Hey guys, Anna here
This is as promised the sequel to the alphas rejected heir.
Just a few pointers before we begin, like I said this story focuses on Alessandro and Lillian
First and foremost there is a 4-year time skip
Second, for everyone who likes stuff about moon goddess and all that I will tell you from now there is none of that. Obviously yes she is their goddess but it does not play a significant role in the story someone had PM me about it so I just thought I'd put it out there in case anyone else was wondering.
So that's basically all I have to say before we begin please remember to vote comment and share. Your input is really really appreciated and so without further Ado let's begin.
(A/N) This is the day they found rosalyn and jermaine/ the day lilly escaped and the events that followed based on her POV
Lillian's POV
I've been hold up in my lab all day, i tried working but that proved futile as the screams that echoed through the entire manor prevented me from focusing on anything else. Evans and Nora are truly monsters, how can you torture your own child. Rosalyn had filled me in on why they were kidnapped and that just strengthens my long standing belief that these people are absolute monsters. But i guess that's what any human would say about supernatural creatures.
Evans had instructed well more like tortured then threatened me into making a new poison, they figured out that I was reducing the potency of the poisons I created for them to use on Rosalyn and Jermaine, they're basically using them as test subjects to see how it affect them and their wolves so they could sell it. I know they have something big planned with all the whispers i hear of the other wolves talking about taking over some pack, i have no idea what that's about but Evans and Nora seemed pretty excited about it so it must be something sinister.
Finally giving up on working since i cant concentrate i decide I'd take my evening walk a bit early today. I've been sneaking out everyday since we came to this location all those months ago, going on secret walks well more like scoping out my environment trying to find a way to escape but as you can probably guess it's been unsuccessful.
I managed to make a brief escape three weeks after i was brought here but naturally i was caught since obviously a weak human girl can't out run a wolf that's triple her size and way faster than she is. Even so i didn't give up i kept on doing my small scoutings whenever i got the chance and so far I've memorized these woods down to a T but i still cant find an escape route as I'm surrounded by monsters.
Even if i manage to escape the manor I'd run into some other wolf's territory and from what I've learnt over the past 6 years I've been Evans captive is that wolves are very territorial and if a human is to walk unto their lands lets just say it would be devastating for me. We're surrounded by about five packs, we sit in the centre of the forest expertly hidden by the trees and this area is also uncharted or what they'd call no-mans land so pack wolves don't come this far which makes it the perfect hide out if i do say so myself, the very definition of hiding in plain sight.
I quietly make my way down the long hall way opposite to where the torture room is, as I've been calling it. Silently i tiptoed down the stairs and dash across the hall, i open the door leading to the basement, once inside i flick on my tiny flashlight i always have on me and from memory i walked up to the tall shelf of perfectly aged wine and pulled the small lever beside it that acts as a coat rack then stood back as the shelf moved revealing a hidden passage way, the day i found this place i sent a silent prayer blessing the soul of who ever made this house.
Making sure not to make any noise i walk in and pull the lever on the other side of the wall, once again hiding the pathway then i walk down the slightly lit passage until i came up to the familiar old door that led to the back of the manor and into the woods. The door is blocked by bushes so unless your definitely looking you can't see it which is a plus for me since its my little secret. I quickly run to the woods first going to that small field which had wild herbs growing there i could use them to make some medication for rosalyn and jermaine later. It's quite a distance from the manor but Evans and Nora wont be done with their 'playtime' as they call it, until about another hour or two which gives me some time to do my thing and be back before anyone notices.
I'm so busy picking the right ingredients I'll need i hadn't noticed the huge black and white wolf creeping up on me. I didn't even know it was there until i heard a low growl. I wouldn't say it was threatening but it scared the living daylights out of me nonetheless. I hadn't seen this particular wolf but it could just be one of Evans new recruits and if he recognized me I'd been in for a world of hurt so before he could study me further i took off with what i had, it might not be everything i needed but it'll have to do, i cant allow myself to get caught outside without a guard that would give them reason to search the house for my escape route and i couldn't have that.
