Rain had now been freed from her bonds, taken out of the dark, cold room where she had been kept. Serge, eager to please Randy, quickly whipped up a cup of hot coffee and handed it to Rain, whose trembling hands struggled to hold it steady.
‘What have I gotten myself into?’ she kept thinking to herself. Randy, who was the scarier looking of the twins, had been standing opposite her silently for about five minutes, sizing her up which only worsened her fear.
"Now, Rain, I need you to pay close attention to the things I'm about to say because I am not a man who enjoys repeating himself."
Rain sat, her coffee still steaming. she was scared nearly to death with the many men before her and wished she wasn't about to be auctioned or something. If they wanted a ransom, perhaps she would be able to leave this place. How they had even known her name was still intriguing to her because she had a good memory, and she was aware that she hadn't seen any of them anywhere before. So, who were they?
"Allow me to introduce myself," Randy continued, "My name is Randy Clayton… The man who looks like me behind me is my brother, Roberto. The other men are not important to you; they simply did a job.”
"And we, Rain… Are your stepbrothers," Randy declared.
At the sound of the word 'step brothers', Rain's head did a full reset to default. Goosebumps arose quickly all over her body, and her incomprehension of what had just been said was evident with the look of shock on her face. She wanted to scream, 'What?' But was too afraid to do so. She had to hope that his explanation, if he gave one, would make sense.
"Our father, Harold Clayton is dead…" Randy declared, watching for her reaction.
'Our father?’ she thought to herself. ‘What the hell is this man talking about? How is he my step brother? And, who the hell is Harold Clayton, was he supposed to matter to me? Was this a case of mistaken identity? Yes, that should be it. They’ve definitely gotten the wrong person. But how do I tell them that?’ She thought, desperately trying to believe that she would eventually be let go.
You've got this Rain! She gave herself a mental boost as she raised her trembling hand in question.
"Do you have something to say, Rain?" Randy asked, as he had been waiting for her response.
"Um… yes, sir. No offense, but I don't know what's going on here, but I-I think your men got the wrong girl. I d-don't know any Harold Clayton. My name is Rain, Rain Coxson and my father died when I was a baby. So please, if you could just let me go, I promise to run and never look back. Please." she pleaded, shaking with fear.
As Bobby heard the pleas of his newfound step-sister, he couldn’t help but wonder,
‘Is all of this really worth it, Randy must have finally lost it’
Randy smiled at this, knowing all too well what was going on.
"Humor me, Rain Coxson,” he slurred. “Your mother told you this, did she not?" He asked.
"Y-Yes. Yes, she did," Rain replied, stuttering.
"Of course, she did," Randy mocked,
"Did she also tell you about all the money you've been getting every week?"
“Yes she did, it's a trust fund that she left me to take care of me after her death. It's been coming through a company she used to own before she died." Rain said confidently. Little did she know that to the people in front of her, she sounded like an adult who still believed that Santa came on Christmas Eve to drop presents.
Randy broke out laughing. The incredulity of the statements he was hearing was making him hysterical. After some seconds of the first genuine laughter he’d had in a while, he composed himself and dished out the cold hard truth to Rain.
“Well, sweetie, I hate to break it to you, but your mother was lying. She had no company or trust fund. And Let me guess, she also told you, that you have no relatives?” He asked, and Rain nodded in agreement.
“Well, it is my pleasure to burst that big bubble of yours and tell you that it's all been a lie.." Randy said, inconsiderately.
Bobby, standing behind him, wondered why on earth Randy always had to be so sinister.
Rain, however, was shaken to her core. Her mother, who'd died when she was 18, had told her that her father had died in a motor accident, that she had no family because they were Australian immigrants in the United States, and the weekly deposits she'd be getting would come from her trust fund. How this man, whom she had never met, knew these things she'd never told a single soul of were alarming to her.
"I will tell you the truth of the matter. My father was a man who liked to have anything in skirts. Your mother was one out of many of these whores."
"My mother wasn't a whore." Rain replied bitterly, unwilling to let this man insult her late mother, whose memory she still treasured dearly.
"Would you look at that.. It speaks." Randy mocked with utter disrespect, surprised but also amused that Rain had gathered the audacity to talk back, before continuing, “well, I hate to break it to you, but she was my father's baby mama. And you were that baby. They met on one of his numerous extramarital escapades, and she gave birth to you. Thus qualifying her like, many others before her, for weekly allowances and benefits which you have now come to enjoy. I know she lied so you won't see her as a whore, but that is exactly what she was, a gold digging slut.”
The sternness on Randy's face shut down every further protest from Rain.
“You see, our father took the 'be fruitful and multiply' mandate very personally, and he also had enough money to take care of as many children as he wanted. And this is how you came into the world.”