"Is this some kind of dream?" Lia asked no one in particular as she staggered backwards holding a chair just in time before she fell.
"I am perfectly aware of this situation, it's real-life."
Even his voice sounded robotic and stoic. She was definitely dreaming, she had to be. That would mean she had misheard when he proposed, she takes her mother's place and get married to him instead.
"Of course Lia, it's a dream. Wake up now!" She chided herself and pinched herself yelping at the pain. She gasped and hung on to the chair for support as her legs turned to jelly.
She wasnt dreaming, it was all real. Her mother was nowhere to be found and her mother's fiancée had just asked her to stand-in for her.
"Time is of the essence Amelia. I have important matters to attend to so I suggest we get to it." Fernando reminded her, staring at his wristwatch unaware and seemingly unbothered by her state of distress.
This can't be happening. Lia shook her head violently, too shocked to scream or cry. She wasn't sad or worried at this moment, no she was shocked.
"How can you even ask me to do such a thing? Did you even love my mother?"
Fernando shrugged, not making a move to deny her claim or provide an answer to it. He was a shadow of the man she used to know. "Your mother has chosen her own path but there are consequences for such behavior. I am the victim in this situation."
He took two steps towards her and she moved back suddenly, afraid of this man. This man couldn't be the same one she had come to know and love for her mother.
"It's my wedding and I got stood up by the woman who was supposed to be my wife. This isn't some Harlequin novel where the man lets everything go and let the media speculate about the details. I won't let my name be dragged through the mud by your mother. Since I was never good enough for her then it's good riddance to her."
"Have you even considered that she might have been kidnapped from here?" Lia fired, anger boiling inside her.
"Have you also considered that maybe your mother ran off?" He fired back, maintaining eye contact with her the whole time. "Have you considered that the only victim in this situation is me and I need help getting out of this?"
Lia sighed and ran her hands through her hair. Surely there were other more logical ways to sort this out. Marriage? That was absurd. For heaven's sake he was her mother's fiancée!
"And no, there is no other way. The only solution would have been for your mother to show up out of the blue and fix this problem she created."
"She can't because she was kidnapped." Lia snapped but he ignored her and continued talking.
"The only thing to do now is find someone else that would take her place. Who else other than her doppelganger? The one that looks so much like her people call her the sister?"
"You're really serious about this." Lia noted, the shock evident in her tone. He wasn't bluffing, he actually wanted her to take her mother's place at the altar and be Mrs. Fernando.
"I hardly joke around Amelia, especially not with serious situations that are life threatening." He replied and she scoffed.
How was this life threatening? He wouldn't be the first man to be left at the altar and he certainly wasn't going to be the last. What was the big deal?
"There is no life threatening situation here. With all due respect, I think you are exaggerating the situation a little too much."
She wasn't feeling sorry for him anymore. If her mother did run off on him - which she didn't - then it served him right.
"It's life threatening to me because my reputation is at stake. I have told you the only solution available."
"How can you ask me to marry you? You're too old for me!"
Fernando chuckled and placed a hand ok his chest, feigning hurt. "Now I'm hurt. I'm 40, and you I know a lot of young's girls would be on their knees asking to marry me. I am filthy rich, handsome and still young." He made sure to stress the word young.
Amélia snorted in disgust. *How had he hidden this side of himself from them all for the last three years?*
"I can't marry you Fernando, it's impossible. Besides you're my mother's fiancée."
Fernando inched closer to her and grabbed her hand. Amelia squealed in shock and fright struggling to pull away. "I'm not asking young lady." His tone had switched from nice to devilish in a matter of minutes. "After what your mother has done, someone has to pay for the consequences."
Lia was starting to shake now. Her teeth was rattling and her legs were shaking uncontrollably. "Please don't do this."
Lia shuts up immediately not wanting to provoke him further. Why wasn't Jane here?
"Your mother has disgraced me and embarased me. Even if I get married to you, it's not going to stop the media from speculating. Intact it's going to heighten their urge to dig for dirt. They won't stop until they find out why."
"Then why do you want me to marry you? Please let me go."
His hold on her arm tightened and Lia winced in pain. "To punish you." He let go of her after a few minutes and Lia took this as an opportunity to put enough distance between herself and him.
Who was this man and what had he done to sweet Mr Fernando?
There was silence in the room now and Lia tried to wrap her head around everything that had happened in the last few hours. The time for the wedding was long gone. What was he going to do? Reschedule? Or make up some excuse?
"Get dressed and be down there in five minutes. " He said and turned to leave.
Lia let out a breath she didn't realize she had been holding and closed her eyes. She wasn't aware he was still in the room until he spoke, sending her running towards the bedroom.
