"KIDS, we're home!" my mother exclaimed as the front door swung open. Uncle Zaldy was following my mother into the house.
Zoey and I were cuddling on the couch, watching Netflix's All of Us Are Dead. It came naturally to us. There was no malice to be found. I also enjoy cuddling Zoey. Her warm embrace envelops me in comfort. Because it's the weekend, there will be no school or practice for the time being.
"Mom! Uncle!" I ran up to them as if they were children, kissing them on the cheeks one by one. Zoey silently followed me and made the same gesture to our parents as I did to her.
One of the reasons I enjoy being at home is that I can express myself freely. I am a clingy, childish, and whining child. Zoey, on the other hand, was a quiet and calm kid.
Nonetheless, they adore me for being so. But at school, well, let's not get into how much of a two-faced b*tch I am.
"I missed you, kids," Mom said as she hugged Zoey and me, adding, "Don't grow up too fast, please."
"Allow me to join," my uncle said. And I felt his bone-crushing embrace on all three of us.
Uncle Zaldy, on the other hand, is a big muscled guy. He appears to be younger than his actual age. Mom is the same way. Why is it that the older they get, the younger they appear? Life is truly unjust.
"All right, let me just bring our stuff upstairs, and then we'll go wherever you want to go," Uncle Zaldy said as he lifted their luggage upstairs.
"Do you want to go somewhere?" Mom asked as we walked back to the couch. It was only ten o'clock in the morning, so we had plenty of time to catch up.
Zoey and I exchange excited glances. There's this place we want to visit, and we're just waiting for the right moment to tell them about it.
"We want to go to the newly opened Water Park!" Zoey and I both exclaimed at the same time.
"Okay, kids, Mom and Dad will make it up to you, so get your lazy asses upstairs, and we'll leave at eleven o'clock." Mom said.
That was our cue. Zoey and I dashed upstairs. My mother warned us to be cautious, but we were so excited that we just ran to our rooms to prepare.
This family is very particular about the time. So, if someone sets the time, you must follow it whether you are ready or not. They will abandon you if you do not comply. I know this from personal experience.
I took a quick shower and changed into my clothes. I was dressed in a light pink sundress and white Adidas sleek shoes by Uncle Zaldy. I put on light makeup and a lip tint and then went outside my room when I was satisfied with myself. I decided to look for Zoey fifteen minutes before eleven o'clock.
I went straight to her room, but she wasn't there, as I had predicted. On the other hand, Zoey only wears what is comfortable for her. I dashed downstairs and found Zoey playing on her Nintendo Switch in the living room.
She was so engrossed in her work that she didn't even notice me. Her hair was down to her shoulders this time, and her bangs were neatly arranged. She's dressed simply in black shorts and her favorite yellow hoodie. She's also wearing her sleek Adidas shoes. I gave a friendly smile. We wore similar shoes today, at the very least.
"Are you ready, ladies?" Mom asked, breaking me out of my trance. While staring at Zoey, I was unconsciously zoning out. Every day, she gets cuter.
"Of course, Mom!" I replied.
Zoey was still playing with her toys. She was so focused on her work that she didn't notice my mother standing next to her or me.
I believe I have identified the perpetrator.
I nudge her lightly on the shoulder to alert her to my presence. That piqued her interest, and she turned to face me. With that questioning look in her eyes, she looked like a lost puppy. Why is she so adorable in everything she does?
"Let's go," I said, restraining myself from squeezing her cheeks.
"Oh, okay. Sorry," Zoey politely replied as she removed her Air-Pods from her ear.
And I was correct; she had been wearing her air-pods earlier, which was why she was unaware of our presence.
"Let's go, Vi," the nerd said before I had a chance to respond. She took my hand in hers and began walking outside the house. I just smiled and rolled my eyes. Zoey is typical.
THE RIDE WAS LONG, so we decided to stop at one of the fast-food restaurants and eat in the car.
Uncle Zaldy was in charge of the car. Zoey and I have already learned to drive because we took driving lessons from both of our parents whenever they were available. We have a student license, but they only allow us to drive in the surrounding area.
We arrive at our destination and line up for tickets in about an hour and a half.
Zoey had changed into her yellow mask. She is not ill. Zoey used it to keep me safe. She's the one who adjusts whenever we're outside together to make sure no one sees us together. I'm sorry about it, but Zoey was willing to do it for me.