With my heart beating a mile a minute i pushed with all the strength and will power i had in my body and run. It was a good thing i knew these woods in and out because i could feel rather than hear the wolf chasing me the sound of his heavy paws in the dirt echoed in my ear giving me the fright i needed to push my body beyond its limits as i made my escape. When i was close enough to the hidden door i ran even harder, reaching it i swung it open and practically dived inside. I didn't have the opportunity to sigh a breath of relief since i wasn't back in my lab as yet so without stopping i closed the door and ran through the passage and into the basement whilst making sure to close each hidden entrance. I made my way quickly across the hall trying not ot be seen however i did notice there was a loud turmoil outside but i didn't stop to see what it was these creatures are savages at heart so they could just be fighting amongst themselves.
However while I'm making my way up the stairs i heard a loud scream that echoed through the manor that shook me to my core, it gave me chills I've never experienced before it sounded so agonizingly painful and fill with sorrow and loss. I recognized the voice as Rosalyn's immediately which brings me to wonder if they'd finally broken her to their will but i had no time to dwell on it as i still had to get back to the lab before i was caught, i could try to help rosalyn later.
As fast as my feet could take me i ran down the long hall way, running so fast i mistakenly ran pass my room, as I'm about to pass the torture room i glimpse what seems to be a decapitated head by the door, i skid to a halt and turned back to take a second glance. I stood speechless when i see Evans face, this feels like a dream, it can't be real i must be dreaming.
I then heard coughing and looked up but what i saw made my heart fall into the pit of my stomach. Rosalyn sat on the ground bloody and dirty her clothing torn but that isn't the horrific part what really had me torn is jermaine's limped body laid in rosalyn's lap with a deep fatal gash across his stomach. I could tell his vital organs were damaged and the first thought that came into my mind was to heal him however i stopped myself.
They may have been good to me so far and I've become quite attached to them but what if they turned out like everyone else when they figure out what i can do. I smack myself on the cheek to bring back my sanity, these are the only two people who have showered me with more kindness and comfort in the pass few days I've known them than anyone has in my entire life. They even promise to save me when they got the chance to escape and they have placed themselves in danger for me a few this time I'll take a leap of faith and save them.
I slowly walk into the room gathering my courage, rosalyn must have smelt or heard me because she looked up at me with murderous eyes and i could tell her wolf had taken over. I've only seen this occurrence one other time but it was traumatic enough to stay with me for all these years. With slow cautious steps i make my way towards her with a slightly submissive stance
"I can help him if you let me" i calmly say
"Please let me help or he'll die" i coaxed moving closer
With a growl as if sensing i pose no danger she allowed me to come towards them. I walk over slowly and kneel beside jermaine accessing his injuries. I quickly cleaned the area and took up a knife on the ground nearby and cut open my palm allowing the blood to flow then wipe the blood across jermaine's wound. The moment it entered his cut rosalyn and i watched as it started healing and within a minutes time the wound was completed heal like it never happened.
Nervously i look up at rosalyn and say "This is why Evans kidnapped me, because my blood can heal any wound and nullify any poison as well as other things."
It seemed she was still in a state of shock because she just nodded while still looking at jermaine
"Since Jermaine was at deaths door it will take him some time to wake up but he'll be fine" i assured her hoping she would at least say something
Since it didn't seem like we were gonna talk about what i just did, with her permission i healed her then she filled me in on what went on while i was in the woods. I looked over to a corner in the room to see a battered Nora in a chair and rejoiced internally. After making sure Rosalyn was ok i ran to my lab and packed up all of my work, everything. Then i went to Nora and Evans bed room and took all the money they had throwing it in the duffel bag i had with my belongings then made my way back downstairs and into to the basement escaping through my secret passage.
Its been four years since that day and I've been on my own ever since. I didn't know anything about my past or my parents, where i came from, nothing, so i didn't have anyone to go back to. Because of that i opted to get as far away from California as possible and away from the memories it held.
Though my past still haunted me and i often wondered whether or not the 'humans' i interact with occasionally are really regular humans or wolves. It was really hard to tell so i stayed away from people as much as possible in order to stay under the radar and out of trouble.