"I won't touch you, not yet anyway. Don't even think for a second that you can pull a disappearing act on me like your mother. I will find you and take my time punishing you. I will make it so painful you'd beg me to kill you."
With those last words hanging in the air between them, Fernando walked towards the door and let himself out leaving Lia shaking like a fish.
She was too shaken to cry and now wasn't the ideal time for tears. She had to be strong for herself and her mother. Should she blame her mother for this? After all if she had been here, Mr Fernando wouldn't have turned to this lunatic.
"He's just hurt because my mother betrayed him. He will come around eventually." Lia said the words but even she didn't believe them to be true.
She had seen the truth in his eyes. He would really kill her if she didn't marry him.
Where are you Mum?
"Where are you going, Lia? What's going on? I tried to talk to Fernando earlier but he breezed past me so suddenly. He had this mafia boss aura. Did something happen in there?
Lia forced a smile for her best friend's sake. "Everything will be fine. Mr Fernando found a solution to the problem. I'm going to find mum and then everything will go back to normal." She lied through her teeth praying she was convincing enough because her best friend was observant.
"A solution? What kind of solution? Is that a wedding dress? Wait, what is going on?" Jane asked, blocking her part and Lia took a deep breath.
She couldn't give anything out, she had to remain as cool as a cucumber. It was to protect Jane. If she told anything then her best friend would have her running for her life risking her safety. "I'll explain later but please just support me."
"Are you getting married?" Jane asked and then her eyes grew wide as saucers. "Wait, you're getting married to Fernando?! Have you lost your mind?"
'Not yet but I might lose my life if I don't keep walking.' Lia spoke in her mind. "I have to do this Jane. I will explain when all this is over."
"But it will be too late to stop you then. Tell me Lawson, what's going on?"
Lia couldn't hold back her tears any longer. Jane pulled her close and they stood there for a while, Lia forgetting the time limit she had been given.
"Come on Amelia, what's going on?"
"I'm worried about Mum, Jane. She could be anywhere."
"That doesn't explain why you're wearing a wedding dress and walking towards the hall where your mother is supposed to get married."
"I have to stand-in for mum to protect Fernando and his reputation. Remember I look like mum so it won't be so obvious which one of us it is." Lia smiled through her tears trying hard to sell her story. She couldn't tell Jane the real reason. "How do I look?"
Jane smiled, although it didn't quite reach her eyes. "You look divine. I think you're the most beautiful stand-in bride I've ever seen."
Lia sniffed and blinked, willing her tears to stay put. She didn't have enough time to apply another coat of mascara. "My mascara.."
"Right, no more tears." Jane wiped her cheeks with her hands and smiled. "Let's go, my lady. I guess I get to be the maid of honor after all."
They laughed as they walked towards the hall but none of them was really happy. This wasn't how weddings were supposed to go.
Lia fought back tears as Jane opened the door leading to the hall where her 'groom' was waiting.
"Let's get you married!"
"Do you Amelia Lawson take Fernando James as your lawfully wedded husband?"
Lia almost missed the question. It took her a good three minutes and a tap on her arm from Fernando for her to respond. "Yes, I do." She forced a smile for the sake of the media.
The minister asked Fernando his own question and then it was time to exchange rings.
Lia's hands shook as she slipped the ring on Fernando's finger. This ring symbolised the reality of the situation. With this ring, she was bound to him, for life.
She watched him slip the ring on her finger and shivered when his hands remained on her arm longer than necessary.
How was she supposed to live with a man whose touch repulsed her?
You don't have a choice Lia.
"Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, Mr & Mrs James Fernando."
Lia stiffened as Fernando reached for her no doubt to seal the deal with a kiss. Just the thought of his lips on her sent shivers down her spine. Surely he wouldn't ask for her to consumate their marriage?!
"Relax darling, I don't bite." He winked at her before his lips descended on hers.
Lia expected to hate the kiss and be inclined to end it. Instead, she found herself leaning into her husband as he explored her mouth with his tongue.
The man could kiss!
When he pulled away from her, she bit her lip and looked at her best friend who was already looking at her. Heck, half the room was staring at them. It had been a heated kiss so the guests wouldn't suspect a thing. Only three people in the room knew the truth and it'd stay that way.
Lia didn't recognize any of the people who came to congratulate them as they walked out of the hall towards the reception for the after party. They were probably her mother's friends or Fernando's friends. She didn't want to know them, all she wanted was for the ceremony to end so she could hide in a room with a key and a door.
"Welldone, Amelia." Fernando said, patting her head and Lia resisted the urge to pull away.
How strange would it look if a wife was repulsed at her husband's touch? Besides he was in a good mood, why ruin it?