I won't regret anything... I swear, just kiss me.
"You are so Beautiful Doris, so fucking Beau- tiful" He whispered lik...
Chapter 1
“Are those the new arrivals?” She heard the stern voice of Estelle Hamby ask her from behind.
Turning to look at the head librarian, Doris almost dropped the stack of new books she was carrying. “Yes, Miss Hamby… they came in an hour ago.”
“Ah, lovely.” Hamby’s keen eyes stared at the neat stack of books that Doris was arranging. “And did they send everything on our list?”
“Except for the new Nesmir Christie book, they did.”
“Darn it, that book is the one we need to boost our new membership drive.” Her boss sounded aggrieved.
“We did get the new books by Devlin Geris and John Rood.” She held up a copy each of the two writers whom she considered among the best in the business.
“Hm, I suppose those will have to do.” Hamby shrugged indifferently. “We could get them to do a reading here at the library…” Doris looked ather boss expectantly. “Or at least one of them, John Rood maybe… ”
“If we could afford that, we needn’t be doing this membership drive.” The head librarian snorted and removed her horn rimmed eyeglasses. “I’ll tell you honestly, Doris… if we don’t boost our membership by the end of the year, we may have to close down, or worse let the State take over this library.”
“Oh, I didn’t think it was that bad, Miss Hamby.” Her shoulders slumped resignedly.
“Hm, that’s why you’re just an assistant librarian.” The older woman gave her a curt smile and turned to leave. “Well, I won’t keep you – have these new books catalogued and shelved, I’ve got a business lunch across town. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
With that Estelle Hamby walked away briskly. Doris watched her go and sighed deeply. Hamby was right, if she had an ounce of ambition, she’d have been a senior staff member by now. But then, Doris didn’t really have the instinct to be a winner. She was happy and contented to curl up in the shadows with a good book rather than go out and stake herself a claim in life. Twelve years was much to long to remain an assistant librarian. That was the first and last promotion she had, from intern at the library to assistant librarian, almost ten years ago. Nothing else had changed apart from the designation. She was doing the same things she had done ever since she found employment there at the Morgana Freestone Library. And at thirty one, she felt too settled and secure to try other things.
But then the library closing down was something beyond serious for her. Twelve years as an assistant anything was not going to look good on her resume, if it ever came to finding a new job. There had to be some way for her to work this out, though mostly she convinced herself that it wouldn’t really come to that. Membership would pick up again and everything would be as they were ever since she discovered the joy of reading right there at the Morgana Freestone Lending Library twenty three years ago.
“Doris Weston?” A deep voice made her jump.
“Er, yes?” She looked up at the tall man in uniform standing before the counter.
“Good morning.” The man said softly. “I have a package delivery for
“Uh, yes… sure.” She looked around carefully to see if anyone else was watching.
“Sign here and here please.” The messenger told her as he handed over a small package to her.
She signed and quickly stuffed the package into her handbag. It was something she had recently been indulging herself with. Reading material of a different sort, something a demure and reserved woman like her shouldn’t be caught dead with. Having the mail ordered books delivered there at the library instead of at her apartment building was the only way she could get them. This was the third book from a series she had found very interesting and she couldn’t wait for it to be four o’clock and get home.
Afternoons were fairly dull and quiet in the library with its dwindling membership, and Doris almost gave in to the temptation of undoing the package and taking a sneak peek. But she controlled herself; it would be time to leave soon. Hamby wouldn’t be back until the next day, and the other librarians usually left a half hour before time, leaving her, the humble assistant, to do the closing up. Well, today she would close up as soon as they left and be home before four.
An hour later, Doris was home. She looked at her wristwatch and smiled.
Four in the afternoon, just as she had planned. She had done something ambitious for a change. Maybe this was a start, and she should be doing it more often. Well, now it was time to do something even more audacious than leaving work early.
She took the small package out of the handbag and tore open the wrapping. The little book she unveiled made her hands shake and her lips quiver with excitement and anticipation. ‘The Further Forbidden Escapades of Fanny Firth’ typed in bold on the cover sent a few shivers down her back and a pleasant throb between her thighs. Doris couldn’t wait; she dropped down on her bed and opened the book with breathless exhilaration.
‘So there I was again, wondering how it was that this kept on happening to me. Was there a magnetic convergence all around me, attracting all the things that were always so scandalous and wayward? But then it did aptly suit my character, as you well know by now.’
Doris licked her lips as she read the racy narration. If this book was as good as its two predecessors, she was in for another night of her life. She turned the page and took a deep breath.
‘He said he was a Prince of some exotic country in Eastern Europe, and it was his eighteenth birthday. A day when he becomes a man, and that this was his birthday present from his uncle, the king. I believed every word he said, and he sure looked the part. The private villa, the cars, the servants, the extravagance and best of all, him, it all added up, and I was a girl who was prone to finding myself in such situations. And I have nothing to complain.
‘We headed for to his private bedroom after a few drinks at the private bar by the private pool where we had danced to hauntingly slow music played by a very private band. Once inside his bedroom, he grabbed a hold of me and his inexperienced exploring hands were all over me. But he was gentle and his touch was quite tentative… and I had to believe that I was the first ever woman he was experiencing. He was quite shy and said a very few words, if at all. The young man was cautious and didn’t seem to want to cause me offense. I found that laughable but I did admire his well-mannered restraint.
‘But I am neither well mannered nor in need of restraint, and so I took charge. And he let me. I pushed him down onto the lavish four poster bed and slowly did a striptease while I straddled his bulging crotch. The look on his young face was priceless. He looked like he was ready to do anything I said at that moment. His hungering eyes followed every move I made. I was down to my stringy bra and tiny panties when I heard his throaty groan; he couldn’t keep his cock inside his tight pants any longer. It had to be rock hard and hurting like hell.’