There was no pain, she didn't even think about the pain. All she thought about was his dick and fucking it.
He was in no hurry, still gentle as she moved beneath him and he rode her warm, wet body. He pushed his cock inside her an inch at a time, allowing her delighted pussy to savor every bite before gently thrusting and pushing the thick thick one deeper into the wet, juicy depths of her throbbing pussy.
The head of his huge cock felt like a beating heart as he reamed her soaking wet pussy. He penetrated deeply, working his way deeper and deeper into her belly until she was sure she would soon feel him between her breasts and eventually deep in her throat.
Jay moans;
➖It's in you. It's all about you, and it feels so good. You have all my cock in your pussy, Palma.
She groaned and gasped;
➖Ohhhhh, yes, yes, yes I took it all, ohhhhh yes
His fingers dug into the hard cheeks of his ass and pushed him;
➖Your cock is so far from me, I can't believe I can take such a big thing so easily in my pussy.
Jay asked;
➖How are you? Are you OK ?
She gasped;
➖Yes… oh shit yes. Give it to me... split me with it! Faster, shove it inside me! Oh fuck me, Uncle Jayyyy, fuck me... FUCK ME!
➖JAY: Grind your bones against me. Fuck me with your pussy!
➖PALMA: Fuck me to the throat, lover. Let me taste your cum when you inject it into me.
He moaned in total happiness. His cock was thrusting smoothly in and out of her velvet pussy. He crushed his pelvic bone against his with force until his cock was buried all the way to the root in his belly again and his testicles throbbed against his asshole.
They then settled into a rhythm, fucking in and out in long, even strokes and shaking each other with their bodies as they pounded.
Palma's body felt crushed into the mattress, but she squirmed as she used her fingers to tug on her buttocks, trying to pull his long, thick, throbbing cock even further into her hole.
Yet he fucked at the same beautiful pace. He heard the wonderful crushing sounds coming from her wet pussy and felt the top part of his long cock rubbing against her hard, shaking clit.
And then they both found each other. He felt his cum flow in long, steady, steamy spurts from the throbbing head of his cock as his body responded by lifting them both off the bed with quivering passion.
She screamed the first time she came on a dick. Her voice cracked, filled with sobs of joy and pleasure as she cried out how wonderful it was. He told her how tight and exciting her pussy was for him, how beautiful her face and breasts looked when they were at the peak of passion.
He would have told her more, she knew, but her voice cracked and she knew he was already at the peak of his second coming. His cock was so big and his balls so heavy that she was sure he would fill her entire pleasure filled body with the juiciness and consistency of his thick, creamy cum.
➖JAY: Shit, I thought Palmina was fantastic. Now I know you are fantastic…you are both out of this world!
She paid little attention. She wanted his cock and another load of his hot cum.
➖PALMA: Can you do it again, Uncle Jay? Can you cum and spray my pussy with another load of your hot cum?
Instead of answering her with words, he let out a strangled groan and picked up the pace of his fucking. His tall body tensed and stopped in the air above her as if he was about to rush out of bed. And then he came back.
Groaning and gasping, he rammed hard into her gaping pussy and shot his second load, even bigger and hotter than the first. It was a torrent of hot cum and he shot with the violent force of bullets into her pussy, his heat spreading throughout her body.
The powerful muscles of Palma's tight young pussy gripped his taut cock, choking him, making him moan as she milked and sucked his balls dry and turned his own older uncle into a lustful animal into a sighing, panting boy. He was like a child, snuggling warmly over her body of passion and pleasure as his cock rested inside her warm, juicy pussy.
Palmina and Palma were no longer virgins and that was just the beginning.
A few months later, their uncle Jay left. The girls were sad, though that didn't end their explorations. They continued to conquer the sexual worlds anyway. At first there were a few boys in the school, but for them boys soon became boring. Their uncle's age, experience and maturity and his sexual methods had spoiled them.
They shifted their attentions to more mature men. Then they included older women. By the time the girls were seventeen, there was nothing in the bedroom arts that they hadn't experienced and they always wanted more.
It was only natural that the girls' escapades would eventually reach their mother's ears. The growing rift between the twins and their mother grows wider and wider until neither of them can take it anymore. They really started to hate each other.
The twins finally insisted, after graduating, that they be allowed to fend for themselves and live on their own. The mother agreed, but flatly told them that it would be without her money.
It was then that the girls called on their uncle Jay. He had also grown to hate his judgmental sister, so he readily agreed to help his two nieces. Jay had several contacts in publishing and fashion. It was easy for her to find a highly paid modeling job for two beauties such as Palmina and Palma. With their beautiful bodies, it was only natural that they would soon graduate into the much more lucrative field of nude modeling.
They immediately succeeded. They weren't able to live the way they did when they had the backing of their mother's huge fortune, but they could at least live the way they wanted and fuck whatever they wanted whenever they wanted.
Then, as if all the bitterness, hatred and sour bile in their mother's body, the spirit was more than the human body could bear, the mother went to her reward. And she did it while still cursing her daughters and their bad manners.
His will, the girls learned to their surprise, was only an extension of his attitude towards them. They were not to receive a penny of the old lady's money until they were nineteen.
It was the first stipulation, and not too strange.
The second was different. If they weren't married, pregnant, and settled by then, all the money was to go to charity.
