she finally meet a person that stop her heart bumb,but your heart bumb even harder when you think of your parents reacti...
She jerked when her mother called from downstairs... she was deep in thought about how quickly her life had changed. She composed herself, but she is still lost
. She examined herself in the mirror. Her golden brown big eyes with sharp long nose and a small thin lips with a mole above the upper lip and milky skin...all thanks to the beauticians....
She despises those beauty tips...but her mother forced her to watch them. They did something to her...not just something, but many things...they applied powders,jellies,glows,creams,............many things that she has no idea what they are........
She thinks she's more beautiful now because of it, but she wasn't...
One thing is still missing, a smile...yes! That smile that was always on her face is now gone...but she tried to form it on her face...she studied to smile fakely...she can smile now without wholeheartedly...all it's because of.....
Suddenly, a sound came from the door) She tried to turn around to see who was at the door...but she couldn't because the my hair was stucked on by gown clips. It hurts a lot, but she can't complain because they're all busy doing their best to make her as beautiful as possible...because it's my day of MARRIAGE.
The day that every girl dreams about...actually, she had dreamed about her wedding day...but destiny has another plan for her...a cruel plan... she is completely irritated because she is waiting for me...but I apologise for being late...
She looked in the mirror to see if it was me or someone else.
Finally, a big smile crept across her lips...yes...that was me on the door... the pale white face is now filled with hope...
.......to be continued
with love
Zoella here