Recap: All of them were thinking of the song to perform for the musicana opening.
Music Room
Mukti: Guyz!! I am not able to select a song??. Have uh ppl have got some idea??
Arya: yeah!! I have thought something but I don't know whether you all will like it or not??
Alya: you say then!! Then we will see if it suits the musicana opening!!!
Arya: yeah okay!! Lsn if we perform on "ISHQ WALA LOVE"
And we will also dance simultaneously!! (Hesitantly)
Cabir: Wow!! Buddy uh got some point ?? what say guyz??
Nanz: Yup!! Arya ur idea is very good??
Arya: Thanks nanz?(HiFi's with nanz)
Everyone: yeah the idea is good!! Alya: yeah! And it will look like a complete act and will be quite exciting ?(excited)
Manik: Yeah (making weird faces)
Cabir: What happened Manik?? Are uh not happy?? See Arya's idea was even liked by Nanz!! (teasing seeing his weird faces)
Manik: Cabir cabir!! Tch uh wanna die so soon I never knew about this (smirking dangerously)
Cabir: Nahi yaar!! Right now I have to eat many new dishes and find my Lady Love (scaredly dreamly)
Dhruv: cabir I think you should get married to your food only?
Mukti: Same there, your love for food will be more than for ur lady Love she will think food as her "Sautan"
Everyone: Laughing their guts out???
(But in all this someone was very quiet and lost in his thoughts!! Do you know who was the person and why was he lost??)
Guess Guess ppl .........
He was
Yes he was one and only Manik Malhotra ??
Manik pov.
Yaar nanz looks sooo cute while laughing. Her cheeks and nose turn red like a small baby ??
And her eyes shine ?. I hope she always laughs like this ❤️❤️
Huh but that Aryaman why the hell everyone excepted his idea ??. And that monkey he did HiFi to my Nanz ??. What do you think of yourself, you monkey ???
His trance was broken by Prof Pandit who entered the room!!
Manik pov ends.
Prof: so guyz what have you thought??
Nanz: sir we have decided to perform on Ishq Wala Love and also dance simultaneously!!
Prof: wow!! That's a good idea !!
Prof: and what about your costumes??
Manik: sir we will wear a White color dress!! Girls will wear gowns and we boys will wear Tuxedos!!
Prof: Good!! So guyz start practicing from Today Only!!
Navy: yeah sir!!
Prof: I will check your complete performance once it is done ok!!
Sanjana: yeah sir okay ??
( saying this prof Pandit left the Music room)
Manik: Come on guyz let's practice for some time and leave !!
Navy: Haa come guyz!!
After Two Hours
Nanz: Chalo guyz it's done for Today!! Right??
Cabir: Haa our performance is ready, just have to give some Touch-ups!!
Abhi: So, then we will give a touch-up tomorrow ?? What say ??
Arya: Haa it will be okay!! That ways also professor will come the day after tomorrow to check our performance!!!
Sanjana: Guyz exactly when is our Musicana ??
Alya: It's after 15 days !!
Dhruv: yaa ryt!! Hum in the next 3 days we will finish the opening act and then we will start preparing for personal performance!!
Abhi: Haa that's a perfect plan !!
Nanz: Chalo guyz for now let's just leave !! (Tiredly)
Abhi: Dolla!! You fine ryt?? Why are you sounding so dull??
Manik: Haa nanz your health is good ryt??
Cabir: haa nandani do you feel weak or something?? Tell me?
Dhruv: haa you can consider me just like your brother?
Cabir: Toh kya mai Bhikari hu ??
Dhruv: wah!! Finally, you recognized yourself!! ???
Manik: Haha finally uh got your brains back cabir ???
Nanz: aaye!! Don't make fun of my Brother ??. Or I will not leave you all !!!
Navy&abhi: Aaye aaye captain!! (Dramatically)
Nanz: and guyz relax!! I am just feeling tired ?
Manik: ohh!! Chalo lets leave and Nandani after going home you just relax for sometime okay!! (Concerned tone)
Nanz: yeah Manik!! You don't take tension!!
After that everyone hugged each other and finally Nanz hugged Manik!!
Manik: Take care !! (Whispered in her ears)
Nanz: yes, Manik (with a pout) Bye!!
D3 and Fab5 went to their respective mansions .....
Murthy Mansion
Abhi: Chalo doll!! navya !! Let's have dinner !!
Nanz: Haa come over now.
Navu: After that uh are going to sleep nandu okay??
Nanz: haa twinny i will sleep!!
Abhi: I have already asked Kaka to set the table, now come let's freshen up and have dinner!!
Abhi: Come fast let's have our dinner okay!!
Nanz&navy: Aaye Aaye captain!!!
Abhi: Nautankis Chalo
Dining Room
Abhi: Kaka dinner plz!!
Kaka: beta it's ready! :)
Navy: wow!! It is looking soo tasty ???
Nanz: ryt!! I feel like eating everything ??
(After completing their dinner everyone was off to sleep)
Malhotra mansion
(Everyone has completed their dinner over here and was now sitting on the sofa and relaxing)
Mukti: Yaar I m tired of practicing!!
Alya: Mee too
Manik: yeah but I enjoyed a lot
Except that Aryaman (whispering to himself)
Cabir: Kuch bola kya Manik (naughty smile)
Manik: Na..a.hi mai kya bolunga??
Cabir: Toh why are you stammering??
Alya: kya rey cabir!! Tuje CID mai hona cahiye tha!!
Manik: That's what!!
Manik pov. Haash Alya ne bacha li warna Cabir muje chodta Nahi ??
Alya: Anyway let's leave I have to sleep or else I'll get dark circles (haww tone)
Cabir: Boli Makeup kit has spoken ??
Alya: Dhruv look na (pouts)
Dhruv: cabir don't tell my baby anything!! And Alya yes you don't worry we will leave!!
Manik: Guyz!! It's already late, you guyz just stay over here na!!
Mukti: yeah okay I din have any problems!!
Manik: what about you 3(pointing at Fab3)
Fab3: yeah me too !!
Manik: cool!! Let's call it a day then....!!
Mukti: Good Night
Fab4: Night ❤️
Everyone retired to their rooms as they were tired.....????
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