Tanvi had truly, turned crimson as she remembered the conversation with Arjun. Closing her eyes, she uttered, "He is just perfect", as she decided to get ready for the date.
It was four in evening when she wad standing in front of the mirror clad just in a towel after taking a refreshing shower when her phone rang and a smile played on her lips.
Arjun, on the other hand had an exhausting day at work and finally he was able to squeeze time for his date. He sighed as he walked to the washroom attached to his cabin and changed into casuals. Wearing a maroon red V-neck T-shirt and denims, he was gelled up his hair. Voila! He was ready for the date an hour before the pre-decided timings. Free from work, he decided to call his girl and remind her that she should wear red.
His idea was not to command or control her but simply enjoy at her expense.
Tanvi received the phone and said a meek 'Hello' as her heart fluttered.
"Honey, are you ready in red?" Arjun whispered huskily.
"No", Tanvi said standing still in front of mirror as she admired the hues of red on her cheeks.
"What are you wearing, babe?" Arjun asked in a raspy tone which had all the powers to captivate Tanvi and make her lose her sanity.
All this was totally new to Tanvi. She was surprised to all the new things happening to her. She stammered, "No...nothing".
"You little minx", Arjun whispered huskily as he gulped the lump forming in the throat. The idea of beautiful Tanvi being naked and flaunting her milky-white body enticed him. His junior down there awakened and he groaned in pleasure.
"Send me your pic, little girl", Arjun commanded after all, he wanted to test the waters before diving in. He knew no sane girl would do so.
Tanvi came out of the trance as soon as she heard these words. She realized she had been utterly stupid to have confessed that she had not worn anything yet. She knew the implications of sexting. Marriage or no marriage, she was a girl of principles and she knew the difference between right and wrong. Sending her nudes were out of question.
Chuckling she said, "Sure". It was Arjun's turn of getting baffled. He wondered if she was actually some girl who would commit this stupidity. Much to his surprise, his WhatsApp pinged and he had received a picture from Tanvi. He was beyond angry.
Before he could shout on her over the phone, the picture was downloaded. His anger turned into smile when he saw the picture of a little girl sent to him which was clicked from the photographs Tanvi had affixed in her room. He realized it was perhaps, the three year old Tanvi when she first went to school. She was clad in her school uniform and her hair were neatly tied up in pigtails. He smiled admiring her sense of humour when he heard, "I am sexy, I guess".
"Very sexy", Arjun mumbled chuckling. He realized Tanvi had passed one test by now.
"Get ready, I will pick you up in forty minutes", Arjun chortled.
"In purple dress and dare you touch me inappropriately", Tanvi challenged him.
"Red, please", Arjun pleaded. He wanted his girl to follow his small requests at least.
"No", Tanvi mumbled leaving him disappointed.
"You wait and see then", Arjun whispered.
"Let me get ready", Tanvi said disconnecting the phone. It was then Arjun realized that Tanvi was actually wearing nothing during the whole conversation. He chuckled as his wild imaginations raced in his mind as he walked towards the washroom.
Tanvi smiled as she took her white crop top and wore it. Of course, she was wearing a red long skirt fulfilling the wish of her would-be husband. Painting her lips in red, she smiled at her attire. She had left her hair open. Her belly was visible and she was looking breath taking. She smiled at herself as she wore her big hoop earrings and got ready joyously.
Exactly forty minutes later, she got a text from Arjun,
I am waiting for you outside.
Switching off all the lights, she locked her house and moved out. Arjun had not expected her wearing a bold, red dress and he was horrified.
"This girl is ready to break all the norms of Singhania's", he mumbled as he admired her figure. He urged to suck her red lips hard and he could a different sensation in his body. Glancing her deep naval, he decided to pinch it for sure. He groaned as she stood near him and waved in front of his face breaking down his trance.
"This is too bold, Ms. Red", Arjun whispered in her ears as he grabbed her waist and inhaled her vanilla body-scent. Tanvi was flabbergasted. With butterflies dancing in her stomach, she could feel the heat pouring inside her body.
"Leave me", Tanvi squirmed under his gaze as he leered upon her.
"My family won't allow you wear all this, babe", Arjun commented as he opened the door of his black Mercedes-Benz.
"I love wearing dresses", Tanvi pouted as she sat in the passenger seat.
"I will let you wear all this but not in front of dadi", Arjun confessed as he ignited the engine of the car while Tanvi buckled her seat belt.
Tanvi did not say anything but she decided that her new dadi had to be modernized a bit over time. She chuckled at the mere thought of transforming the old, authoritative lady into someone who could embrace western dresses and not judge the modern girls out there.
Arjun played soft music in the background as he kept on driving to a reputed boutique of the town.
"Thank you", he muttered initiating the conversation as he glanced towards Tanvi who was looking outside.
"For?" she questioned keeping her eyes glued to the traffic on the road outside.
"For dressing up for me", he spoke as he brushed his fingers on her thigh.
Tanvi had turned crimson by now. She did not know what to answer.
"Are you ready for this marriage?" Tanvi mustered courage and questioned Arjun.
Arjun sighed and decided to come out clear, "I don't know but I will give my best".
Tanvi just smiled in return. Sitting in his luxury car, she had realized that the economic disparity between The Singhanias and her was too vast. In a pleading tone, she confided in to him, "Arjun, I don’t know how to say this but I am not okay with few things."
Arjun could not comprehend the real meaning behind her words so he asked, "What?"
Tanvi spoke her mind only to get snapped at by Arjun, "You are marrying me at this short notice and umm... you know, we cannot afford the wedding in your way."
"How dare you think that you can run away with this marriage?" Arjun bellowed in anger as the fear of getting betrayed just like in the past flashed in his mind. She glanced at him and realized his knuckles had turned white.
"Umm... Arjun, it is nothing like that. I just wanted to request you for a simple marriage at least. My Papa would not be able to afford a lavish one." Tanvi fumbled with her words. She hated Arjun's anger.
"I too want a simple wedding in the temple otherwise paparazzi would not let us live peacefully. We will plan a reception party for the business circle." Arjun said calmly leaving Tanvi flabbergasted. Arjun appreciated her concerns for her father and he realized his would-be bride valued money.
"Is he bipolar to change his demeanor in seconds?", Tanvi thought but unknown to herself, she spoke her thoughts loud.
Arjun was dumbstruck at her audacity and he decided to tease her a bit later. He smiled when she mumbled a small 'thanks' with a faint smile on her lips.
Arjun drove towards the parking lot of the boutique and parked his car in the secluded corner. Locking the doors with child lock, he smirked as he unbuckled his seat belt while Tanvi whined to let her get out.
He hovered over and whispered huskily in her ear, "Yes, this man is bipolar to change his mood in every second", leaving Tanvi shocked. She realized she had spoken loud.
Face palming herself, she muttered, "Sorry, I did not mean it". She was shivering in a unique pleasure as he bit on her earlobe and licked to soothe the pain. His right hand traveled on her small waist feeling her soft skin underneath. He pinched her bellybutton while she moaned in pain. He admired her scarlet-red face and her closed eyes.
He craved to continue his assault as he observed the raked breathing of Tanvi. Her breasts were heaving up and down while she could feel the heat pooling inside her. "Ar.. Arjun, leave me. This is... this is not right." Tanvi mumbled incoherently and Arjun smirked to see his effect on her.
He chuckled and moved out of the car. He ushered the annoyed Tanvi with flustered cheeks out of the car as he headed towards the boutique.