Tatiana: Sorry, running late. Long story.
I know her well enough to guess that Christopher is probably involved—he’s the kind of guy who stirs up trouble or dismisses plans, and Tatiana never lets that slide. I want to tell her to cut him loose, but that’s not my place as a friend.
Me: I’ll be waiting. :)
I add a smiley face to keep things upbeat, even though what I really want to say is how much I’m looking forward to seeing them. The eerie feeling I had on the way here, like someone was following me, is something I’d never admit. I don’t want Tatiana to think I’m paranoid.
For now, I’m surrounded by people in the club, so I should be safe. The attention I’m getting is just because I’m alone, and I can handle that.
Breathe in, breathe out. You’re just being paranoid.
The bar is quiet at the moment. A few people are scattered at the bar and at tables around the dance floor, while the balcony above is mostly empty. I came early to avoid the noise and catch up with Tatiana before she heads off to France in two days.
At this rate, she might not make it, and I won’t see her again for a month. I frown as I stare into my glass of wine, waiting.
“What’s with the long face?”
The question pulls me from my troubled thoughts. It’s not some lurking stalker trying to chat me up, but the bartender instead. He’s cute in a familiar way, with deep-set dark eyes and a winning smile that highlights his dimples.
“My best friend’s heading to the south of France for a month, and I don’t know how I’ll manage without her.” I shrug, noticing his wince. “I get that it could be worse, but…”
“It’s a bummer, for sure,” he agrees, arranging glasses in an impressive stack.
“Yeah, it really is. I’m going to have all this free time and nothing to fill it.”
Luciano, like always, is busy and can’t join us tonight. That’s unlikely to change with Tatiana’s absence. It often feels like I live alone, but the dirty laundry he leaves scattered around is a constant reminder of his presence.
The bartender leans on the bar, his brows lifting. My gaze is drawn to his biceps, nicely showcased by the tight sleeves of his T-shirt. “If you’re bored, we’re always looking for extra help around here.”
“Oh, really?” I reply, intrigued.
“Yes, I could use an extra pair of hands. You’d be a great fit,” he says with a flirtatious grin and a wink.
I can’t help the warm flush that spreads through me, even though I’m not single and shouldn’t be encouraging flirting with someone I’ve just met. I wonder if his arms are drawing my attention because I’ve been feeling neglected and lonely lately.
“I’d need to check with my boyfriend first,” I murmur, and his nod shows he’s got the message before he moves on to serve a new customer a few stools down.
Tatiana would probably smack me on the head if she were here and saw me turning down a cute guy. She doesn’t understand what it’s like to be with someone for so long, investing so much time and energy into a relationship. I don’t want to think that all that time was for nothing. Relationships require patience, effort, and work from both sides.
Who am I trying to convince?
A deep sense of dissatisfaction washes over me, and I down the rest of my wine. I hope this isn’t what my future looks like—me convincing myself I’m secure and should settle for what I know rather than seeking something more. But what would that be? Leaving Luciano? Quitting my job before I even start? There don’t seem to be any viable alternatives.
I’ve never been one to take risks. I want to be. I wish I could be. But it’s just not in my nature. Besides, I’ve been taught all my life how uncertain the world is, how things can change in an instant, and the importance of being prepared for whatever comes next. Thanks, Dad.
It isn’t irritation with him that simmers low in my belly—he’s done his best, especially after Mom died. No, it’s irritation with myself. What am I really afraid of? It’s not until I realize my jaw is clenched that I notice my heart speeding up at the memory of the other night.
I took a chance then—with Gianni. It was thrilling, intoxicating. For once, I gave in to the unsafe bet rather than fighting what I wanted. Sure, I feel embarrassed now, but mostly because I know it was against the rules.
Not because I didn’t like it.
It was the sort of thrill I could become addicted to—taking what I want regardless of others’ opinions.
Maybe I’ve had too much wine.
Sober Caterina wouldn’t be thinking about these things.
