"You!..." I say in fear and move back.
"What are you still doing.... you have to get going now!" I blurt out.
I had tot...
Emilia's pov
"May the good Lord bless my today, protect the ones I love, and give madam Chloe a good heart and loving one, let Nick stop asking me out, cos love sucks and Lord you know I won't accept it, so Lord Jesus, make him forget about me. And lest I forget sweet Lord, forgive becky and sandy, I hope they stop saying the "f" word cos it's wrong. Let them stop thinking about boys and clubs all day, all this I pray in your name, Amen"
I made the sign of the cross and stood up from my kneeling position beside the bed. I pack my with a hairband and pick my glasses from the bedside table. I put it on, put on my fluffy pink slipons and padded out of the room. It's another hectic day!. I recall how yesterday had been tiring. I walked into my small shower cubicle and had a quick shower. I wrap my body with a pink towel and walk into my room. I threw open my closet and rummage through my few clothes.
I selected a faded baggy jean pants and a big shirt. I put it on quickly, combed my hair and packed it into a rough pony tail. I wiped my glasses with a napkin and put it on. I padded out of the room into my small living room. It's not really fancy, but it's decent and comfy. I slung my handbag over my shoulders and walk out of my apartment I step into the front porch.
"Hi Nana" I greeted the old woman sitted under the large fir tree in the middle of the compound and reading a newspaper.
"Hey milly how ya doing" I chuckled at her old English
"Fine grannie" I put the key under the door mat.
"Do have a nice day at work!" she call as I walked out.
"I hope so Nana" I reply. Nana is my next door neighbor and very nice too. She's the grannie I never had. I walked out of the gate and closed it behind me. I step into the busy streets and stop on the sidewalk. I glance at my wrist watch impatiently. Do they really have to keep me waiting all the time!. I was jolted out if my thoughts by a loud screeching of a car I puff out my breath as the driver window rolled out and Sandy popped her head out.
"Hey cherry!" she grin. I roll my eyes and got into the passenger seat.
"What's up cupcake!" Becky seated at the back seat greets.
"Really!.... do you guys have to call me such funny names!" They giggle. I quickly strap in my seat belt as sandy ignites engine. I'm not really ready to see God now. She drives out. Becky leans forward and turn the radio on. Crazy hip pop music blares out. I lean my head on the window as they began to sing croakily to the music. Lest I forget.....
I'm Emilia Roberts, and I'm a nerd. call me stupid but I don't see my being a nerd a big deal. Nerds are intelligent and could be a psycho if you get to know them really well. I'm a sucker at love. Yeah, love sucks, imagine someone saying I can't breath without you!. That's pretty dumb cos everyone's got a heart and so they can breath. sandy and Becky are among the few friends I've got. Sometimes I wonder how I got to be their friend. They could kill just to club. Yuck!. Parties and clubs. I so hate that. I met Becky while in college and Sandy while I was job- hunting. They may be psychos but I love them that way. we have come and long way and we are more like sisters than friends. The car pulls into a stop and I unstrap my seat belt. Thank goodness I survived.
"The next time you drive like that sandy, I'm taking the cab!" I breath out and got out and slam the door.
"Really!.... but my driving is fucking cool!" I groan. here we go with her swearing. they slam the door shut and we began to walk towards the restaurant. Chloe's pizzeria was clearly written in a large billboard on the top of the classy restaurant. I swung open the glass doors and step into the warm restaurant. Becky and Sandy who's been chattering quickly shut their mouths. That's because Chloe, the owner of the pizzeria is a grumpy middle age woman. If you so much as squeak, you will be fired. some customers were already sprawled out in the restaurant and drinking coffee. we walk into the kitchen that was bustling with activities. We open a door leading to the store room.
"Hmph!" Becky lets out a breath we drop our bags.
"I hope Chloe isn't around yet!" Becky says grumpily as she change into her work clothes. sandy scoffs.
"Fuck me!.... I bet she's in the closet banging one of her customers" I glare at her. she grin, zips her mouth and throw the imaginary key to me. I catch it and threw it to the window. Becky laughs.
"Really milly you should have been the virgin Mary" I chuckle.
"That would be pretty good, at least I won't get to know you guys" I roll my eyes and began to button my work clothes.
"So are you tryna say you aren't happy we are your friends!" Becky pout feigning hurt.
"Of course!" I say and stuff my clothes into my bag. I turn to see sandy buttoning up her gown. She leaves the two buttons out, so her bust is showing.
"You aren't planning on going outside there like this are you" I ask. She grins.
"Oh come on Emmy!, stop being a grouch!. it's just some fucking two buttons, not a big deal." I roll my eyes.
"cant you just say a sentence without putting a "f"!" I bicker as I adjust my glasses. Becky laughs cheerfully.
"Virgin Mary!... I promise I would change!" she says sarcastically. There was a banging at the door.
"Get your fucked up asses outta there! I ain't paying you your fucking money to be goofing around!" Chloe yell and we hastily shove our bags away. Sandy quickly buttons up the two buttons and I scoff and whisper to her.
"I thought I was being a grouch". She tweaked my ears
"Whatever!" she grins as I open the door. We file into the kitchen and I grab a tray. Time for a hectic day.