Walking into his office, Axel Hunter had a serious face, the kind he always has whenever he was in a tense mood or not willing to laugh with anyone. He was generally a very handsome man but his arrogance was out of this world making him be feared by so many people.
He was the owner of Hunters Wine Enterprise(HWE), and he had taken over it after his father's death.
Taking the elevator to the direction of his office, Axel's assistant was already communicating the different appointments he was to have for the day including the most significant one of them all which was the signing of the new contract with another Wine firm.
"Good morning Mr. Hunter", Morgan his secretary mumbled but Axel being as arrogant as always, did not respond, and passing through, he gave attention to some of his new employees murmuring being him.
Halting his steps and asking Isabella what had happened behind him, she who was not attentive looked at him confused and asking her boss what he was talking about, Axel turned around and sighting the angle from where he had listened to the chit chat, he muttered,
" Come out now, else I will have you fired".
His personnel looked at him in fear as he never said something out of mere supposition. Looking around to see whom he was talking to, the two ladies moved from behind their desk, and standing in front of him, they trembled in fear.
"You both are new here, am I correct?", he inquired.
" Yes, Sir", they both answered simultaneously.
"Good. Now, pick up your things and go back home because you are both fired", his voice thundered as he turned to leave the place. The shock on everyone's face was alarming as they could not tell what they had done and no one dared to ask.
Axel was very arrogant and full of himself, as he was aware that no one could give him stress no confront him because he had the resources to shut everyone up. Making his way into his office, the first thing he did was touch his table to check whether it was clean.
Just like he wanted, it was well taken care of. He took off his coat and hung it on the jacket stand that was just by his office, he went around his table and sat down on the seat. The day had started nicely and everything was looking promising.
Pressing the signal button on his table, he sat back and waited for his secretary to come into his office as he loved giving her instructions. After a few seconds, Morgan Taylor was already at his door, knocking as she waited for his permission to get in.
" Come in", he mumbled and Morgan pushing the door open, walked into his office greeting him again for the second time.
"Ms. Morgan, how are you today?", he asked giving her a perverse stare but Morgan not wanting to have any further problems with him, responded and waited for him to tell her what he wished her to do for him. Axel rising to his feet as he walked from behind his table, made his way to her while strolling behind her and whispering in her ears,
" You know what I won't don't you?".
"I cannot give you that which you seek from me Sir", she spoke politely but pressed her words to make him understand her decision.
" What do you think you have that others do not", he asked with his tone slightly changing to an angry one.
Taking a deep breath and letting it out, she held her dress tightly while rolling her tongue in her mouth in order not to say something that she is not supposed to.
"Sir if you do not have anything to say to me, I will like to go back to my desk and continue with what I was doing", she talked.
Her voice made him lose his temper and grab her by the arms, he held her closer and yelled out at her asking who she thinks she is to tell him what to do or not.
" I am a nobody to you sir but I am somebody to a lot of people and the difference between you and them is that they have a heart unlike you".
"What did you just say?", he raised a question but Morgan feeling so much pain, she could not take it anymore so she struggled to get out of his arms and when she finally did, a sound slap caressed his left cheek leaving him in a state of shock.
" I do not care whether you are my boss or not and to tell you the truth, I am very tired of you already. I worked in this company when your father was still alive and I was treated with dignity and respect so don't you ever try this with me again".
"You slapped me?", he asked in shock but Morgan not being able to handle his insensitive attitude, turned to walk out on him, but Axel not believing his eyes, asked her to stop where she was.
With her heart raising as though she was being chased by a ghost, Morgan's eyes were already watering and her lips trembling out of fear.
She has been under his mercy right from the moment that he had stepped foot into that enterprise as the new CEO, and thinking that every lady was like the girls he always had his way with, he was bent on having her. Holding her breath for a second and veering around to face him without minding whether she was going to lose her job or not, She said,
" I can see that you cannot tolerate being rejected right? but let me tell you this, I have put up with this nasty attitude of yours and it is starting to choke me so if you want to fire me like you always do with any employee that gets on your nerves, now is the right time", her words very straight.