Leah Knight
"I'd be going grocery shopping with Bianca when you're out" I informed Ares as I helped him fix his tie. He smiled and nodded before pecking my cheeks. We were on the doorstep of the house, Ares's ride parked behind the fountain in the huge lawn.
"it's okay. How do I look?" he asked, his jaws rolling as he chewed his gum.
"more than attractive" I smiled.
"in other words, hot. You know what I'm saying" he smirked, stepping up the porch to be eye levels with me. Instantly, he grabbed my waist and I let out a girly squeal. At the same time, Bianca came out with Reina in her arms. Ares smiled at the squealing healthy glowing baby while still keeping a firm grip on me. I tried to push him away to show a little bit of decency a round the old lady but I think Ares wanted to do otherwise.
"goodbye my Angel. Daddy would be back as soon as possible okay?" he softly spoke to her, playing with her small fingers. Bianca smiled at the two of us when Reina squealed and clapped her baby hands together several times.
"goodbye Mr Knight. See ya later" Bianca called, walking off with Reina to the backyard garden.
"aha you too" he replied before his gaze fell upon me. A naughty smile tugged at his lips and I narrowed my gaze at him. "now back to you. When you go grocery shopping with Bianca, don't waste too much energy. I'd like to have that repulse later tonight" he whispered seductively. Heat creeped up behind my neck and spread a bright scarlet colour on my cheeks, my hands firmly pressed against his chest. He then leaned in slowly and gently placed a gentle kiss on the corner of my lips, my eyes fluttering close.
"goodbye beautiful. Don't miss me too much" he mused, moving away. A soft breeze blows my hair as Ares walked off towards his ride and hopped into the gigantic G-Wagon. Remind me to ask him how many cars he've got. He started it then rolled down the tinted windows. He ducked his head over the window and shot me a heart-melting smile. This got me thinking of how happy I was to be Mrs Knight. I waved him off as he reversed out and drove off towards the main gate. I sighed happily, tucking a strand of golden blonde hair behind my ear and making a mental note on what to buy when I go out shopping with Bianca.
I turned around and walked into the house, wanting to clean the dishes when I saw a brown package almost glaring at me and begging me to touch it. Or maybe it was just my curious conscience. The package sat atop the L-shaped black swead living room couch that I loved to lay down and read books. I walked over towards it and picked up a yellow sticky note attached to it.
*something to keep you busy. Already missing you, beautiful - Ares*
I smiled brightly at the yellow note, brighter than its colour before I ripped the package open. A magnificent white box of new IPhone 11promax and Apple Laptop stared back at me. Damn, Ares sure knows how to treat his girl. After admiring my new phone and laptop, I decided to quickly wash the dishes that I deprived Bianca of doing earlier and call upon Bianca to go out for the shopping.
It had been a while since I visited the city's grand mall and it had been as beautiful as ever. As soon as we got there, we headed towards the food section to buy groceries. As we passed shelves upon shelves of canned food, I tried to catch a glimpse of Ares's favourite baked beans. Bianca just followed silently with her own cart, only talking when necessary.
"I think we'll need some baby food too. Reina is trying to drain all of me. She needs something that is not, well.....................out of me" I chuckled. Bianca laughed too.
"okay then Mrs Knight. I'll go by the baby section and get some. She'll need alot of candies and chocolates too. You know, to help her brain develop" Bianca suggested.
"yeah. That would be a good idea" I smiled. Bianca smiled back before she pushed her cart to the other side of the food section. I started humming a song as I pushed my cart and searched for the baked beans with sunset eyes. I was determined to find it and was so engrossed in my mission that my cart accidentally bumped into a person.
"oh my gosh, sorry!" I apologized quickly looking up to show my sincerity when my words drowned back in my throat. My hands left the handle of the cart.
"Troy!" I squealed, bouncing up and down with excitement and circling the cart to go over and hug him. I threw my arms around him and he laughed and picked me up, spinning me around.
"hey princess. I guess it wasn't so bad coming grocery shopping after all" his rough voice said. I threw back my head and laughed.
"hey. How's everyone back in South Georgia?" I asked, smiling.
"they're all fine. Annoying, but fine" he shrugged. I chuckled, putting the back of my fingers over my mouth.
"you haven't changed one bit, Winter. What are you doing in New Jersey? A business trip?" I asked.
"what? Aren't you happy to see me?"
"oh C'mon, I'm so excited. But curious though". It was his turn to chuckle now.
"actually no, not a business trip. I moved back to New Jersey to pick up from where I left with you. When Mrs Grinstone told me you relocated back to your home town" . My mood suddenly changed, my heart swelling in sadness. I hate breaking people's heart.
"you came back for me?"
"yeah. It's not so bad, right?"
"it's not, Troy. But you don't understand. We can't actually do what we did back in South Georgia anymore. I'm-"
"married? Yeah, I know. It actually pained me when I found out"
"there were no feelings between us, you know that right?"
"no feelings that you knew of. I was planning on tying the knot with you when I get back from Ukraine but I returned to an empty home". The voice he used was weakening. It made me feel guilty. I bit my lips out of guilt.
