Elizabeth struggled to find her place in the world. After her father and mother’s separation, she found it hard to let a...
Elizabeth sat on her bed with her phone in her hands, it was a Saturday and she definitely wasn’t doing anything.
The birds sang outside her window reminding her that it was so early in the morning but that was the least of her worries at the moment.
Elizabeth’s parents had just gone through a terrible divorce, for the first time in a long while the house was a bit quiet than usual, there were no argument from her parents, no one rushing outside or throwing objects.
Of course, her Dad didn’t live with them anymore but she had an undeniable bond with him, she would have preferred they worked things out for her sake but once again they chose themselves and she was just a random piece of the puzzle.
Her life for the pass few months after high school was definitely on screen, she found peace and a bit of joy.
With her face still buried deep in her phone she heard a knock on the door, that was the first.
“Lizzy Hun? Are you still in bed?” her mother asked from the other end of the door. Elizabeth for the past few months had only ever seen her Mom running off early to either court or work. What exactly did she want? She asked herself before finding the strength to lift herself from the bed.
“No!” She replied opening the door.
“Can I come in?” She asked with a smile. Elizabeth rolled her eyes giving a little nod as she proceeded to her bed dropping her phone to her side.
“Hun your room, looks beautiful” she voiced not realizing when she had changed the decorations, Elizabeth couldn’t blame her, she had been absent for a while.
She returned a smile.
“I read somewhere that it’s good to change décor, that it improves positivity” she voiced with her eyes on her mother.
Maria took a deep breath realizing she was missing in action all these while and hoping she could make up for it. She stared at her daughter and the words that were in her mouth seemed heavy.
Maria didn’t know if it was the right time to discuss the issue she had on her mind.
“Mom? You aren’t saying anything, I know you didn’t just come in my room to stare at me” she pointed out and she was absolutely correct, Maria definitely had something very important to say but unaware on how her daughter would react, she became hesitate.
“Emm, Hun listen very carefully to me” she voiced as she picked Elizabeth’s hands in hers.
“Okay?” Elizabeth replied as the atmosphere was giving off a weird vibe.
Maria took a deep breath.
“I know the divorce between your dad and I was a hard blow for you, not just you but for me as well.” She paused making sure Elizabeth was paying attention to every words she was saying.
“Okay?” She replied wanting her to get it out already.
“I have been spending time thinking and I have decided to move on.”
The room went silent, Elizabeth could understand she needed to get her life back but wasn’t it too early to start dating?.
“I guess it okay if you want to start dating” she spoke, breaking the awkward silence.
“Urgh! That’s not it. I’m already kind of dating” she added.
“And I’m getting married in a week” she added, waiting for the water to settle.
Elizabeth immediately removed her hands from her mother’s, this had always been the case, she had no choice in anything and now she was supposed to be happy? She had no fuckin idea who the so called man her mom planned to spend the remaining part of her life with was to begin with and she was just to accept it.
“You’re joking right? This better be a joke?” She voiced, trying so hard not to burst. A week, just a fuckin bloody week to the wedding?.
“I’m serious Lizzy, I think it’s time to move on from everything that happened, I know it’s too sudden but… “
“This is too sudden? Mom it’s stupid, you took your time to tell me this, doesn’t that bother you?” She asked as her voice began to increase and anger took over.
“Don’t say that, we both need this” she pointed out.
“I don’t need anything but a mother, where have you been all this while?” She asked.
“I know I haven’t been around lately…”
“Lately? You’ve never been around since Dad left, now you’re telling me you’re getting married in a week? “
“You’re not the only one affected by your dad leaving okay, I was too. He was my everything and him leaving broke me, I couldn’t be in a place filled with his memories, reminding me about how he betrayed me” she explained looking at Elizabeth, hoping she would understand her more.
“Dad never betrayed you, he left because you’re selfish, you only think about yourself!” She screamed. This wasn’t far from the truth.
“No, that’s not true, I do everything I do just for you, don’t you ever call me selfish” she corrected.
Elizabeth stood from her bed, she couldn’t stand her mother’s face anymore.
“You’re selfish! The trip you made to Paris last year, whose good was it for, nobody but yours. The damn divorce who earns more from it? Oh let me answer that, you! Now this damn marriage it’s you! You have never once thought about me. Have you?” She asked
“Lizzy!” She called out.
“Don’t call my name, you’re a bad mother. You had no idea I changed my room décor, what kind of mother are you… “
Elizabeth could feel a sting on her cheeks as Maria had given her a slap across the face without any hesitation.
Elizabeth held her cheeks with her hands as tears streamed down her face.
“You have no right to judge me, you locked me out of your life, your dad was all that mattered to you. You loved him more and it hurts me, You stopped talking to me and became cold towards me, what was I supposed to do?” She asked looking into Elizabeth eyes, Elizabeth was shocked by the slap.
“Maybe you would have been a parent and reached out, maybe just maybe we would have saved our relationship Maria” she voiced.
“Don’t you do that, everything I do is for you Lizzy” she said taking a step towards her but Lizzy backed away from her.
“I want us to heal from this together, move on and start life afresh with a better option and this marriage is it” she explained.
“You’re nothing but a liar, did you ever stop once, just once to think about how the hell I'll feel about it?” She asked but there was no reply from her mother.
“Of course not, I don’t matter to you and that is why Dad would always be better, at least he listens to me, you couldn’t even keep your first marriage and now you want a new one.” She voiced with tears running down her face, wondering why the court decided to grant her mother custody.
“You know what, congratulations on your wedding, I would appreciate it if you leave my room right now” she spoke not wanting the conversation any longer.
“This is my house, I want us to talk about this now” Maria voiced.
Elizabeth let out a chuckle.
“you’re right, it’s your house. How about your shove it down your throat!” she added, before grabbing her phone and jacket and rushing out.
“Lizzy, get back here.” She yelled trying to stop her but to no avail