Ever since my wife Miriam died, my entire sex life consisted of masturbating alone. It's gotten so outdated that I've on...
My wife passed away about 4 years ago from cancer at the age of 33, I was 36. We were high school sweethearts who got married very young. We were both faithful until the day she died and I still miss Miriam everyday.
We live around the corner from my wife's younger sister, Janina and her husband. It was well known in the family that Janina's husband, Theophilus, was lazy and thoughtless. He worked very little and was very demanding. Why Janina stayed with him has always been a mystery.
I was about to have my 40th birthday and had absolutely no plans of any kind. I told myself that this birthday, like the previous three without Miriam, would be spent at home watching TV. For some reason, I never pursued another relationship after Miriam died. I'm not into the bar scene and I work in a company that only employed two women and both were young girls in their twenties, fickle and very immature.
My sister-in-law Janina, who is 36, called me one evening and asked me what I was doing for my birthday.
➖ME: Nothing
She answered;
➖ Are you going to be 40 and you're not celebrating?
I told him that I didn't really want to do anything, I was probably going to spend the weekend around the house.
She answered;
➖We have to go out and at least have dinner.
I really liked Janina, she was always so nice to me, but the idea of having dinner with Theophile just wasn't the way I wanted to spend my birthday. I kind of dodged the issue, we talked more and she told me we would talk later in the week.
I was watching TV Thursday night when the doorbell rang, and Janina was standing there when I opened the door. We kissed on the cheek and hugged as she entered. She was coming home from work, where she and my wife had been business partners for many years. They worked in a professional setting and always dressed very professionally. Janina, like my wife Miriam, was simply stunning. Always the lady, always impeccably dressed. We walked into the family room and sat down, Janina on the large leather sofa and I in my favorite old recliner, it was the only piece of furniture in my house that seemed out of place. Miriam has decorated our house from top to bottom and it is simply stunning. We started discussing going out to dinner for my birthday and after a while I couldn't help but notice how short Janina's skirt was. She had pulled him down as far as she could, but she was still mid-thigh. We started talking and lost track of time. The conversation went from my birthday to his problems with Théophile. She said she really thought he was having an affair, but had no proof.
She asked me;
➖How did you and Miriam always seem so in love?
➖ME: I really don't know, I think it was just two people who were really right. We never really worked on it, it became natural
I could see his eyes watering a little, maybe thinking of his sister.
To get off topic, I offered her a glass of wine. Both Miriam and Janina were wine drinkers. Miriam turned our basement into a wine cellar, she was quite the expert. Personally, I could never really feel the difference between the wines, so I always left the choice to Miriam. Janina went down and came back with a Merlot she loved. I took the bottle, I went to the kitchen to open it and take two glasses. I returned to the family room, handed her glass to Janina, and sat down. After taking a sip of the wine, I couldn't help but notice that Janina had spread her thighs slightly as she gave me some of her silky thighs. As we talked, I found it increasingly difficult to carry on a conversation, with the view I was getting. I wasn't sure, but I felt that several times she caught my wandering gaze. She asked;
➖Can I have another glass of wine?
➖ME: Of course. let me get it for you
I went to the kitchen and came back with a cool drink for her. As I sat down again, I immediately noticed that she had spread her legs even further. I could now see her lacy white panties between her thighs.
Ever since Miriam died, my entire sex life consisted of masturbating alone. It's gotten so outdated that I've only been indulging maybe once a month for about a year or so. But suddenly, with this new visual stimulation, I could feel my cock swell without any physical contact. I was really trying not to be obvious, looking her in the eye as we talked. It wasn't until she looked away that my eyes fell on her legs. We talked for a few more minutes and then she said she had to leave. I thanked her for dropping by and as I leaned down to kiss her cheek, she turned her lips to mine and gave me a quick, soft, very wet kiss on the lips followed by a hug .
As soon as she pulled out of the aisle, I sat back in the recliner and tried to watch TV, but my mind kept wandering back to those white lace panties and that sweet warm kiss. I decided it was time to take a shower and go to bed, that was getting me nowhere.