"I'm so sorry, Troy. In all honesty, I wanted to call you but I couldn't because-"
"I know, I know. Ares Knight can be a controlling type. A nuisance if I may add"
yeah, but he's still ten thousand times better than you - was what I wanted to say. But instead, I forced a smile onto my face. That would sound really ungrateful of me if I had said it.
"I could manage" I shrugged.
"oh sorry. I forgot he's your husband. I missed the wedding" he laughed, trying to lighten up the mood while scratching the back of his neck. This time, I smiled half-heartedly.
"but it's okay. Since you're back in New Jersey, we could be you know, friends. Hang out sometimes or other stuffs friends do" I suggested.
"yeah, yeah. Totally. Just give me a call when you want to" he says, nodding convulsively and tossing a card at me with his phone number on it.
"okay then. Friends?" I asked, stucking out my hand at him and smiling dazzlingly. A smile he once said used to deceive him. His eyes sparked with a mischievous glint as he half a smile.
"friends" he nodded, shaking my hand.
I was scrolling through the setting my phone, operating it into my own theme when I heard the front door opening. I had stayed up waiting for Ares to come back home and I was hoping it was him but Bianca's soft 'Hey Mrs Knight' proved me wrong. I silently groaned, feeling very sleepy.
"Bianca, you're back?" I mumbled, yawning. Bianca came over the couch I was laying on and smiled at me.
"yes actually. Mr Knight is not yet back?" she asked, observing me with a sly smile.
"not yet" I sighed, concluding. I blew out my cheeks in exhaustion and just then, Reina's loud cry alarmed me.
"oh man!" I groaned in annoyance, hitting my face with a pillow. I practically had to play a lullaby for her before she finally closed her eyes.
"I'll go see to her problem" Bianca said.
"oh Bianca, you're a lifesaver" I squealed hugging her. She nearly fell off from the way I jumped on her. She smiled at me, pinched my cheeks before I smiled back, wriggling out of the couch.
"I'll just be outside waiting for-" Bianca suddenly cuts me off.
"no no no! Just stay here, I'll go check up on Reina and then come back down and make some hot chocolate for you, yeah?" she says quickly. I frowned, slowly nodding.
"oohkkkaay............." I trailed off. She smiled again, almost relieved before walking upstairs.
"I'll be right back!" she called. I blew out my cheeks and fell back lazily on the couch. I picked up my phone, my eyes struggling to keep open while I scrolled through my messages.
Me: where are you?
I shot Ares a text.
His Majesty: close your eyes
I glared at my phone screen in annoyance.
Me: what do you mean 'close your eyes'? You're kidding me right?!
His Majesty: wow, who turned off the calm button in your system, Beautiful?
I squeezed the phone and gritted my teeth, my eyes wanting to pop out in annoyance.
Me: Ask me again, Knight!
His Majesty: just close your eyes and quit being stubborn, Leah
I sighed in annoyance before squeezing my eyes shut. Deciding I would count to three before opening them. One.........two..........three...........
A sweet soft cushion-like lips met mine in a frenzy. I slowly opened my eyes, and my sunset eyes met with a very pleasant view.
"hey Beautiful" his melodic husky voice said. I smiled at him lazily.
"you were watching me?" I asked sleepily.
"damn right I was" he said before he suddenly throws me over his shoulder. Before I knew it, my hair was hanging in the air while Ares held my legs tightly.
"hey! Who says I can't walk?!" I protested, hitting his back repeatedly. Or maybe I just loved the feel of his toned hard back muscles.
"yeah I know. I just prefer to get a fantastic view of your ass, Baby" he cooed, laughing.
"you're such a dirty talker" I whined.
"you love me anyway" he mused. I groaned and let my arms dangle in the air as Ares pushed the door to the backyard garden open.
"where in God's name are you taking me at 11:49pm in the night?!" I shrieked, annoyed. I really, really just wanna go to bed.
"if you'd be patient for just a few more minutes, you'd take a guess" he says. I looked up and searched the backyard garden in an upside down view.
"the backyard? Are you nuts?! I wanna go to bed!" I whined.
"I have no idea why you could be so impatient when sleepy" he mumbled. His words annoyed my guts.
"well sorry Mr Knight, you weren't the one so determinedly looking for a beloved husband's favorite baked beans while still half dead with a baby draining all your nutrients and still unconsciously bumping into-"
Ares cuts me off when he lets me down on my feet. I wanted to continue my nagging but the view I beheld was too breathtaking. It was more that beautiful, it was spectacular, not at all looking like a backyard of a billionaire's three-story mansion.
"wow" was the only thing that could get out of my mouth. He had decorated the blue water pool with glaring light-bulbs by the sides and millions of petals of roses flowers scattered on its surface. There was a fancy mat spread beside the pool with a caravan that held a programmer over it. There were candles beside the soft fluffy-looking mat and roses on the path that led the way. Bowls of snacks and cans of coke and juices complimented the whole scenery.
But what was it all about anyway? Ares's muscular arms snaked around my waist as I looked at the view in awe.
"happy anniversary, beautiful. We never got to finish our movie".....