"Where are we going father?" Callan's curiosity piqued.
"We are heading for the province of Queen Katana in the southern region."
"It's a four day journey to the island. Why are we bothering ourselves to go there. Do we need anything special from that place? Has the Alpha sent you to a mission?"
"No Callan. The Alpha does not know about this expedition and you are not to say anything to him. He cannot read your mind so you are safe."
"But why are we going there?"
"It's part of your training."
"I don't understand."
"You will. Soon." Justus was nonchalant throughout the entire conversation so Callan could not decipher what's going through the mind of his father.
When the duo reached the island, Justus wasted no time and headed straightaway where he intended to take his little boy. The place was crowded and all Callan could hear was the shouting, yelling and cheering of people. He also noticed a huge cage in the middle of the arena right in front of him where two shifters of different species were fighting. This fight was brutal. This fight was more of a survival than winning. Callan could not help but ask-
"Why are we here?"
"This is known as the war ground. The shifters from around the world come to this place for a fight. If you win, you get rewarded more than you can ever get paid. If you lose... Well lets say that its not a good option for you."
"What do you mean?"
"The loser is either given an option to be a slave for life or die in the battlefield."
"That sounds scary."
"Yes. It does. But I want you to take a good look around yourself Callan. Life is fair to no one."
"But I still don't understand why I am here exactly."
"To learn. There are some things that I can't teach you on the ground level, you have to learn by observing as well, consider it a part of your training."
For all Callan knew his father had brought him to this place for a purpose he is not revealing. He concentrated on the duels that were happening. It was absolutely barbaric. These warriors had no honor. They were playing it down and dirty. But what disgusted Callan even more that this act of inhuman behavior was cherished and praised by onlookers around the cage. Callan soon realized that there was only way to win this fight.
Kill and Survive.
However the next duel in the cage caught Callan's attention immediately. He saw two men, one of which was definitely a were-bear while the other he could not decipher were ready for the fight. As soon as the judge gave the signal for a fight both the warriors started their shift. What left Callan gasping in awe and surprise was that standing in front of the were-bear was a creature even more taller and probably heavier than him. He was completely red while his canines were large and his teeth holding beak was tapering forward. It had large ears and beautiful large wings like that of a butterfly but one could see scales on it, as also the edges of the wings were sharp and pointed. He even saw sharp spikes right through their back to the tip of its tail. The creature roared and the entire arena was stunned.
"Who is that? I mean.. WHAT is that?"
"This is the creature who I wanted you to familiarize with. This creature can only be stopped by a divine entity, It is that powerful. When you become a head warrior it may happen that you encounter this beast. Remember Callan, at such a point, RETREAT. Let your Alpha handle the situation." Callan was shocked and slightly agitated to hear these words from his father.
"You mean I should run away like a coward."
"No. Not like a coward. We don't fight for sheer pleasure or to be ostentatious but for saving our people, our pack. As a leader your pack should matter the most to you."
"But why can't I stay and fight. I have aced all my practice sessions with almost every shifter and I don't think this will be any different."
"You will see." And right before everyone's eyes the anonymous shifter got hold of the neck of the bear with his tail. This was something new to Callan, he had never seen a creature like it. But what he saw next shocked him to the core when he saw the creatures belly glowing red and the creature igniting stream of conflagration aiming towards the bear. The bear died in that very instant.
Callan recalled his father's words at this moment. RETREAT. His only thoughts were to step back or try to pacify the creature. But by the looks of it, it would only prove pointless. He knew that this thing is capable of destroying an entire village, they kill either for food or for their amusement. It can create havoc and diminish and an entire coven. It was strong and powerful and running away would only cause its ire to grow. Callan realized one thing
He was a prey and the Dragon was the predator.
Without giving a second thought Callan turned right and sprinted as fast as he could. He knew that his only hope was a living settlement where he could find any help. If he could penetrate the settlement he had some chances of survival. The dragon had a smug look on its face, It was like a challenge for him. He flapped his wings and lifted his body off the ground to trace the boy. His prey.