Since the girls had been able to survive on their own so far, they paid little attention to the will. They both agreed that having such a large amount of money would be fine, but not enough to get married and give up their freedom for it.
It was two weeks before their nineteenth birthday when their father made his phone call and summoned them, at his own expense, to Europe.
Everything was mysterious and very exciting.
➖I am Rock Lucky, your father's man.
The two girls had the same identical thought at exactly the same time: our father has a man… a valet? He must have hit big after all.
Rock continued;
➖You are both very beautiful young girls. I will take your luggage. The bar pulls out of the back seat. Please make yourself comfortable. The journey to the castle will take around four hours.
The girls exchanged fearful glances and slid into the well-appointed backseat of the huge Mercedes limo.
The huge driver, if that was his job, put their bags in the trunk and walked around the car to the driver's side. Her shoulders barely crossed the door and her shaved head almost touched the roof of the car, as she slid smoothly and silently away from the curb.
The Zurich highway was wide for several miles, then narrowed as they climbed into the mountains.
The twins took advantage of the bar and stepped back to survey some of the most beautiful landscapes in the world. The green forest rose up to the high snow-capped Alps that rose far above.
They sipped their drinks and exchanged furtive glances. It had all happened so quickly, within forty-eight hours of the phone call, that neither of them could be sure it was happening.
After roughly dressing the unsuspecting Byron and kicking him out of the apartment, Palma made a drink for his sister, put her down, and told the gist of the phone call.
Palma declared;
➖It was weird. I answered and this operator asks me who I am. I tell her, then she says: One minute for the stranger… Count Nateo. I thought it was just another weirdo that saw some of our pictures and got our number, you know? I mean, it's been so long since I put the name together. Especially not when it was related to the title, "Comte"
➖PALMINA: Okay… okay. Forget the bullshit and carry on. I'm dying of curiosity!
Palma continued;
➖OK. This guy honks and says: Palma, it's your father, source of our trust money, everything. He even expressed his condolences, a little ironic I think, about more and told me he knew all about the will.
➖PALMINA: But how could he know all this?
➖PALMA: He couldn't, unless he's who he claims to be… Then he says he wants us to visit him in Zurich
➖PALMINA: Where is it?
➖PALMA: In Switzerland.
➖PALMINA: I can't go
➖PALMA: Why?
She chuckled;
➖I feel dizzy
The next morning, a courier brought to the apartment two Swiss-Air tickets and two trunks of clothes, in their exact size. After looking at the expensive tags on the clothes and realizing the tickets were real, the girls decided not to fight; father or not, whoever he was, he was not cheap.
Ever since Palmina and Palma were models, several well-heeled gentlemen had seen fit to entertain them in exotic locations. The girls, always up for a good time, had rarely declined offers. And they had never been disappointed with the good times, the sex or the places they had visited.
But never had the offer been extended so strongly, strangely, and accompanied by thousands of wardrobe dollars.
The same evening, they boarded the plane with a certain nervousness but a great deal of curiosity.
And now they were in the back seat of a very expensive car, in a foreign land, studying the back of their father's servant's bull neck.
Palmina murmured;
➖Have you ever seen someone so big?
Palma replied and chuckled;
➖I wonder if it's that big,
Palma asked leaning towards Rock Lucky;
➖How many people live in Zurich?
He answered;
➖About six hundred people depend on your father for their well-being
➖PALMINA: I don't understand
➖ROCK: We in Zurich have not progressed beyond feudal times at all. The lord of Zurich Castle is still lord of the land and its people. The people depend on the land. The earth must have a ruler.
➖PALMA: But that's not what I asked
She was getting somewhat irritated by his abrupt manner and cryptic response.
Rock replied;
➖Your father will explain
Before any of the girls could ask any more questions, the window separating the driver from the passengers rose into place, neatly separating the car into two sealed compartments.
Palmina asked;
➖Palma, are you scared?
➖PALMA: A little… but damn it, we wanted fun and adventure.
Palmina nodded in agreement but poured herself another stiff drink to fortify herself.
The two girls had been put to sleep by the drink and the slight rocking of the big car. They woke up when Rock Lucky's enormous ham-shaped hand jostled both of their shoulders.
Both girls looked around outside the car, wiping sleep from their eyes.
Rock stated;
➖We are in Aflando, a small village at the foot of the mountain. There's a big storm between here and Zurich. We will have to stay in this inn for the night.
Asleep, the girls were led to their respective rooms by a housewife.
Palmina asked;
➖But can't we share the same room?
Her previous fear pushing her to be close to her sister.
Rock dropping off his luggage and keeping Palma's said;
➖I'm afraid that the rooms are too small.
➖Follow me, he said to Palma and he left the room and crossed the corridor.
Palma looked at her sister, shrugged, and left.
Palmina undressed and soaked for over an hour in the old-fashioned bathtub. Still dripping, she wrapped a towel around herself and went into the bedroom.
➖What is…?
Rock Luky stood by the bed. He had thrown off his coat and his arms were like two waving steel poles in the short-sleeved white shirt he wore.
He asked;
➖Do you want a massage after your bath?
➖PALMINA: A…massage…you…mean you?
➖ROCK: It's the custom.
I'm in Europe, Palmina thought. I have to remember that I am in Europe now, things are different here. When you're in, do like!
She stammered;
➖I…uh…I guess everything is fine
Rock gestured to the bed and said with a slight smile;
➖I think you will find it very relaxing
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