A few months after my escape i managed to get a job as a waiter at a small diner then eventually got myself an apartment. It was old and run down but i didn't mind at all it was a space i could call my own. Despite the nightmares from all the horrible things I've seen and experienced over the years, and my paranoia that Evans wasn't really dead and he'd find me one day, i was happy because for the first time in my life i wasn't the human punching bag or the blood bank or the overworked slave. I was just me, lily the human girl. I was living my life free from monsters and all the crazy stuff that happened in their world, though i did miss rose and Jermaine.
My mind would often wonder to them and sometimes i wondered where they were, i was even tempted at one point to track them down but i decided not to since i swore to leave all things and people supernatural in my past and in doing such for the first time in all my life i was actually glad to be alive.
But like the saying goes all good things must come to an end.
Once again my life started to go down hill. It all started almost 2 years ago when i worked a late shift. The diner had just closed i was the only person there besides my boss Brad. He said he wasn't feeling well so he had gone around the back to rest. I was just about done cleaning up when i heard groaning coming from my boss's office, at first i thought he was busy (if you get my drift) so i ignored the noise but then the sounds turned into screams of pain. I immediately knew something was wrong so i ran towards the office only to find my boss sprawled on the ground writhing in pain.
Helping him back into the chair i felt his temperature was very high, thinking he had some kind of ailment i was about to call an ambulance when i saw the man i had thought to be human begin to shift into a werewolf then back to his human skin, it was like the change was being forced. I was frozen stiff with shock as i watch the painful looking shift occur. He finally managed to fight the change staying in his human skin only to throw up at my feet.
However what he threw up wasn't normal vomit it wasn't until i took a closer look that i realised it was mistletoe.
Mistletoe was one of the few things other than silver that could cause damage to a werewolf, I should know since i experimented with it quite a lot. Although regularly it cannot kill them however the amount brad just threw up could certainly cause death if not removed from his system immediately.
I had no apparatus to do what needed to be done and i know now i couldn't bring him to the hospital. Brad despite what he is was a really nice person and he always looked out for me since i started working here so i didn't want him to die but i also didn't want to expose my secret. After a small mental debate i decided I'd help him discreetly. So, i went to the kitchen, filled a cup of water and pricked my finger dropping some of my blood in it.
Since he was disoriented i doubt he'd smell the blood so i rushed back to him and made hi drink it in one fast gulp. When he drank it all he began to calm down a bit later. Because of the pain he was exhausted so he passed out. Since i knew he was gonna be ok i grabbed my stuff and left the diner for home little did i know someone had been watching me.
The next day i noticed two customers that came in together acting suspicious. I didn't pay it much attention at first but then when i caught one of them watching my house later that night after I'd gotten off my shift i immediately knew something was up.
My suspicions were confirmed when they attempted to kidnap me the next day going to work. I somehow managed to fight them off and ever since then i was on the run. Every time I'd go to another city or another state it didn't take them more than two to three months to find me sometimes even sooner.
I have no idea who these people are but i knew they were chasing me because of what my blood can do but i refuse to become anyone's slave, not again. During that period of being chased i think I've been to all the states in the US. Eventually i decided to leave the country hoping to escape them.
I didn't have anywhere specific in mind i just dyed my hair black got some contacts and glasses to complete my make over then created a fake ID and passport. Now that i think about it i was actually kind of grateful for the various skills i learnt moving around with Evans. I went to the airport just looking for the first flight to anywhere and ended up on a flight to italy.
When i got there i was stark broke so i started looking for jobs anything i could find but no one wanted to hire a girl who's only experience was waiting tables at a diner. So, I decided to use the skills i earned working as Evans doctor and scientist for years, to get a job and since i had no proper credentials i had to forge a few documents, i ended up getting a job as a surgeon at a hospital.
Finally settled once again but more cautious this time i carried on with my life though still on the look out for my pursuers.
However no matter how much i like my life now i kept having the feeling that something big was heading in my direction.