The growling sound of the dragon made Callan wary of the situation. He may not reach any settlement with this mismatching speed and was on his own now. He had to think and he had to think fast. He just hoped that back in the pack someone had noticed his absence and people out there were searching for him. But until then he had to handle the situation on his own.
At this very moment Callan recalled all the teachings from his father to figure a way out alive. A dragon uses a lot of his power to create the inferno, Justus had taught him about it. So now he had to compel the dragon to empty his gut so that he wears out. He took a deep breath and hid behind a tree. The beast was approaching near, Callan took some pebbles in his hand and was with a plan in his mind. Offence is the best form of defense and he knew it. In the next moment he was in front of the dragon and aimed for the dragons eye. The beast got irritated. He tried to fist paw the boy but Callan was fast enough to dodge the attack, the beast attacked again; and again; and again but Callan was able to save himself thanks to his swiftness and agility. Then as if on cue he moved away from the dragon and hid behind a rock as the dragon irrupted its first dose of inferno aiming at the boy. Callan could feel the heat soaring through his body. He was quick and on the top of the rock in a moment and leapt straight at the back of the dragon. The dragon was even more irritated and started flapping its wings to soar height above the ground. Callan took this moment and stabbed the back of the dragon with the knife which he always carried with him. The sensation of piercing made the beast unbelievably mad, Callan striked once more; this time the dragon erupted again aiming at no one in particular. As Callan was about to stab the third time, the dragon started rotating around itself. Callan was disoriented and loosed his grip. He fell on his back with his left leg below the joint wounded badly. The dragon took this moment and stood at some distance in front of the boy. Looking at his prey to make a final cut.
Callan tried to compose himself but to no avail. He knew that his injury was severe. On the other hand he saw the dragon approaching. He could see the end of it. The dragon killing him. Reducing him into nothing but ashes. He could never see his parents, never tell them how much he loved them. He tightly closed his eyes and put both of his hands in a cross above his head as if to shield himself and waited to embrace the attack.
But the attack never came.
Callan could hear some commotion and lowered his hands to know the source of it. He saw two boys his age, working as a team and defending themselves against the dragon. He identified the two boys as the future Alpha and the future beta of the pack. Callan was relieved that help had finally arrived but he got even more worried because the boys were alone. This meant the pack is not aware of their situation. In this moment Callan dreaded not having the basic perk of having a mind-link like others in the pack. He could not communicate with the pack and ask for help, he was in agony and could not stand so he was useless to both of his pack mates.
On the other hand, even though Einar and Garrick were restricted with their shackles they still were determined to save their pack mate. They threw stones at the beast, hit him with tree trunks. They were using the same technique as that of Callan, they wanted to wear the dragon out. When the dragon was after Garrick, Einar attacked the beast blindsided so the dragon would turn his attention to the Alpha's son. When the beast was after Einar, Garrick would attack him and provoke him to follow. This went on for a long time and the dragon was vexed, this time he did not turn his direction and opened his fist paw to sharp claws which he swiftly moved to attack Garrick's back.
"GARRICK watch out ....."Einar's face mirrored horror and helplessness. Even Callan gasped with shock with how brutal the attack was.
Garrick was tore open and was bleeding. He collapsed on the ground with his back facing the sky. Einar ran towards his friend. The dragon followed the boy. Callan watched the scene unfold and knew he had to act fast so he distracted the dragon by throwing twigs and stones towards him. Finally Callan got the attention of the dragon.
Callan blamed himself for the injury of the beta's son. He wanted to save him at any cost. Even if it meant the end of his life.
The dragon was all on his four and was approaching Callan. Callan's heartbeat increased with every step of the beast. He was counting his breaths. His last.
The dragon did not even made half the mark when he was stopped by a thunderous deafening roar. Callan could feel the tremble below. The earth was shaking. He looked above the shoulder of the dragon where he saw something.
A person, an Aura. It was dark. It had completely black orbs and a dark mist surrounding its entire posterior.
It was Einar.