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chapter 2

We hopped into the car, with me in the passenger seat and Luke in the rear. Jessie drove a white sedan that I truly enjoyed, but my ideal automobiles will always be a Range Rover, a 2021 Tesla Model X, or a Lamborghini.

I'm in love with those autos.

"Morning, Jessie," I murmured, hugging her quickly.

She is 5'7 with light copper hair that is quite curly, 18 years old, thin and has gray eyes. Jessie is an extrovert; she is constantly meeting new friends and going out, but she is also the finest friend someone could possibly have.

Did I mention how stunning she is? She really is stunning.

"Morning boo, sorry I'm a little late." She looked remorseful. My brother's obnoxious voice interrupted my attempt to convince her everything was fine.

"Hola Jessie pessie." My brother says, and I simply roll my eyes at him.

"Don't you dare call me that again you little weasel, that was so lame anyway?" She said something that made me giggle as I heard Luke murmur something I didn't want to hear.

"You're hurting my ego, Jessie Pessie." Luke mumbled something, and I immediately gave him a look that screamed, 'Don't you dare start talking,' and he stopped up.

Jessie snorted but said nothing, focused on the road while I connected my phone to the vehicle and played one of my favorite songs.

The three of us yelled the lyrics on our way to school. (Chandelier by Sia) I'll swing from the chandelier, From the chandelier, I'll live as if tomorrow doesn't exist.

As if it didn't exist, I want to glide through the night like a bird.

Feel my tears dry, and I'll swing from the chandelier.

From the chandelier.

Unfortunately, we arrived at the school before we could complete the song, so Jessie stopped the car in the parking lot and we got out.

Students were hanging around all throughout the campus, talking, laughing, and reading. I assume we're the only unhappy people who dislike school. Eh.

We said our goodbyes to my brother and walked to our lockers. When we saw my short stuff, also known as Allison, we hurried and conducted our usual group embrace.

Ally was the group's cheerleader and badass; if you're having a rough day, contact her and you'll be laughing your ass off in 1 minute. She's 5'2, which is why I nickname her short-stuff; her eyes are my favorite color, albeit they're emerald green; she has black hair; and she only talks to our buddy group.

I'm glad to announce that she is also stunningly attractive.

"Who's ready to rock this year?" Ally exclaimed gleefully. Jessie and I gave her a horrified look.

"Not me." We said it all at once and laughed as soon as the bell rang. We said our goodbyes and agreed to meet at lunch, then parted ways because we had different courses.

Jessie had chemistry, Ally had arts, and I had calculus. The very worst.

I walked into the class and found an empty chair; fortunately, the class was not yet full, so I got into my bag and picked out my favorite book, which I hadn't finished last night, and let me tell you, it's fiery and scorching. The male protagonist is so hot; he's a 35-year-old single parent with a 3-year-old son, he's Italian, and dammit if he's not a DILF.

I didn't hear anyone approach me until the book was snatched from my grasp.

I swiftly looked up and saw the person I dreaded meeting. Guess who. Ding ding ding, you are accurate; that is the wannabe Barbie doll Chelsea, the queen of all bitches.

I know it's harsh, but you'll understand soon. I'm not sure why she can't simply leave me alone; I begged that she would leave me alone this year, but here we are with no luck.

I groaned, knowing she was about to discover what book I was reading. I looked up and saw her carefully poring through the book. I wanted to take the book back from her, but it was too late; she had already seen it.

"Miss Innocent is not so Innocent after all, guess what she's reading in class." She laughed loudly, and I shrank into my seat.

That undoubtedly piqued everyone's interest while they waited for her to continue.

"Give me back my book, Chelsea," I murmured quietly, but she didn't pay any attention.

"This girl that you all thought was so Innocent is here in-class reading, do you guys know what DILF means?" She inquired smirkingly, and gasps could be heard across the classroom before the entire class burst out laughing, and I lowered my head low, tears threatening to stream out.

I resent her so much.

Well, I'm delighted she came to school rather than him; it appears he isn't here today, which makes me feel a little better.

"Stop being a bitch Chelsea and give her back her book." A powerful voice said, and I turned up to find 'Marcus' giving Chelsea a harsh stare that would make anyone shiver.

Chelsea rolled her eyes, hurled the book at me, hitting me in the face, and then took her seat. I smiled at him and thanked him, and he smiled back as he took his seat. The instructor then entered and began teaching.

I spaced out the entire lesson, heard the bell sound, and dashed out to my next class. This lasted until lunchtime, when I met the girls at my locker and we headed to the cafeteria to have our meals.

We sat down and ate our meals until they decided it was time to chat.

"So Bri, still crushing on Mr. sexy billionaire huh?" Jessie abruptly questioned, wiggling her brows, and I felt my cheeks heat up and butterflies in my tummy.

"Oh, someone's blushing." Ally gasped, and I flushed even deeper, assuming it was even possible.

Why are they even targeting me?

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