Later in bed, I just couldn't sleep. I was only thinking of Janina. Was she really coming to me? Or was it just that I was very alone for too long. Anyway, I quickly found my hand around my cock, slowly pumping it up and down. In no time my cock was throbbing and I could feel my orgasm coming. I closed my eyes, thought of Janina, and exploded into the best orgasm I've had in some time. I can honestly say that I fell asleep that night and slept like a baby.
The next day I was at the office when I received a call from Janina. She asked;
➖ What if we had dinner tonight?
Even though I couldn't imagine spending a night with Théophile, I accepted.
➖JANINA: Around 8 p.m. We will pick you up.
There, it was confirmed that Théophile would be present. I trudged all day and soon returned home to get ready. They arrived on time and we headed to a very good restaurant not far from there. Théophile, as always, was his charming old self. I just couldn't see what Janina had ever seen in this guy. But as always, I held my tongue and chatted away. The dinner was more or less the same, but I noticed that Theophile was really drinking a little more than usual. While waiting for dessert, Théophile got up and excused himself to go to the toilet. Janina, as always, quickly apologized for her behavior.
➖ME: It's not your fault Janina. You just have to stop excusing him for being like that.
She nodded in agreement as he returned to the table. We finished the dessert, while Théophile finished two more glasses. When we got up to leave, I just knew he wasn't able to drive home. So as not to have Janina argue with him, I intervened and said;
➖Théophile, let me go home, you can relax
Théophile gave me one of his looks and replied;
➖I'm not even close to being ready to go home, let's go to a club.
Not being the drinker, I refused. We came back in silence, I could tell Théophile was pissed off as usual. I felt bad for Janina because I knew she was going to bear the brunt of it. As we pulled into my driveway, I thanked them and quickly got out. Being already late, I decided to go straight to bed. I had probably been asleep for a few hours when my cell phone rang. I reached out half asleep, looked at the phone and saw it was Janina calling.
➖JANINA: Lauric
➖ME: Yes, what's wrong?
She answered;
➖I don't know, I just can't sleep.
She told me that Théophile had dropped her off at their house and that he had left. He still wasn't home. I looked at the clock and it was 3:44 minutes.
I asked;
➖Does he do this often?
➖JANINA: Yes, a lot even lately
She then pretty much told me about her entire marriage to Théophile and how it was about to break up. Somehow during this conversation she started telling me about her sex life. She told me she used to tell Miriam about it, but since she died there was really no one to confide in. She told me that for several years, the only person Théophile wanted to satisfy was himself. She hinted that she pretty much had to take care of herself just so she could relieve some tension.
I said;
➖Well, I know I feel good
She chuckled and the conversation ended a minute or two later. I looked at the clock and it was almost 5am so there was no point in trying to get back to sleep. It was Saturday and being alone meant I had to do the shopping, wash my car, and clean the house a bit.
The day flew by and I accomplished a lot. That evening, I went to a local Chinese restaurant, got a lot of takeout, and went home. I took a quick shower, then sat down to eat and watch TV. About five minutes later my phone rang and again it was Janina. In fact, I debated whether to answer the phone or not. I really wasn't ready to be the considerate listener tonight. But after two more rings, I picked up;
➖Hi Janina, what's up?
She answered;
➖Not much, Théophile went to the basketball game with his friends, he won't be back until late.
She added;
➖Do you want to go out and grab a quick bite?
I told her that I had just come back from the Chinese restaurant and had a lot of food spread out here. Before I could say anything else, she was chirping;
➖Oh, then I'll join you.
I couldn't say anything other than, "Of course, no problem" at that time.
Janina declared;
➖I'm coming right away
About 45 minutes later the doorbell rang and it was Janina. As she walked past me in the open doorway, I immediately smelled a fresh, powdery scent, with a faint hint of perfume. I thought she just got out of the shower. She was wearing jeans and a T-shirt, something I've rarely seen her wear. I installed it at the end of the sofa with a plate. We watched TV, ate and chatted for quite a while. The program started at 8 p.m. and there wasn't much else to come. Janina asked;
➖How about some wine?
I told him the bottle we opened earlier in the week was still on the island counter.
She answered;
She was back with two drinks in no time. We talked for a while about his job, his family, and anything else I could think of to steer the conversation away from Theophile. Then, out of the blue, she let go;
➖Lauric, can I ask you a really personal question?
