"You were like, moaning and saying shit like," he stops and looks at me with that I'm going to throw up look. "Nothing, never mind."
I blink emphatically slowly, looking directly at him. I cannot do this. I've had enough of this mysterious, I-don't-wanna-talk-about-it guy vibe for one day, and I am over it.
Besides, he's probably just messing with me. Yes. There cannot be any other logical explanation except that he's messing with me. If I really was dreaming, then why don't I fucking remember what it was about?
Oh fuck. Could he have maybe walked in on me in the bathroom earlier? Does he know? Could that be what he is talking about? Is there a way for me to know if he knows?
I cannot just ask him...we have already established that his mental capacity to have uncomfortable conversations after a bottle of beer does not cover anything beyond shit, I'm watching this, and never mind.
I spit a goodnight and go up the stairs to my room. I decide that tomorrow is a new day, and I can worry about it then. I'm tired, and as soon as my head hits the pillow I fall into what feels like the deepest sleep I have had in about two months.
I am not sure if I am dreaming, actually drowning or if it is one of my many recent fantasies from yesterday but I am sure as hell that something is filling my mouth, going down my throat and stealing the breath from my lungs.
I grab the sheets and flail my legs as my eyes shoot open and I see thick, football thighs planted on either side of my head. Jake. He seems to be... laughing, something we do not hear very often from him. I slap my palms against his thighs until they're red and warm, but he does not move.
What the hell is he doing?
He gets down from my bed when he is done, and I finally realize what the fullness in my mouth had been. No fucking way he had done that.
"Now, now we're even," he laughs again, and tucks his dick back into his pants and walks out. I sit there motionless for about a minute, still trying to process whatever the hell has just happened. Had he just emptied his bladder...as in PISSED in my freaking mouth?
Ugh, and I had swallowed?!! The thought makes the bile rise in my throat and I retch. This is low, even for him, and it definitely will not go unpunished. I started it, and I'm definitely going to be the one to end it.
My phone vibrates and clatters off of the nightstand as I drag my sheets over my tongue to try and wipe Jake out of my mouth. I pick it up, raising an eyebrow at the seven missed calls and four new messages. There's only two people on this planet who would ever blow up my phone like this and my stomach drops when I unlock it and see who it is.
V:hey I'm already here.
V: it's been half an hour, where are you?
V: F**K U Danny you stood me up!
Shit! Shit! Shit! I had completely forgotten about our plans to meet up today!
How on earth was it already eleven? I quickly throw the covers aside and change into some ripped jeans and a t-shirt. I brush my teeth, roll on some deodorant and comb my hair before literally flying out the front door.
Oh, and just for clarity, the other person is my mother.
I dial Valerie's number as I run down the street to her house, earning a couple of concerned looks from the people going about their business, and it keeps going straight to voicemail. Four blocks later and drenched in sweat I stop at her front door and press the doorbell.
"I'll get it mom," I hear her say from behind the door like she has been standing there, waiting, possibly because she has, and then it flies open.
I am panting so hard and my ears are so hot and my throat is so dry it feels like I'm going to die. When she sees me, she laughs sarcastically.
"Look who finally showed up three hours later," she seethes, shakes her head and goes to slam the door.
"Val wait, I can explain I swear," I scream, and hold the door just before it slams in my face. She reappears, arms folded across her chest and narrows her eyes at me, and I take it as my cue to start talking.
"V, I don't know what the fuck happened but my alarm didn't go off, I don't even know if my mom was home because she sure as hell didn't wake me up and then I woke up to my brother's dick in my mouth and..."
"WHAAAAAAAT?" she shrieks, her face shifting from fiery rage to priceless shock in no time.
She yanks me inside and drags me all the way to her bedroom. When she is sure she has double locked the door, she sits down on the bed beside me.
"This does not mean even for a second that I have forgiven you," she says matter of factly and then slaps my thigh impatiently. "Now, give me the tea."
"It was nothing exciting, at least not in the way you're thinking. I mean at first I thought I was dreaming and then I woke up and he's naked above my face, and then of course my mind went every which way but then I realized he was just taking a piss...in my mouth," I say, shiver and gag.
"That's so gross, God! Does he know though? That you're, you know...because that would just make things so much more weird," she says, resting her chin in her hand.
"No, he doesn't. I've still not told my family. On to more important things...will you please just forgive me?" I beg, and bat my lashes at her.
"I could never stay mad at you, Danny. But that was super not cool. You could have called at least," she says and holds her hand up in front of me as I open my mouth to speak.
"No. Before you even suggest it, I will be the one who decides how you make it up to me. And it's not going to be something cheap you would suggest, like ice cream all summer."
I nod, and accept her offer no questions asked, and we hug, even if she just called me cheap. For the record, I am not cheap.
"Danny, I love you and all but you stink right now," she jokes and I sniff my armpits.
Well fuck, that is ripe.
"Yeah, well, saving our friendship was way more important than taking a bath this morning. It would not be the girl and the goat best friend without the girl now, would it?" I reply and she shakes her head, giggling as we flop backwards on her bed.
"Wow, you are so gay," she says, and I cannot agree more.