I didn't know it then but Bodin had been right to be scared.
My father was dying.
That evening I was in my room sitting on the edge of my bed sobbing when the door cracked. I looked up with tears streaming my face. "He's dying."
"I know." Bodin stood at the doorway. Half-in, half-out. Looking like the lost boy I used to think he was, again.
My friend, Sarah came in behind him, rushing to me to give me a supportive hug.
"They won't let me see him." I gave Bodin a confused look. Pain written over my face.
"That's because I ordered them not to."
My head shot up and I gave Bodin a betrayed look. "Why would you do that!"
"Because..." Sarah was the one that answered, rubbing my shoulder. "He's bleeding from his eyes and nose and they can't get it stopped. He doesn't know who he is or who any of us are."
"You've seen him?" I gave her a betrayed look.
"Bodin had me have a look at him because he thought you'd listen to me a mite more than you will him."
"He's not well, Belle." Bodin said softly from the doorway. "And it'd break your heart to see him right now. He's not coherent. He wouldn't even know you were there, truthfully. You seeing him would be for your benefit not his, and I assure you it'd be less to your benefit than you think."
"You don't know what I think!"
"Well, Bodin..." Sarah murmured. "I think I have been all the help I can be. I think perhaps the rest of this discussion is atween you two."
She leaned over to hug me and gave my cheek a quick kiss. "Try to be understanding. Don't take it all out on him."
"What's that supposed to mean?" I hugged her back as I grunted it harshly.
"He's always your whipping boy." She whispered in my ear. "Give him a break."
She broke the hug and walked from the room. Closing the door lightly behind her.
He'd stepped aside the door to let her out.
He doesn't want to come over here. He's afraid of what I'll do. And I did want to yell at him. I knew it'd make me feel better.
And he always forgives me.
He sighed and strolled in to stand before me. Still looking immaculate from the ball. A rich burgundy vest beneath a green velvet overcoat with gold trim.
"It's disgusting that you never have a hair out of place." I complained. "Not even now."
"I'm meticulous in all things." He slumped down on the bed next to me.
"I'm going to see him." I gave Bodin a dark look.
"No, Sweetheart. You're not."
I'd never heard that authoritative note in his voice when he talked to me. And I didn't care for it now. "You don't tell me what to do."
"I am. Right now. The answer is no, you can't see your father."
"I wasn't asking."
"Doesn't change my answer." He met my hard look unflinchingly.
"You used to look away when I glared at you." I commented. Not liking that he didn't now, either. I focused my attention on my hands twisting my skirt in my lap.
"I don't look away from anything anymore, Belle. Not for a long time."
"Since your dad died?" I asked softly.
"Perhaps." He said thoughtfully. Staring ahead now. "There's something you should know."
"What?" I blinked at him. The tone of his voice was ominous. My stomach sunk.
"Your father is likely going to pass tonight."
I sobbed in objection. Dropping my face to my hands and shaking my head in adamant denial.
"And you should know that a few years ago, I persuaded him that if he passed away you would become my ward."
"What?" My head shot up and I screeched in shock. "You did not!"
"I did." He shrugged. Sensing that I was overly angry, awash with grief, and willing to be the target. "I told you I'd have you one way or the other."
I launched to my feet. "Being your ward doesn't mean I belong to you!"
"Actually it does. That's exactly what it means. I'm responsible for you and you're my possession until you're wed, by law."
"Then I'll wed quickly." I sneered. My hands working in white knuckled fists.
"Yes, you will. To me."
"The hell I will!" I reared back. My blue eyes nearly falling from my skull as I pulsed with fury.
"Well, no one else will have you."
"I have other suitors!" I objected.
"Yes, you do. And I'll tell them all no."
"Screw you Bodin."
"You'll do that too, Belle. Flat on your back in my bed soon as it's all well and done."