Last year was rough. Getting heartbroken from a guy you thought that loved you. With his brother's help maybe Onyx will ...
Chapter 1 Welcome to the mind of Me, Onyx
Onyx's POV
I yawn and roll over to find the twins staring down at me.
"Creepy." I said and Gail rolled her eyes. Then Taylor stuck out his tongue and kicked me out of bed. "$hit." I said falling.
"Awwww I'm telling daddy!" Gail said, running out the room.
Taylor laughed and followed.
"Wait-" I said getting up but tripping over the cover.
"Onyx!"daddy yelled.
I pouted and got up. "Coming!" I said. "Yes?" I said coming into him and dad's room and saw the twins smirking.
Darn brats.
"Gail said you cursed."daddy said and dad was groaning and pulled the cover over him.
"Yeah, I did. Sorry." I said looking down.
"Well just don't say it around the twins at least. And if you have to say something, say sugar honey ice tea."daddy said and I smiled and the twins looked mad.
"Thanks daddy." I said and kissed his cheek.
"Oh and Onyx get ready for school."daddy said and I nodded and left to get ready
To School
"Sugar honey ice tea! We're gonna be late!" I said running.
"And who's fault do you think that is?" Taylor asked.
"Shut up." I said and Taylor smirked.
"Well be going left to junior high." Gail said waving goodbye and went with Taylor.
As soon as I walked into the school the bell rang. "Sugar Fucking Ice Tea!" I yelled slamming my locker.
"Hi Onyx."a voice said and I shivered.
I turned around and my ex was staring down at me with lust. Ew. Last year we dated. And man do I regret it.
"Can you leave me alone." I said walking away but he followed.
"My class is this way."he said.
"Sure it is, and I have a million dollars in my pocket." I scoffed.
"You're not rich."he said.
"Exactly." I said looking at my schedule then going straight to my homeroom which was Ms. Homer.
"You're late,"she said and the whole class looked at me.
First day of highschool and I'm late. Great way to start right?
"Yeah, sorry." I said and went to take a seat in the second row by the window.
Lol I'm weird sorry. Dad said I got it from Daddy. I rummaged through my binder and found some pop tarts. Yay breakfast time!
"You're gonna share right?"a voice said.
I turned to look to my right. "Does it look like I'm gonna share?" I said taking a huge bite.
"Pig."the boy said.
"Fuck you too." I said turning away to enjoy my food.
"Sharing is caring."he said.
"Me sharing with people isn't in my vocabulary." I said taking another bite.
"Selfish."he said.
"I'm not a fish." I said and rolled his eyes and turned away from me.
See people who act stupid aren't always stupid. Example I just used it to get the guy to leave me alone.
"Sweet sweet victory. And pop tart." I said smiling and eating the last piece.
After Ms. Homer's class, I went to Ms. Casthello's class. She was the art teacher and also going to be the new baseball coach.
"Any questions before we begin relaxing?"she asked.
No one rose their hands so she gave us all one small fake diamond. She told us to close our eyes and be calm. Not to move and just breathe. We're going to do this for today and the next two days. Then we would start creating stuff.
"Now open your eyes."she said and we all did. "Good, you guys seem relaxed. Now let's see if you guys can stay that way when someone walks around and makes funny faces."she said and took a boy's diamond away.
"Alexander walk around and make funny faces or stare at them."she said to him. Well that's a bit creepy. I glanced at him for a moment but she was in the way.
"Find a spot to look at and don't look away from it."she said and the boy started walking around.
I got nervous and my hands started sweating. I heard his footsteps getting closer. If I looked away, moved, or anything like that, Ms. Casthello would take away the diamond and everyone would have to start over because of me. But his light hazel eyes met mine. I found myself staring back. I gulped and looked away quickly before the teacher saw. And next time I looked that way he was gone to the next person already.