I check my phone again to see if Tatiana has replied. No such luck. I sigh and look up from my phone, spotting her standing in the center of the dance floor.
As always, she looks fantastic in a short black dress with a halter neckline that leaves nothing to the imagination. It shows off her curvy body perfectly. I wish I had that courage to wear something sexy, to show myself off.
Always a good girl.
But not always, right? Not when a certain sexy billionaire is involved.
“Hey!” I call out, waving an arm above my head until she spots me. My smile fades when she fails to return one. I expect her to head straight for me, but she ducks down a narrow hallway leading to the restrooms. Damn it. Christopher’s absence gives me a vague idea of what’s happening.
I rush after her to the bathroom. I barely push through the swinging door before she starts defending herself, trying to laugh off the devastation etched on her face.
“Too short. My dress is too short. Did you know that?” She tosses her blonde curls over her shoulder, blowing out a dramatic sigh.
Hello to you, too. “Is that what you were fighting about?”
“We weren’t…” she mutters, her voice softening, her resolve crumbling. “Actually, yes, that’s what we were fighting about. Like I need him to tell me how to dress. The guy would walk around in socks and sandals if I didn’t complain about it. He acts like my father, but one dad is enough for me. I’m a grown-ass woman. I don’t need his approval.”
She’s not wrong. Luciano is sort of hopeless and a dick who wants to control her. “I’m sorry he’s being an asshole, but for what it’s worth, you look hot.”
She frowns at her reflection before meeting my eyes in the mirror. “Yeah?” I’m not used to seeing her this insecure. It kills me to know he has the power to break her like this.
“You know you do,” I assure her with a smile. “I’d rather have you to myself, anyway. We need a girls’ night before you abandon me for a month.”
Stepping behind her, I wrap my arms around her middle and give her a hug. “If I had a thing for girls, I’d totally steal you from him.”
“And I wouldn’t stop you.” Her grin is genuine, and the tears in her eyes are gone. “Let’s get drunk.”
“That’s more like it.” I’m laughing as I open the door, ready to channel my energy into lifting her spirits. But the floor drops out from under me when I see the last person I expected: Luciano. His dark eyes widen with shock as he sees me.
“Luciano?” Tatiana bumps into my back, but I barely feel it. I’m too busy staring at my boyfriend. He’s out of place. He shouldn’t be here. “I thought you were working.”
I once caught him jerking off to hardcore BDSM porn with a pair of my panties wrapped around his dick. The look on his face now—shock and guilt—reminds me of that day.
He scrubs a hand through his short, sandy hair, trying to find an explanation. “What are you doing here?” I demand. “You said you had to close up the gym tonight.”
His eyes light up. “I got out early and came to surprise you,” he says with a chuckle.
“I would believe that, but I didn’t tell you where we were going.” I fold my arms across my chest.
“I overheard you talking with Tatiana about it,” he shrugs, grinning in a way I used to find sexy. Now, it nauseates me. “Surprise?”
No, this isn’t a surprise. The real shock comes when the door behind him opens, and a pair of arms wraps around his waist.
“Mm, that was fun,” a woman purrs, leaning over and craning her neck to look up at him. “But next time, let’s take it someplace more private than the men’s room.”
From what I can see of her, she’s a petite, curvy redhead. She’s pretty, someone my boyfriend knows. My choked groan brings her attention to me. You can practically see the puzzle pieces aligning in her mind. Her gaze shifts between us.
“Oh, shit,” she breathes, her brows pinching together. “I didn’t know. I swear.”
“Son of a bitch,” Tatiana growls. “You stupid fucking prick.”
“No!” Luciano whines, his face paling. He shakes his head vigorously, sensing the impending doom. “No, it’s not what you think, Caterina.”
The redhead’s apology doesn’t change the situation, but at least she’s showing some decency. I could be mad at her, but it’s not her fault. Even if she knew and still slept with him, the only person at fault here is Luciano. His lack of impulse control, his disregard for our relationship—this is all on him.
