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Chapter Five

I continued watching them as Jesse yelled something at the driver. James started looking around and his eyes landed on the roof. I gasped quietly and ducked down and hid behind some chimney-like thing. A minute later, I saw them checking the parking lot. I asked Matt to warn the others. I quickly and quietly snuck toward the back of the roof, looking down and seeing now windows, I pulled a pen out, it shot out a black rope that the end expended out from a little ball point to a hook. I connected it to the roof before I jumped down, using the wall as support. I retraced the device before I ran over to my car, where the others were waiting.

"What took you so long?" Rachel asked.

"I almost got caught by James and Chris," I said, starting the car.

"Oh. Well, get ready; they're leaving now," Joey warned me.

I nodded as we slowly followed behind them.

"Depending on how long it takes to get wherever they are going, we may need to switch cars so they don't catch on we're following," Emily said.

"Nah, we're good. I was able to put a mini tracking device on Jesse's motorcycle," I said.

"When did you have time to do that?" Rachel asked.

"Oh, when he was in detention the other day," I said.

"Damn, girl, you're good," Joey said then winked at me.

"I know. I know," I said, doing a bowing motion with my hand.

"Wait! So, what does the tracking device have to do with switching cars?" Emily asked.

"Well, we won't have to switch cars, and we can let a few cars in front of us so it doesn't seem like we're following," Joey explained. “We can stop up here and wait for a couple of hours. The darker it is, the easier it is to sneak in if need be.”

Just as I pulled over, a loud beep sounded through the car. I winced at the sound as the others did as well from the ringing in our ears.

"What the bloody hell was that?!" Joey asked.

"Sorry. I'll try to work on making it not so loud," Matt apologized as the radio turned around and a screen with his face appeared it.

"Matt!" we all exclaimed.

"Were you trying to kill us?" I asked.

"Or give us a heart attack?!" Emily piped in.

"Sorry, girls," Matt said, with an apologetic look.

Joey raised an eyebrow and he added, "And Joey."

"Okay, so what do you need?" I asked, looking at the screen.

"Well, I know you are all following the dealers, but I think you should be warned of what you're going into," Matt said. "From the looks of it, they are heading to an old abandoned factory. It used to be an old coat factory, but closed down a few years back. Rumors has it that- that’s where they stay, on the south side of town due to the amount of parties thrown over here. If I am correct, and that’s where they’re at, the numbers of gang members in there is indecisive, but it’s at least a hundred based on the information received from Cole. We do not have a for sure number yet. Also, you have to confirm if this the factory they are making substances from.” Matt warned.

"We just have to bust them. Then arrest them, and we're good to go," Joey said.

Matt frowned, shaking his head. "You see, I would agree with that but here's the problem. The leader of all these people is threatening some peoples’ families and lives if they don't help so maybe about twenty-five percent of these people are innocent."

"You have got to be kidding me," I said. "We're going to have to question them all!"

"Guys, if it’s late. We won't be able to see who is around." Rachel butted in sounding nervous.

"Rachel, I know we haven't talked very much in the past and we may not be that close, but you should know how I work on missions. There could be people shooting guns from all directions and I could be completely naked and missing an arm and I would still go and finish this mission," I said. “It being late will benefit us in the long run.”

"This girl can be crazy," Joey smirked.

We all waited patiently after Matt hung up, explaining he was going to do more investigating as our handler. This was the longer part to being an agent, sometime there was just waiting, no action, just watching and waiting. We waited for at least two hours before we all deemed it as dark enough to begin.

“So let’s say we get in and all goes smoothly. What do we do with those who are innocent and those who are guilty? " Emily asked.

"Well, Riley knows what to do with them," he said with a small frown, and I sighed. If deadly force is needed it will be brought out, although this is an agency that in a side branch of the FBI, it’s under the radar. Cole owns it and there are smaller branches all over the states. “You follow what you were taught. You know when it is time for deadly force or not. Everyone gets either arrested or tied up or knocked out if need be. Those who are innocent still need to be detained and eventually will need questioned. I explained.