Who am I to complain when she is the one who insists on shielding me?
Uncle Zaldy and Mom, on the other hand, were accustomed to seeing Zoey in this manner. They simply assumed that Zoey does not like being observed by others. The nerd is a true introvert, and they were relieved that I could persuade Zoey to go out on occasion.
Our parents had no idea what the nerd and I were going through at school. We were able to stay under their radar. Zoey had been subjected to severe bullying in the past, but the nerd was so good at reasoning that our parents believed what she said. Even if I was sometimes a part of the injuries and bullying, she could always divert everyone's attention from the actual incident. As I previously stated, Zoey is always there to protect me.
I am well aware that I am a self-centered individual. But, hey, who are you to pass judgment?
We had a great time at the Water Park. It was incredible, and we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. We tried to visit as many attractions as possible. We get to ride their attractions. We saw the Penguin, Bird, and Sea Lion performances. We spent a lot of money on souvenirs and took many photos and selfies.
I had a great time. I was relieved that no one from the school was here today or that I hadn't seen anyone from school yet.
I sometimes lose track of time and cling to Zoey like a koala. I naturally hold her hands and drag her wherever I want to go, as I do in our house. She'll just smile at me, and you won't hear any complaints from her.
I like Zoey because, despite her lack of sociability, she has a good fashion sense. So, whenever I want to buy something, I will first seek her advice. So far, Zoey's choices have not let me down.
Uncle Zaldy and Mom spent time with us and then went off on their own. We just agreed that the adults should have fun as well, right?
Time flew by, and I was taking in the sights at the Oceanarium, our final stop, before heading home when I heard my name called.
"Olivia? Oh yes, it was you; I thought I was mistaken." I stood frozen when my name was called, and someone spoke to me.
I stammered, "H-hi, captain."
"Hey, nice to see you here," she said before hugging me. I tried not to look awkward while smiling. "Just call me Piper outside the school," she added as she took a step back.
I was nervous. Fortunately, Zoey was only two meters away when Piper approached. She was tying the lace on her shoe. When she noticed that someone was talking to her and recognized who she was, the nerd moved smoothly to the other side.
There were many people around at the time, so Zoey could easily blend in with the crowd. I exhaled a sigh of relief.
"Nice to see you here, too," I said when I noticed Zoey a little further away from us.
"Who's with you? Are you on a date?" Piper teased.
"Oh no, cap—-Piper, I'm here with my par—-Mom." What the hell is wrong with my tongue? I can't even speak correctly anymore.
"Oh, I see. Well, enjoy yourself, and I'll see you at school," Piper said as she waved goodbye.
I did the same thing. When Piper left, I sighed once more in relief. I thought I was going to die of a heart attack. I wasn't expecting to be arrested here. We should be more cautious next time.
When I was relieved and confident that no one inside the Oceanarium was from school, or so I thought, I went to where Zoey was.
To my surprise, a lovely young lady was conversing with Zoey. She wasn't that small. I believe we are the same age and height. Because Zoey was taller than her, I just called her "little."
The features of the lovely lady were familiar: brownish long wavy hair, cute eyes, and adorable lips. I swear I remember seeing her somewhere before. I'm not sure where she is, but she looks very familiar.
I was simply standing nearby, watching them. The girl was talking to Zoey with great enthusiasm. Because Zoey has her back to me, I can't see her reaction. But I noticed Zoey had taken her mask off. Is she unique enough for Zoey to take off her mask?
Ouch. Why is my heart aching?
It took them a few minutes to talk, and no matter how hard I tried to listen in, I couldn't hear what they were saying. I was afraid to go near because someone might see me with Zoey.
But I don't like the girl who is currently speaking with Zoey. She's pleased and smiling a lot while talking to the nerd. Zoey appeared to be excited as well. Thank God they had finished talking for what seemed like an eternity when the girl answered her phone and pretended to need to leave.
She even gave Zoey a long hug! And I even read the last words she said before she left in her mouth. "I missed you so much," she admitted.
Ouch. What's the matter with my heart? What is causing the pain?
When I heard my phone ring and vibrate, I held my chest. I assigned a unique ringtone to each member of the family to know who was calling me right away.
Maybe Zoey heard my ringtone as well, so she looked back and saw me. She turned off her phone and slid it back into her pocket, then smiled her trademark smile and walked towards me.
Because of that smile, my heart skipped a beat.