I thought for a second, then said hesitantly;
➖I guess so
She took a deep breath, turned a little red then asked;
➖Have you ever had sex since my sister died?
I answered, very quickly;
➖No, never.
She looked a little surprised and said;
➖You mean it's been almost 4 years since you had sex?
I answered him with a yes. I thought to myself, I hope this conversation is over. But before the thought left my head, it came back with;
➖ Do you masturbate a lot?
Guess I must have turned to a nice shade of dark red because she quickly added;
➖Oh it's ok, I know all men do it and most women do too.
She continued;
➖If I didn't get out regularly, I would never come.
Apparently Théophile would only last long enough to pull through. She told me many, many nights after he would roll over and fall asleep, she would bring herself to two or three orgasms. I guess she could tell I wasn't the attacking type and if it was going to go somewhere she was going to have to take it there.
➖JANINA: Lauric, my sister and I used to talk a lot about sex and she always told me how kind and considerate a lover you were. In fact, Miriam told me that many times, even if you were tired, you would get her down and make her cum, asking for nothing in return.
I was shocked. Even though Janina was dead and I knew only Miriam could have passed that information on to her, I shrugged and stammered;
➖I guess so.
➖JANINA: Did you like what you saw the other day?
➖ME: What are you talking about?
I tried to plead ignorance but the tremor in my voice betrayed me.
➖JANINA: Ohhh come on Lauric, I saw you looking up my skirt.
This situation was getting more and more uncomfortable at times. While I was extremely embarrassed, I was equally excited or so it seemed.
➖JANINA: How are you? In fact, it turned me on to see a man pay attention to me.
Now I knew she was exaggerating. Janina was beautiful and I know guys hit on her all the time.
➖ME: I doubt you suffer from lack of attention, Janina
➖JANINA: Oh, I get attention but not decent guys, just guys who want a quick piece of ass. I can get that from Théophile whenever I want.
I noticed she was starting to squirm a bit and had crossed her thighs very tightly. I think she was as uncomfortable as I was, at least I hoped she was. It just wasn't the kind of conversation I had with any woman other than my wife. In fact, I had only been with one woman my entire life.
Then, once again, she leaked some information that could only have come from Miriam.
➖JANINA: I know watching a woman make herself cum is a big part of your turn on list.
I told her that I really couldn't believe that Miriam had shared so much of our personal life with her. She smiled that almost devilish smile and told me;
➖Oh, I know a lot more than that.
Without much hesitation, she quickly said;
➖ Would you like to see a woman enjoy again?
My head was spinning trying to process all this new information being sent to me. My head and my mind were thinking at the same time, and my mind was struggling to follow my head. I then answered;
➖Janina! You are my wife's sister, you are married and we are still family.
She looked at me with a disappointed look and answered me;
➖You don't find me attractive Lauric?
My facial expression must have answered the question because she quickly followed up with;
➖So what's the problem?
I thought quickly of any answer I could find;
➖Janina, I just think that would make things really uncomfortable for us now and in the future.
She looked at me with those soft eyes and said;
➖I'm not asking you to fuck me, we both get by anyway, what's wrong with doing it together?
I thought about it for a second, then before I could answer she added;
➖ And if I started and if you want to participate, you can, if you start to feel uncomfortable, you tell me to stop.
Once again I thought about it, probably taking longer than she would like, and then I answered;
➖Ok, but I still think it's a bad idea.
Janina took another long sip of wine from her glass, then leaned back on the sofa. His eyes were glued to mine, but his hands were visibly shaking. Before I could ask her if she was sure this was what she wanted, she reached for her jeans and unbuttoned them. Without taking her eyes off mine, she slowly slid the zipper all the way down and opened them. I could see the top of the black lace panties sticking out of the jeans. She slipped a hand into her jeans and I could tell exactly when her fingers were touching her pussy. His head recoiled slightly from the electricity of the contact. By now my cock was already harder than it had been in years, just begging to be released. But I still wasn't sure what to do. Janina then lifted her hips off the sofa and with a slight pull, pulled her jeans up her legs. It was as if someone had taken my breath away. I had trouble breathing and I know I was shaking. There sat this beautiful young woman in a pair of sexy black lace panties rubbing herself slowly through the thin, sheer fabric.
➖JANINA: Does that excite you Lauric?