“We have no back up in this, it’s just us. The LA agency can’t assist us right now or else our cover will be blown for being here.” Joey added. If you all can complete this mission, then I promise all of you, amazing things will come from this," Matt said then signed out.

"Of course, he basically bribes us," I said and Joey snorted laughter in agreement.

"Looks like we're here." I slowed down behind them and into a parking lot of a store a little farther away from the place. I grabbed the tracker from the charger and turned it on. "I have extra clothes in my trunk. Em, go grab that, and I'll grab the bag of weapons."

Emily nodded, getting out of the car and grabbing the bag. We walked into the store and asked for a bathroom and the cashier just pointed to the back. We all went in as Joey and I started removing our clothes from school.

"Um, what are you doing?" Rachel asked nervously.

"We don't have time to change one at a time so hurry up and put on those clothes," I said, slipping on a pair of black tactical pants, a black polo and a bullet proof vest. Joey slipped on his own pair of tactical pants before he paired it with a similar shirt and his own bullet proof vest. Rachel and Emily outfits were identical to mine.

I first slipped the pocket knife in my bra then grabbed my knife holder and put it on my arm toward my wrist. I slipped in a knife then put a fancy holster that strapped around on my ankle. I made sure to put my jeans over the gun so it wasn't showing. Then I put my black trench coat on, tying it around so it covered my arms. I put a hand gun in the inside pocket of that and smiled.

"Everyone finally done and ready?" Joey asked and we nodded.

"Okay. On the tracker, it says they did stop at the old factory," Joey said.

"Are we going to drive there?" Emily asked.

Matt answered in our ear pieces, "No, you will have to walk, but based on this map, there should be a sewer about 50 feet from the building you’re in now. Follow that for about a mile in a half and you should come out right over there.” Matt explained.

"Actually, I was thinking Rachel can stay here just in case something happens. She could sit in the car," Joey suggested and I thought it over for a minute and agreed.

"Yeah, Rach, you're going to have to stay here just in case. If you press the button underneath the steering wheel, you will be able to click a name on my touch screen that Matt used to video chat and connect with either one of us and will be able to hear what we hear. I prefer you not connect to more than two at a time or else it will make a loud beeping noise from our earpieces, creating attention,” I said.

Rachel frowned but nodded.

"Let's go," Joey said, pointing to two tiles. We picked them up and I looked inside.

"A sewer?" I questioned with a disgusted look.

"Yeah, it's the quickest way there but you don't have to walk in the water. There are dry areas on the side and also I have a few grappling hooks," Joey said.

I always loved using the grappling hooks and Joey knows it.

"Let's go," I said, taking mine and sticking it in my coat then sliding down. I didn't check to see if Emily and Joey were following. I just continued to walk. After about twenty minutes of walking we arrived at the destination. I peeked my head out and noticed a guy who looked about sixteen tied up in a chair while two guys were yelling at him. I gasped quietly as I noticed the burn mark on him and the lighters both men were holding. I moved my head down from the hole and turned to Joey and Emily.

"There's a teenage boy in there being burned by two men. The men don't look strong enough to be the leaders but we’re gonna have to stop them. Emily, while we are fighting, I want you to untie the boy but do not let him go. I want you to hold his arms behind his back but be careful of the burns," I said.

I didn't wait for a response as I jumped in there and kicked the first guy from behind, making him crash into the wall.

"Damn, Scott. Hurry up and fight them. This is gonna make a lot of noise," Joey said and I nodded as he started to fight the second guy. The first guy smirked, holding up the lighter.

"Didn't your mother ever tell you not to play with fire?" I said, smirking back as I did a high kick, knocking the lighter out of his hand and making it go flying across the room.

"Who the hell are you?" he asked, backing away, glaring.