“Please… you don’t have to explain yourself,” I tell her, and her cheeks flush with embarrassment. She nods and slips past us, heading onto the dance floor.
“You lied to me,” I say, keeping my voice low but firm.
“I told you, it’s not what you think. It’s all a misunderstanding. You know I love you.”
He’s trying to soothe me, but his words only add to the anger and disappointment churning inside me. There’s no way I can believe him now. I reach out to him, but when he tries to touch me, I slap his hand away. My heart feels heavy, weighed down by the betrayal.
“All this time. All these years, and you do this to me? Things have been hard, and I haven’t been perfect, but…” I’m struggling to make sense of the situation. We weren’t perfect, and we were on rocky ground, but cheating was never necessary.
“You’re right,” he agrees quickly. “All these years spent together. Do you want to throw away what we have all because of something like this? Something so small.”
Nothing about this is small. Only he would consider cheating a trivial issue, something to be overlooked. His assumption that I would just accept this and move on is infuriating.
“You’re damn right, she does,” Tatiana snaps.
Luciano rolls his eyes. “Why don’t you mind your own fucking business for once?”
“Don’t talk to her that way,” I say, my voice cold and unwavering. I’m building a wall between my roiling emotions and the outside world. I will not break down here. An icy chill runs through me, and sweat forms against my brow. The knife of betrayal twists deeper in my gut, but I force myself to breathe, determined not to lose it in front of this cheating prick and a room full of strangers.
Luciano’s pleas fall on deaf ears as the reality of the situation crystallizes for me. His attempts to touch me, to plead for another chance, only deepen my sense of betrayal. I blink back tears, feeling a rage simmer beneath my skin, the kind that makes me want to lash out, to scream and tear at everything around me.
“I don’t think you know what love is, Luciano,” I manage to growl, my voice trembling with barely restrained anger. “But it doesn’t matter because we’re over. We’re done. I have more respect for myself than to stay with you, knowing you’re sleeping with other women. When you leave here, I want you to go back to the apartment we shared and pack as much as you can carry. Find somewhere else to stay. If I get there and you’re not gone, I’m calling the cops. You know, the people in blue who know me and respect my father. I’m sure you can figure out what happens next.”
Tatiana’s voice joins mine, dripping with venom. “Better hurry. Maybe I’ll call my dad, too. Just ’cause I’m a bitch like that.”
Luciano’s face twists in shock and panic as he realizes the gravity of the situation. He opens his mouth, probably to offer another excuse or beg for forgiveness, but then seems to think better of it. His lips press into a firm line as he walks away, leaving me to grapple with the hollow ache inside.
Once he’s out of sight, the strength I was clinging to evaporates, and I crumble. Tatiana wraps her arm around me, guiding me away from the scene. Her comforting presence is the only thing anchoring me right now.
“I’m sorry, B. I’m so sorry,” she says softly.
I shake my head, feeling the numbness inside me. “You were right. I was so stupid, so blind. I thought he was working, but he was with someone else. How could I have been so foolish?” The words tumble out of me in a torrent of pain and confusion.
“Come on.” Tatiana gently leads me down the hall, away from the club’s main area. “We’re going to get fucking wasted. That’s where.”
Her determination to take me somewhere safe and away from prying eyes is comforting, even if I’m not sure I have the strength to fully appreciate it right now. Once we emerge from the hallway, Tatiana signals a server. “We need a private table and a bottle of champagne. Keep them coming.”
The server looks at us curiously but nods and heads off to make the arrangements.
“What are you celebrating?” she asks, trying to keep the mood light.
Tatiana gives her a wry smile. “My friend here just lost a lot of weight. Like a hundred seventy-five pounds of worthless asshole.”
The server chuckles and leaves us to our own devices. I can’t help but appreciate Tatiana’s attempt to lighten the mood, even if I feel too broken to truly enjoy it. We sit down, and as the champagne starts flowing, I let myself lean into Tatiana’s support, ready to drown my sorrows and attempt to piece together the fragments of my shattered heart.