can you excuse us?".
"See you later Alvin". She gives him a peck and leaves the restroom.
Oh God. I'm alone with Alvin Norman in the restroom. Who knows what he's going to do to me?
Probably bundle me off and throw me away for eavesdropping on his sex session with a girl.
Nah!! He can't possibly do that. But what if he does? OMG. What if he does?
"Whats your name, sweetheart?". He asks crossing his arm.
Fuck!! He's asking for my name, whats my name?!! Damn it. What is my name?!!
"B-Bailey, umm, yeah. Bailey Hadid". I say it out stuttering.
I can't help it. I'm standing in front of Alvin Norman. Star quarterback, Z Alvin.
I suck in my breath, my heartbeat quickens up its pace. My eyeglasses dropped to the bridge of my nose as I fiddled with the tip of my cropped tee.
He stared at me with his hazel eyes. "Your name is Bailey .. ?".
"Uh, yeah".
"So Bailey, do you not know how to walk past two students fucking or did you just want a threesome?".
"A what?!!".
"Are you kidding me? You don't know what a threesome is? Having sex with me and that girl you saw earlier".
Holy moly!! He's saying unholy words in my ears, shit that I can't take. I quickly placed my palms over my ears to block out what he's saying.
I noticed he was saying something then he stopped, looking at me weirdly. I slowly removed my palms from my ear.
"Are you some kind of freak or something like that?".
"I'm not a freak". I shot back at him.
"Oh great. She talks, how wonderful".
I huffed angrily. "You are the freak here not me".
"Are you talking to me? Freak".
"Says the guy who does things with girls, first thing monday morning in the restroom at school". I ranted on. "Who's the freak now?".
"Still you".
Damn it!! He's good.
"Well I better leave you since I'm sure you have freaky things to do". I say to him and made to go but he dragged me back.
"Not so fast".
"I have classes".
"And I want to make something clear, what you saw here is none of your business at all and I don't want you rattling it all out to anybody. Got that?".
"You are squeezing my arm too hard". I managed to say.
He let go of it. "Did you get what I just said right now?".
"Absolutely. No telling anyone you had it with that girl. I got it".
"Good". He walks closer to me.
I step backwards nervously. "I said I got it so now please scoot away".
He walked again which made us so damn close, i took another step back only to have my back hit the sink.
He put his hands around me resting it on the sides of the sink. I looked at him and saw he was staring at my lips.
Oh God. Please don't tell me ... Does he want to kiss me?!!
I definitely did not at all plan my first day of school to be like this at all. This is totally the opposite of what I wanted.
I closed my eyes and sucked in my breath trying to forget that he's here.
Oh God!! I beg of you, Please don't let him kiss me .. I really don't want my first kiss to be in the restroom.
"What are you doing?".
I opened my eyes to see Alvin staring at me like I was some kind of freak. Gosh!!! Stop calling yourself that.
He steps away from me. "I kinda expected people with glasses to be smart not weird".
I breathed out which made me realize that I have been holding my breath in because of this hot guy in front of me.
OMG!! Did I just call him hot?!! Well he's hot all right. Stop saying that, Bailey.
"See you later, freak". He gave me a nod and walked out of the restroom.
I turned and looked at the mirror looking at myself. I'm not a freak, i don't even look like one. Or maybe do I?
I shrugged the thoughts off and walked out of the restroom holding on to my backpack tightly.
I step out into the school hallway walking down wondering if I can find Katie.
I stopped in my tracks hearing the bell ring signaling first period. Thank goodness.
My first class. Algebra. Yay!! Don't get me all wrong here. I'm good at this so i tend to be really happy when it comes to classes like this.
Call me a nerd, i don't care at all. Though I care a little, so don't hurt my feelings.
I ran off to Algebra class excited for the first class ever in the first day of school. Its gonna be awesome.
I got there and open the front door walking inside.
"Good morning Mr. Matt". I greeted him cheerfully.
"Same here. Ms. Hadid".
I walk further into the class and noticed the whole class looking at me like I've grown two heads, like I'm an Alien or something.
Why won't they? After all, i'm the only one who greets the teacher when coming in the class.
I look around the class. No face is familiar to me at all. Its not my fault that Katie is my only friend.
I went to sit at the back of the class on an empty seat just only me. As I sat down, i feel like everyone is staring at me.
Moments after I had stepped into class, the teacher was scribbling equations when he walked in.
As if in cue, girls start unbuttoning the top of their shirts, hunching their skirts around their waists.
Just because of him. Ryder Tatum. The bad boy of our school. He looks more cuter with his hair tinted blonde.
"Mr Tatum. You are late".
"Do I have detention or not?". He retorted.
"Unfortunately, no but next time, it will be a yes".
"Yeah right". Ryder snorted.
"Go take your seat".
Ryder walks further into class with the girls making amorous advances at him, all which he ignored intentionally.
I kept on scribbling in my notebook what was written on the board until I felt a figure hover around me.
I look up to see Ryder staring at me with his cold dark eyes which is now making me uncomfortable.
"You are on my seat". He says coldly.
Oh shit. What have I gotten myself into this morning?