"Let's just say, your worst nightmare," Joey responded, causing me to roll my eyes at his cheesiness. The first guy was about to yell for someone but I punched him in the face before he could say anything. But we weren't very lucky because the other guy yelled for help.

"Guys, we have to hurry up. People will be coming in any minute!" Emily said.

"I know that, Agent Starr. We're trying!" I said as he grabbed my leg as I tried to do another high kick.

"Damn! Let go!" I snapped.

He ignored me, of course, and tried to twist it the wrong way. I did a backflip, making my leg he was holding fly up and hit his face. I smirked as I successfully flipped. I looked to see he was now knocked out.

Joey seemed to be struggling as the guy had his arm around his throat, putting him in a lock. I already knew what Joey was going to do so I didn't bother to help. He grabbed the guy's arm that was around his throat and flipped over him, causing the guy to let go and land on his back. Joey pressed in a special spot behind his ear, making him pass out. I lifted the two tiles and pushed both men in the sewer, handcuffing them to a pole, then jumped back up and replaced the tiles.

"We have to go somewhere else. Others will be here any minute," I said then pointed.

Emily noticed I was pointing to the vent and handed the kid to me as she quickly undid the vent and went inside with Joey following after her.

"I want you to get up there, too," I said and the kid nodded, as he still had tape on his mouth. I followed behind him and closed the vent just in time as the people ran into the room. We crawled through the vent and ended up in going into an empty bathroom.

"I'm going to take the tape off your mouth. Do not scream or yell. Joey, lock the door," I said and he nodded, locking the door.

I ripped the tape off his mouth and replaced the tape with my hand as he let out a little scream. When he stopped, I slowly remove my hand and he just stared at me.

"How did you get here?" I questioned as Joey held his arms behind him.

"Those two guys brought me here," he answered.

"Name?" I asked.

"Ben," he responded.

"Well, Ben. Do you work here? And what did you do to get yourself burned and almost killed?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at him.

"No. I don't work here. They were threatening me that if I don't sell some type of drugs then they will kill me and my mom." He looked like he was gonna cry.

"Age?" Joey asked from behind him.

"Fifteen," he responded and my eyes widened a little. He was younger than I thought.

"Agent Scott, there are about six black vans out front," Rachel said in the earpiece.

"Okay, Ben, two more questions. Do you know who the leader is and what is in those black vans in the front?" I questioned not showing any emotion.

"I don't know who the leader is but I do know there was supposed to be 6 boxes in that van. Each box contained something different. One held at least two thousand dollars’ worth of molly, another had like 15 dime bags of weed," Ben said, and I raised an eyebrow.

Emily narrowed her eyes at him. "Ri, he's lying."

"How do you know that?" I asked her, looking away from the boy for a moment.

"He flinched a little when he told you, and he looked toward the wall. He may be telling the truth about the drugs but he knows who the leader is and he wasn't threatened. Not him or his mom,” Emily said, glaring at the boy and he flinched away from her glare.

"We'll talk about this later, Em. Now, Ben, is what she saying true?" I asked, walking forward. He just smirked and hit Joey in the stomach with his elbow, making Joey move back since it was so unexpected. The kid put a pill in his mouth, biting down on it. Foam started coming from his mouth till he dropped, his eyes rolling to the back of his head. I gasped.

"Is he dead?" Emily asked,

I checked his pulse and nodded. "No pulse. I can't believe he killed himself just to keep a secret."

"Well, this leader really doesn't want to be found," Joey said and I nodded in agreement.

"Let's get out of here. I have a feeling we have to find out who the leader is, ourselves," I said.

They nodded and started heading out. I unlocked the door and headed into the vent, leaving the body in the bathroom. I stared at the boy's body for a minute with a frown. I shut the vent and was starting to head back but I gasped quietly as someone came in the bathroom.

Jesse Farone.

He frowned, looked at the body, picked him up and walked him out, not even looking back. I definitely needed to get to know this Jesse Farone.

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